by Open-Publishing - Saturday 23 July 2005

Religions-Beliefs Attack-Terrorism USA


The Colorado congressman, "Rep. Tom Tancredo ", told a radio show host, Pat Campbell, that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons. "You’re talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said. "Yeah," Tancredo responded.

Mr. Tancredo statement is most radical, irresponsible and it shows how some extremist USA politicians think about the Islamic world. If one deplores killing of innocent civilians in his country, then he should prevent his country military machine from doing the same in all circumstances. The dispute between Ben Laden and USA should not be interpreted as a war between Islam and Christianity. Those extremists are not threatening to hit the Vatican so that Mr. Tancredo may threaten by hitting Mecca. Now what will happen if a third party attacks USA with some nuclear weapons and the pentagon, upon Mr. Tancredo advice, hits Mecca ?. Then we will end up with two global crimes that were motivated by Mr. Tancredo irresponsible remarks!. Therefore, Mr. Tancredo should apologize for his rude and provocative statement.
Mohamed Younis
Mosul / IRAQ

Forum posts

  • Why do you let this comment stand... its inflamatory... and it comes from our enemy. The congressman speaks for civilized society.

  • This congressman’s pathetically animalistic and xenophobic remarks are exactly the kind of utterances that make the world think half of Americans are inbred.

    I have come to expect this kind of polemic from religious zealots and fundamentalist extremists. Sadly, it is becoming harder to distinguish between the fanatic right Christian fundamentalists and their Wahabbist counterparts. They are two sides of the same demagogic coin.

    I only wish that those of us in the US who remain civilized adult members of the world community could secede and form a forward-looking secular society like Canada and Europe. Personally, I am sick of these rednecks and their regressive simian attitudes. If they want humanity to march back in to the Dark Ages, why don’t they go live in another country...like Texas.

    • Fanaticism abounds in religious circles. People are willing to kill other people for their beliefs, or are willing to blow themselves up for contrary beliefs. No one listens to the other side. We know that the Bush attitude on Muslims is that they are stupid infidels, with a false god, false prophet, false sacred book, and too much oil. He thinks that the way to deal with them is either to send a hundred thousand missionaries, disguised as contractors to proselytize them, or even better to simply eradicate them, destroy them, kill them. He calls people in Iraq fighting to free their country from the Bush destruction "insurgents, thugs, illogical" and similar opinions regarding their legitimate complaints. As far as he is concerned they have no legitimate complaints. After all he is master of the world, an imperial majesty, before whom all MUslims should bow, because he has been chosen by his OLd Testament God to eradicate evil from the entire world. Any attempt to get him to change his course toward world domination is seen as needing cruise missiles, tanks, bunker busters, grenades, and total destruction of houses and lives until they realize he is invested with royal majesty, godly sanctimony, and unbeatable beliefs about gays.
      When will those stupid Muslims realize that Bush is the personal representative of Jesus, and speaks in his name, as well as that of God himself. He needs no apology, ever, because he is RIGHT, and RIGHT MAKES MIGHT. This is the reason he swaggers, struts and smirks.
      Make way, Julius Caesar, a new emperor has arisen! He will brook no dissent, and if necessary will use nuclear bombs to convince those stubborn Muslims of his righteousness. Tancredo is simply repeating the Bush line. Kill first, then talk peace.

    • Who needs God when we have George W. Bush?

  • "a congressman" CAN NOT and DID NOT make any such threat. he SPECULATED that it is something that the USA could resort to if things get far enough out of hand. quit leaving these lumps of crap laying around.

    • When did Colorado become a haven for the Deliverence mentality? I thought only in places like Alabama and Mississippi did the rednecks who want to nuke old europe or the sand niggers/rag heads elect scumbags like Tom Tancredo. What a stupid man to think that the U.S. is the only country that can play the nuke card. It will only take one idiot like this to destroy the whole planet. Someone needs to put a bullit in his head before he multiplies.

  • I hope US and its gang takes out Mecaa. Total value of stone in Mecca is say 20 billion dollars. Next comes taking out all the churches in Europe and North South Americas. Total loss would be 100 quadrillian (10 ^ 14) dollars. Just Sistine Chapel is valued more than any building in Washington, including the Pentgon. Let this idot congressman implement the war strategy. Please god, let him..grant him wish to take out Mecca stone. Would you use DI-JDAM or nuclear? Then Jesus will save the west, as phrophesized in joesph smith’s dream. HE will convert everyone to ismal.

    • All of this imaginary conversation with an imaginary being is too funny. I would suggest that you take some Prozac but it would only make your ravings worse, but you do need help.