by Open-Publishing - Friday 22 September 2006

Governments South/Latin America

A Courageous Man Speaks Out - Hugo Chavez Was In Rare Form at the UN - by Stephen Lendman

Hugo Chavez chooses his authors, political and social thinkers well, and there’s no one better than Noam Chomsky. In his dramatic and courageous speech yesterday to the 61st UN General Assembly, Chavez held up a copy of Chomsky’s 2003 book Hegemony or Survival (which I’ve read and quoted from before). In the book, Chomsky cites the work of Ernst Mayr whom he describes as "one of the great figures of contemporary biology." Mayr noted that beetles and bacteria have been far more successful surviving than the human species is likely to be. He also observed that "the average life expectancy of a species is about 100,000 years" which is about how long ours has been around, and he went on to wonder if we might use our "alloted time" to destroy ourselves and much more with us. Chomsky then noted we certainly have the means to do it, and should it happen, which he says is very possible, we likely will become the only species ever to have made itself extinct.

Hugo Chavez also could have explained what Chomsky had to say about this possibility in his most recent book, Failed States, in which he addresses the three issues he feels are most important - "the threat of nuclear war, environmental disaster, and the fact that the government of the world’s only superpower is acting in ways that increase the likelihood of (causing) these catastrophes." Chomsky goes even further raising a fourth issue that the "American system" is in danger of losing its "historic values (of) equality, liberty and meaningful democracy (because of the course it’s on)."

Reflecting the thinking and spirit of Noam Chomsky, Hugo Chavez delivered an impassioned speech yesterday to the assembled delegates who came to hear him. It’s one likely to be favorably remembered many years from now. At its end, the delegates showed their appreciation and support by giving him a standing ovation (the longest one of all the leaders addressing the Assembly) in contrast to the cool and polite reception given George Bush the previous day who chose not to attend to hear the Venezuelan leader. Too bad he didn’t as he might have learned from it if he stayed alert and paid attention. Citing the language in Chomsky’s book in his hand, Chavez said: "The hegemonistic pretentions of the American empire are placing at risk the very existence of the human species (and) We appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our head." He went on to explain that earlier the President of the US attended an Organization of American States meeting and proposed a NAFTA-type trade agreement in both regions that is the "fundamental cause of the great evils and the great tragedies currently suffered by our people. Neoliberal capitalism, the Washington Consensus....has generated....a high degree of misery, inequality and infinite tragedy for all the peoples on (this) continent."

Hugo Chavez called George Bush "the devil" several times and said he came here yesterday and "from this rostrum (talked) as if he owned the world." He denounced the President’s talk, said he’s responsible for all conflict in the Middle East, and that those opposed to these policies are resisting his imperial model of domination. Chavez predicted the US empire will fall, said "What we need now more than ever....is a new international order," and that he wants to see a reinvented UN be part of what can help achieve it. He said the UN under its current rules "does not work" and must be changed to bring more democracy to the organization. He called for the "foundation of a new United Nations" and proposed four fundamental changes including the "need to....suppress....the veto in the decisions taken by the Security Council (because) that elitist trace is incompatible with democracy, incompatible with the principles of equality and democracy." He also called for expanding the Security Council to include developing nations as permanent members and wants to strengthen the role of the Secretary General. He stressed that today the UN body is "worthless" and needs to be "refounded."

Hugo Chavez is dedicated to the principles and spirit of the Bolivarian Revolution he gave the people of Venezuela and wants to spread it to the developing world as a counter-force to the US model of global dominance of the developed North over the less-developed South with the US as hegemon-in-chief. He called on leaders from the developing world to unite and resist to build a new world model based on social equity and justice. Judging by the reception Chavez got yesterday, it looks like he made some progress toward that goal, especially in Latin America that’s become an incubator of resistance against the unipolar world the US is beginning to lose its grip on and in support of the multi-polar one Hugo Chavez wants to help create.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Forum posts

  • Hugo Chavez said what the majority of non-religious bloggers have already stated. If we leave out the religious crap about The Devil, the rest is fairly common knowledge. We all know what the Bush clique has done and is capable of doing. We know their penchant for secrecy, deceit, preemption, slander, repression, preemption and active aggression. We know their arrogance, their ego, their chicken cowardice, and their desire to send your sons to die for their profit and glory. Certainly the Chief Terrorist Bush should be mocked, made fun of, and ridiculed for his mania with terror,and his obsession with lies.

    • How much courage does it take to bash America — a country that celebrates free speech? The courageous people are the ones bashing Chavez in public in Venezuela after he’s passed a law making it illegal to insult him.

      If Chavez goofy antics cause him to lose his bid for the UN Security Council seat, America will have the last laugh.

      Watch for Castro to make a permanent exit soon — that will be the touchstone for the beginning of the end of Chavez and his "revolution".

    • What planet are you from? The US is far from being a country that celebrates freedom of speech. Where have you been in the last five years? Look at how the Dixie Chicks were treated after their lead singer voiced her opinions. With death threats and disc burnings, that’s how. I know personally three people who were basically fired for having anti-Bush bumper stickers on their cars. They are now in court fighting unlawful termination. So much for their ’freedom of speech’.
      The only freedom of expression that is tolerated in this country comes from yahoos like yourself, people who are so intellectually challenged that they believe that war is peace and freedom a form of weakness.
      Look at what happened to former Ambassador Wilson’s career after he tried to courageously voice his opinon about the lack of links between Iraq, Nigeria and Al-Queada. See what happened to his wife Valerie. See what happened to all of her operatives under her command whose lives were butchered because certain people in the White House wanted to give Wilson ’pay back’, for voicing his opinion. Where did ’freedom of speech’ help Mr. Wilson?
      God, where have you been hiding, sir? You need to pull your head out of the sand, there are numerous other examples that give us ample evidence that our Federal Government is not the benevolent machine you seem to think it is.

      How about the several billion phone records of honest Americans that were tapped by the NSA, not a single one with a court approved warrant. If you think that’s not an attack on our freedom, think again, moron. Why would any powerful politician want access to so many phone records, you idiot? To keep himself in power. Mr. Bush can now terrorize all those who oppose him with this kind of intelligence. All the secrets of the most powerful Americans can now be accessed by the White House. So if people like the Forbes, or the Gates do not fall in line, all the White House has to do is threaten them with disclosure or even blackmail them or coerce them into submission, their private lives totally exposed to the public. Do you call that ’freedom’?

      Look at our ’free press’ which for most of the last five years have been nothing but an over paid mouth piece for the neocons and their godawful lie of a war. Look at how any one who has tried to voice an opposing view point on American mainstrea television is treated: with vilification, character assassination, vile innuendo and ridicule, their basic arguments against this President’s policies are thus marginalized to nothing. You call that ’freedom of the press’. Get a brain, you godforsaken moron.