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AC ! au FSE : it’s up to you!

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 16 October 2004

Social Forum

Since 1993, AC! (Act together against unemployment and precarity) has
been developing solidarity, social self-defence practices, self-training,
and collective action for an alternative national and international
wealth redistribution. The AC! network links the workers and the
unemployed, or those in further education, those with unfixed contracts
or the precarious, pensioners, trade unionists and solidarity
organisations fighting against the precarisation of society. The AC!
collectives have been organising self-help and information sharing
groups, have been defending the poor against administrative and
legislative injustice; they impulse information and action campaigns.
They cooperate with other movements such as the sans papiers movement,
redundant workers collectives, and social benefits claimants.

We fight

* Against the precarisation of employment, the implementation of
precarious work contracts such as RMA, the new laws planned by the
Minister of Employment, Borloo.

* Against the reforms of the unemployment benefits scheme, forcing
people into jobs, cutting their benefits

* Against the criminalisation of poverty, and criminal justice

On the European and national levels, for new social rights:
* For the right to a guaranteed income (especially for young people,
deprived in France from any benefits under the age of 25). We express
its level as the French minimum wage (SMIC). And at the European level
we have calculated this as 50% of GDP per head within the Euromarches

* For he right to free access to transport, communication, and the
commons -water, gas, electricity, health, culture...

* For a massive cut in working hours

AC! - Agir ensemble contre le Chômage !
23, rue Mathis, 75019 Paris - http://www.ac.eu.org
Fax : 01 40 05 05 10 - e-mail : ac@ras.eu.org