Home > America on the very edge: are we done?

America on the very edge: are we done?

by Open-Publishing - Friday 29 September 2006

Prison Governments Secret Services USA

Should they "stick a fork in us"?

America is called a "melting pot", but it is not. It’s not melting or merging economically or culturally or politically any more than are the various diverse populations who live together in the British Isles or on the "continent".
So it’s really no mystery that a good portion of our citizens aren’t politically aware or educted enough to understand what’s happening right here and now in our homeland.

In may opinion America is on the edge of total and lasting disaster; one far more devastating than Katrina or even than the horror of 9/11. There are two basic reasons for my conclusion.

1. In the upcoming November mid term elections many conclude that perhaps for the first time in history our votes will be seriously at risk due to electronic machine tallies with no paper trail. Of course I don’t need to go into this whole mess HERE because by now YOU are totally familiar with the threat.
The Republicans and their super wealthy corporate "masters" in the back rooms have too much at stake here to let the opposing party win control of either house. That much is obvious.

Couple that with:

2. The passing by the House AND Senate of legislation which frees CIA agents from any prosecution for torturing suspects in secret remote prisons and frees George Bush and all his administration...retroactively..from prosecution as the war criminals we all know they are. And the long revered and respected Writ of Habeus Corpus is now a thing of the past! (the law which has always guaranteed suspects a right to hear charges and be tried in court).

So, IF, in November the second shoe falls, our goose is literally cooked...and all that America was or was supposed to be or was imagined to be....is GONE.

Forum posts

  • We’re done. The Bill of Rights was pretty much gutted today, the Fourth Amendment was suspended. but other than that it was a great day. I don’t know about ya’ll but I’m going to get an absentee ballot to vote. Paper trail.

    • Excellent idea - absentee votes can’t be fixed. All Americans who have the right to vote should do that, why bother to stay in long lines. That is something the vote riggers board can’t stop.

    • I agree with you about the absentee ballots..They are the best we’ve got for a paper trail right now. But, with the ways the Republicans have manipulated our elections, purging polls, throwing ballots into a canal where they were found months after the election, not counting the ballots - period...How can we trust any election to be fair and honest after what we have learned since the 2000 Election and their diabolical schemes to make sure the most dishonest person to ever occupy the White House gets two terms to manipulate, lie, scheme, and have 8 years to lead our once respected country into an abyss from which we’ll have a difficult time to turn ourselves around.
      Is it really POSSIBLE anyway? Even if we could find a wo/man of President Bill Clinton’s caliber to take the reins? I’m not very hopeful at this point in time that a person of Clinton’s caliber even exists... Now, I’m sounding as hopeless as my friend, villy!!

    • "find a person of Bill Clinton’s caliber"??????? I would think that would be quite easy simply go to Arkansas and track down any of the Dixie mafia players he was involved with from Mena. But that really is more of a problem as i see it rather than a solution. How Exactly did your life get any BETTER under Clinton??? While he was reportedly involved in running large quantities of drugs into Arkansas he was helping to add to the already largest prison population in the world right in in the good ol land of *freedom* over 2.3 MILLION with No signs of slowing. Why don’t we rather set our sites a little higher and try and find another Thomas Jefferson rather than a William Jefferson???

    • "Why don’t we rather set our sites a little higher and try and find another Thomas Jefferson rather than a William Jefferson???" - 208 110

      Yes, Thomas Jefferson was an exemplary individual, someone to emulate and admire. Just have a good read at the link below wherein old Tom expounds on the innate inferiority of Negroes. I suppose when you enslave a race of people, it is a good thing to characterize them as "untermensch." Such a mindset makes it so much easier on the conscience to consider them as lesser human beings. Bill Clinton may be a dirtbag, but, in the grand scheme of things, he’s no worse than the likes of a Jefferson. And, don’t give me any crap that Jefferson was just a product of his time. There were many, many of his contemporaries who considered slavery an abomination and took no part in the evil institution. Jefferson was just another rich bastard who made his fortune on the backs of unpaid labor. What a guy! Yeeech.


    • Ok 24-145 I went to the site and read what was offered as Jefferson’s words. They seemed to me to harbor no Ill malice toward blacks, I found them simply spoken as to TJ’s HONEST opinions based on his observations AT THE TIME. Could you point out EXACTLY the words you find incorrect. I would simply add, ask yourself why the NWO Elitists constantly try and portray citizens that love Jeffersonian though as outlined in the Bill of Rights "dangerous" with even the FBI told to harrass such citizens, but they seem to embrace Puppets like I feel Clinton was (as well as Bush). And remember TJ gave us the Declaration. WJ gave us Waco. There IS a decided difference in ideaology.

    • You just don’t get it, do you? Jefferson and his kind rationalized the enslavement of an entire people. Who cares if he was "benevolent" and not hateful towards his little black untermenschen. His high flown words of freedom and liberty were directed at and meant solely for white men, and those with property at that. As I have already pointed out, there were other men and women of his age who thought otherwise. And, I don’t give a tinker’s dam about the NWO Elites. To me, they’re just so many rich bastards - like Jefferson was.

    • Well, of course though you provided NO words by Jefferson to back up your opinion, you are of course entitled to feel however you wish. Jefferson does express his desire for black emancipation and my understanding is he treated those born into slavery as hired servants and completely freed them upon his death. Everyone has flaws, evryone has to manuever as best as they can to achieve what they can in the times they are born into, and overall I would still put Thomas Jefferson up as a great leader. We can fault the Constitution and Bill of Rights for it’s alleged "imperfections" or we can realize it is simply the Best we have at the moment and try and preserve what’s still left of it before the NWO crowd attempts to Kill it forever.With your comment about not caring about "NWO elites" I think I see where you stand. This Patriot however will stand WITH the Bill of Rights, not with those who want to make Everything and everyone subserviant to their Beast System. Long Live The Repulic and God Bless its TRUE DEFENDERS!!!

  • I agree that these are the two most pressing issues, and need massive attention.
    — Michael Morrissey

  • It has become clear that we are totaly controlled, from JFK to Vietnam all the Smaller Garbage in the middle, To now GWB a TREASON and PARANOID PRESIDENT. A TIME TO STAND UP IS NOW< WE CAN NOT WAIT, We are a better country than what this group is making us into. STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS.

  • Here in Oregon USA all of our voting is done by mail. A ballot is sent to every registered voter, a pencil is used to fill in a circle next to the name of the candidate of your choice and you mail it back to or take it to the counting office. No hanging chads, a paper trail with your signature at the bottom. This system is fast and cost effective and could easily be implemented everywhere.

    • I question the responses that suggest absentee ballots are the way to go.
      Being handicapped, I have used them for all elections but I have no confidence that they are ever counted.
      They are better than other methods but
      but there will never be an honest election again

      J. Hester

  • No mention of the onslaught of illegal immigration to the threat of our cuture and existance as a sovriegn nation? Only that the Bush and the Republicans are bad and destroying the fabric of America. Thats it? Europe is experiencing the same pressure for political correctness as we are here. And suffering the consequences. Not being allowed to speak their mind about some very real and damaging problems facing America, and Britan without being labled a bigot. Yes we are facing some crossroads, but lets be openminded about ALL threats.

    • Come on did you know that 7 millions Americans live abroad and work outside the states. What if all countries decide to sent them back to you.
      Illegial immigration or legal immigration is just a scapegoat for not being able to solve the problems of the real world. Hatred doesn’t do that.

      By the way more and more educated people no longer coming to the states, because they fear the are not welcome and therefore your educational level has gone down extremely.

      Dream Ami or learn something as we do!

  • besides, quit crying. They are going to allow you to use Whatever voting method you feel comfortable with. I frankly feel better about the electronic machines. They are simple and more idiot proof. No more hanging chads or poked holes.

    • "electronic voting idiot proof"??????????? How is having a system that can easily be hacked and used for voter fraud that has NO way for the citizens to see how the vote was actually carried out, a good thing unless one is trying to destroy a Republic and replace it with Totalitarian Criminals with no real respect for Freedom. It’s simple if people CAN cheat they often will and when the stakes are billions of dollars it’s a certainty. WE need a paper trail now more than ever, perhaps even voting observers from another country if we can still find one that parctices HONEST and FREE elections!!!

    • It is even worse. If a machine crashes all voting data are lost! In other civilized countries they would have to repeat the voting, in America they don’t. How can a "legal" system put up with such a fact? I just don’t get it. What is wrong to have a protocol printer attached or included in each machine? Especial the Window Operation System they are using in this machines is known for crasher due to corrupted memory.

      In former times America used to be a leader in technology, that has changed since 1970.