Home > Appeal for Redress March of Support

Appeal for Redress March of Support

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 3 April 2007

Movement Wars and conflicts USA

*Please FW to soldiers you may know on your lists*

This is something all communities can do to support the troops on Memorial Day weekend.

Memorial Day Weekend-March for Soldiers

Mark your calender for May 27, 2007 - Meet at the Ohio Statehouse Veterans memorial in downtown Columbus at 12:30 pm

Support our active duty military in their "Appeal for Redress" march of support- for brothers and sisters in arms, on Memorial Day Weekend, Sunday May 27, 2007 march step-off at 1 PM.

More information about the petition: http://www.appealforredress.org/

The wording of the Appeal for Redress is short and simple. It is patriotic and respectful in tone.

As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq . Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home.

Please come dressed in uniform (retired) or plain non uniform cameo jacket, pants etc. (active, reserve) All participants should wear a hat. We are looking for a snare drum to lead the march. A flute or fife player would be just great too. March cadence from the Statehouse to the Federal Building where the petition will be read, along with a prayer of peace for our troops and the Iraqi people.

We would like to limit participation to former or current soldiers and we need at least 24 to make a formation during the speech.

Peace groups and others are invited limiting their own participation to signs of support for the action and lot’s of cheering for our brave troops

Sponsoring and coordinating organizations: Military Families Speak Out http://www.mfso.org, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Artists for Political Reform, the Interfaith Alliance and many local churches and Peace groups
Questions: theprissypatriot@gmail.com