Home > At Least They’re Honest

At Least They’re Honest

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 20 August 2005

Wars and conflicts Religions-Beliefs USA

Force Ministries mixes killing & Christianity

by Greg Lloyd Smith

SAN DIEGO, CA — (OfficialWire) — 08/20/05 — Throughout history, religion has been the single greatest source of human-caused wars, suffering, and misery. Without exception, in the name of God, more suffering has been inflicted than by any other manmade cause.

So it should not surprise you to learn of Force Ministries, a San Diego-based organization that purports to be aligned to the Christian-faith, albeit one that promotes the use of military force to achieve its stated goals.

Seeking to ’Impart Faith in Christ’, ’Instil patterns and principals of victorious Christian duty’and ’Ignite individual calling and destiny’, Force Ministries credit the following statement for their inspiration:

"From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it." (Matthew 11.12)

Force Ministries is apparently the brainchild of ’Pastor’ Greg Wark, who in 1997 experienced an epiphany when he realized he might be able to swap ’beer and a buddy’ with the Lord for a gullible group of soldiers.

Associated with the Trinity Broadcasting Network, Force Ministries claims to be ’equipping military personnel for Christ-centered duty.’ But even Wark’s ornate doctrinal nonsense found within the pages of his ’Flash’ website cannot remove the obvious war-minded, murder-centered justification for death and destruction in the name of religion.

No, nothing new here. But at least they’re honest.
