by Open-Publishing - Sunday 2 April 2006

Wars and conflicts Elections-Elected USA

On Tuesday many voters in the Badger State of Wisconsin will have the opportunity to tell the warmongers to "take their bloodbath and shove it".... No US sponsored death squads.... Not in our name..... While a single referendum in one state may not not end the war , a strong anti-war vote may send the message to the AIPC/PNAC mind sluts on Capitol Hill that the gig is up on Operation Bloodbath - in at least so far as the American people are concerned..... It is no doubt true a war referendum of grandees at JINSA and the American Enterprise Institute carry far more weight than 110 million votes cast by the American people... Having admitted the obvious the soldiers locked up in this Hell on Earth need all the help they can get...... In August Democratic voters in Connecticut can send a powerful message to the country by ending the disgraceful political career of Sen. Joe ( "Joe-mentum" ) Lieberman.... Bush & his Bitch have stood side by side fighting for their true love (Israel) - regardless of the disastrous consequences this fit of collective madness has brought to US Soldiers , their families - not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have died on account of the Bush-Lieberman War of Lies..... Lieberman is quite the ass. .... He’s spent years kissing up to anti-Castro extremists , known terrorists, billeted in Little Havana..... He also helped create the neoconservative fifth column that is destroying the national Democratic Party , the Democratic Leadership Council.... DLC loons still look to warmonger Tony Blair as their beaux ideal of a statesmen..... "Joe-mentum" also hangs around the crackpot cadre of crazies rallying around the son of the Shah of Iran. Joe-mentum wants to restore the Peackock Throne to Persia ! .....The Shah was tight with the Mossad ..... If the Mossad wants to bring back "Shah. Jr" , "Joe-mentum" damn well wants the same thing..... He’s quite the ASS -kisser.....

Forum posts

  • What is JINSA as I have heard of that before but don’t know what it is and don’t you mean AIPAC instead of AIPC?

  • I too pray Joe Libermann gets defeated in election! The worthless Democratic Party needs to kick his ass out and make him become the Republican he is! And also kick out ALL the damn worthless, corporate whore DLC members too including Hillary, which makes me SICK seeing all these stupid progressives fall all over themselves for her, WHEN SHE IS PART OF THE PROBLEMS AND VOTES ALL THE TIME WITH BUSH AND COHORTS AS DOES REID AND OTHERS! REID bitches about Bush being worst President, yet gutless, corporate whore Reid votes ALL the time with Bush on stuff as doesn’t majority of f*cking worthless D’s in Senate! We need to CLEAN HOUSE AND SENATE NEXT ELECTION AND GET REAL PROGRESSIVE D’S IN THERE! The ONLY good R is Ron Paul!

  • You are correct in pointing out AIPC is in fact AIPAC.... My typing stinks... JINSA stands for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs..... JINSA sponsors junkets for retired and current flag officers of the US military as well top members of US Law enforcement and intelligence .... They often meet in Israel ... JINSA acts as a liason between the government of Israel and these important players.... My understanding is they perform the same function in other nations..... If you are interested in JINSA , look up the background of their founder and current leader , Mr. Stephen Bryen......