by Open-Publishing - Monday 20 March 2006

Governments USA Peter Fredson


By Peter Fredson

March 20, 2006

I saw a news item an hour ago which gave me great amusement. The headline read:

US wants new Belarus poll

The story said: “The United States does not accept results of the Belarus election and believes the campaign that re-elected President Alexander Lukashenko was conducted in a ‘”climate of fear’", the White House said today.’”

What a coincidence. I was thinking exactly the same thing about the last election that re-elected President George W. Bush. It too was conducted in a “climate of fear” by which he and Colin and Condi and Dick and Donald scared the entire nation into believing terrorists would strike us any moment in a great mushroom cloud. His lies about weapons of mass destruction led us into this present failed attempt to make Iraq into a neocon colonial nation.

Today the White House spokesman, Scott McClellan said: "We support the call for a new election," and that too was exactly what most of my friends have been thinking for the past 5 years.

Then Mr. McClellan warned Belarus politicians against "threatening or detaining those exercising their political rights in their coming days and beyond", in reference to protests reported in Belarus. This kind of claim has been coming from the Bush White House perpetually, anytime they did not care for results of actions from other countries.

This kind of insincere arrogance is now so typical of Bush and his thugs that few Americans now give it any credence, attributing it to the egomaniacal and imperial desire of a would-be emperor to think the world is his oyster and must be served to him on a gold platter. Perhaps this is Cheney satire breaking through his usual snarl.

For instance, recently in Palestine the reportedly honest elections did not come out the way Bush wanted, so he is withholding acceptance or aid and is threatening reprisals for any violence against Israel. We here in the U.S. too have been protesting mightily against those “threatening or detaining those exercising their political rights.”

"The United States does not accept the results of the election. The election campaign was conducted in a climate of fear. It included arrests and beatings and fraud," Mr. McClellan said. Our last election too included arrests and beatings and wholesale fraud with voting machines that kept no records.

We may expect many more threats, aggressive expressions of dissatisfaction with other nations from the Bush bullies. They are desperate to succeed at something, anything, and with total control of our troops and arsenal, they might well succeed at playing war. Their corporate sponsors will be delighted to put the industrial machinery of war into high gear.

For the neocons and corporate executives it means mansions, Lear Jets, beach houses on the Riviera, Mediterranean isles, servants galore, barbecues for despot or billionaire friends, and the world at their beck and call. For others it means death, destruction, orphans, that come with the Shock and Awe of blowing up billions of dollars of munitions on other people.

But the Bush supporters don’t like to think of it that way. They don’t like to feel sad. After all, their God promised them dominion over the entire world, and, when they get around to it, expansion to other planets which they will gleefully destroy if there is any profit in doing so.

Meanwhile the people of Belarus had better watch the skies for the shiny Peacemakers that could come any moment if Bush gets annoyed enough. So had the people of Venezuela and Brazil and Peru and Syria and North Korea and maybe, maybe, even China sometime later.

We all know that the entire Bush cabinet has recently been voicing their dissatisfaction with the way that Iran is not obeying the dictates of King George. We might hear the rumble of tanks, except that most of them are busy destroying the infrastructure and domestic economy of Iraq. We might hear the marching of foot soldiers, but they are busily killing Muslims in Iraq.

So perhaps this is where the mighty air-force, that cost us billions of dollars, will drops its bunker buster bombs, its peacemaker missiles, and even some of the new tactical nuclear bombs Bush has been preparing secretly for this moment.

After all if a guy is our Commander-in-Chief he should be actively using his powers to kill, maim and destroy or he might be thought to be a wimp. Certainly the Republican Senators won’t try to stop him. Good work, George.

You deserve some kind of throne. We had one on our farm when I was young that I might send you.

Forum posts

  • You say, the Republican Senators do not want to stop Bush, but you leave out the Democrats; they do not want to stop Bush either. Recall what Nancy Pelosi said less than a week ago, that the democrats not having one (focused) anti-Bush stance was a good thing (sic).

    When is it that you and others realize that the Whites in America are of one mind? (Yes, yes, I know, some readers of this reply who are anti-war and have light skin will counter my reply and point out that they are "white"... When, in fact, "White" and "White-thinking" and the celebration of being a "White" is quite different.)

    Sigh. Perhaps, it is too comprehensive and complex for you to understand. As I am centain that a European would have an easier time understanding what I am saying.

    • Funnily enough, *this* European is pissed off at your attitude. I am white, multicultural (British and Swiss, actually) and have lived in various countries where the population was not all "white". And still you came across as a racist. When will you see that it is *not* the "whites" that are the problem, but the *rich*! They have any skin colour you can find under the sun: white, yellow, brown, black. Yet you keep stigmatising the whites. This is racism, pure and simple.

    • Just to say Hurrah to you. You say it right for sure Lois

    • To: 212/101

      You disappoint me.

      It is the American White who are the problem and by extention, who are supporting the president and his policies; causing war and death.

      Surely, you speak without thinking or reasoning... Or experiencing life in America.

      There are many, many, average earning Whites who are quite happy with Bush. They are ever present of thought and mind to detest Arabs/Muslims (and the French when they believe it to be appropriate.)

      And I can assure you that the many Whites who are below-average earners from the small town that I live in and who steadfastedly attend church are very, very happy with Bush. Believing in everything the man says to this day. All, and I mean all, have at least one of those "Support our Troops" stickers on their cars. (BTW, there is not a single non-White in the town nor in the outlying farms.)

      So, while you misequate your viewpoint with some beief reducing the "problem" to the "rich"; you ignore large part of the dataset.

      Oh, and yes, I have one of those "Support our troops" stickers on my car also. Not that I support those killers, but I must live, feed and shelter myself and get along with my Church going friends.

    • In other words, you have decided to capitulate to the "white," supposedly "Christian" majority in your town. Furthermore, you are being hypocritical, saying one thing in public, and something else in these posts. Either you support the troops but not the war, or you support the troops and the war, or you don’t do either. Any which way, you stand by your opinion. And so, you stand exposed as a hypocrite!

      You said nothing about your own circumstances, which leads me to ask where on the scale you are to be found. Is there some sort of envy of the "whites" in your town, by any chance? If you are above average, then you are accepting the advantages of living in the community, which secretly shitting on them. This is even more hypocritical!

  • I streamed sites from Ukraine and DW and others, and watched Lukashenko playing a hockey match. This guy is tough and one good athlete. I also watched people on the street who relaxed and smiling said that they had voted for him because his reforms were some of kthe best that they had seen. They were older people, so care must be taken when comparisons are made with the young who are rebeling in the streets. Yes, he is a dictator,. Welcome to his world America, you have one as well. He isn’t one half the athlete, though, but he is a better liar.