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Bush/Condi Dictatorship

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 9 October 2005

Democracy Governments USA

Condoleezza Rice’s Blueprint for a Repressive State
Preamble to Bush’s Speech at the National Endowment for Democracy On 10/6/05:
by teresa simon-noble


“In a world where evil is still very real,democratic principles must also be backed with power in al its forms:Political and economic, cultural and moral, and yes, sometimes military.”
Condoleezza Rice, PrincetonUniversity

What an amazing quote!

I read it and I said, “that is exactly what Fidel Castro did in Cuba after his rise to power in 1959.” He backed his principles with “power in all its forms.” Ideologically, through propaganda in the arts, in the print and broadcast media; militarily through the militias whose job it was to arrest or do away with anyone who opposed Fidel Castro and his ideology and through the neighborhood committees whose job it was to report their neighbors, or family members who expressed any opposition to the Castro regime. Morally, through the suppression of free religious expression and, politically through the suppression of opposing political parties and/or views.

So, I ask. Is Condoleezza Rice hoping that the American people, who have never lived under a repressive regime, are ignorant enough, so as not to know that she has described the perfect blueprint under which repressive states operate? Is she hoping that the American people will not realize that the blue print for establishing democratic principles in an evil world, as described by her, can never be a blue print for achieving any true democracy, here or anywhere else in the world?

Surely, Mz. Condoleezza Rice knows that, “Democratic principles backed with power in all its forms,” is a negation of true democratic principles.

Surely she knows that her statement is a blueprint used for all sorts of repressive measures by dictators and dictatorships, jackbooted and fascist states, anywhere in the world throughout any period in history.

And, I ask seriously, does she take the American people for complete morons unable to see through her words of repression or aggression, or is she beginning to lift, slowly and cautiously, the veil of truth behind the Bush administration, so as not to shock and awe the American people into a sudden realization that they are being chained by the Bush administration and into the ensuing revolution which would result from that realization? Rather, is she raising the level of repression slowly on them, so that, once submerged in the Bush Administration repressive waters they won’t be able to do much of anything once the realization finally dawns on them that the Bush administration has chained American democracy and the American people along with it?

Dear American Democracy, you are adrift in America today. The Bush administration has turned you loose from your moorings.

You are today but a ghost of your former self. The pirates who boarded you on Election Day 2000 and who today man the oval office have no interest in cultivating you, or in nurturing the free flow of ideas which grow in any fruitful and fructified democracy.

Surely, Condoleezza Rice knows that any political system which needs to promote a culture backed by power can never be considered a democracy. Perhaps the idiot son doesn’t know that. But surely, the gifted pianist knows that.

Surely she knows that a democracy gives rise to the free voice of the people, and to the free expression of ideas, in any and all of its form, of its entire people. Surely she knows that.

Why would thinkers, playwright, novelists, composers, pianists, etc., flee from countries where culture is backed by the repressive power, military, moral, economic, or cultural of a crazed, nazified, or communist leader, if it is not for the purpose of finding safe haven, true democracy, and a place where they can express their ideas, thoughts, and art, or where they can practice their religion?

Surely Condoleezza Rice more than knows that cultures which have only one point of view rammed down a people’s throat through military power, or through instituted guardians of morality, or creativity, or of political thought ... surely she knows that those cultures cannot be called democracies!

Surely she knows that any culture backed by power which seeks to snuff the free expression of the people as expressed in its art, its religion, its philosophy, its ideology, cannot be called anything other than a dictatorship. And surely she knows that the Bush Administration is a dictatorship, as well she knows too, that she has trouble spitting out the word dictator, or dictatorship, as it refers to her and the Bush administration.

Morality backed by power, which suppresses a person’s right to choose what he or she believes is right or wrong, is not a democracy, whether that morality is suppressed through the dictums of a propaganda machine, or of fear mongering, or of a jackbooted state with all of its military and paramilitary forces with guns pointed at its people.

The same is true of any politics backed by the power of guns and rifles, or of fear mongering, or by the enactment of martial laws, or of laws which allow the expression of only one voice, one party. In fact, any culture backed by power which seeks to snuff the free expression of ideas of the people, as expressed in the people’s art, religion, or philosophical ideology so as to secure a party’s domination and suppress political opposition is, and cannot be called anything other than, a repressive, jackbooted state.

The same is true of any economic system which is backed by the power of guns and rifles, fear mongering, the enactment of martial laws, etc.

A true democracy seeks to allow the free expression of its people. It seeks to enact legislation that reflects the will and the voice of the majority of its people rather than the will and voice of the ruling family, or of the big money donors to the ruling party. The Bush Administration and Condoleezza Rice know that without power to back them up ... their voices would have been lost in the American wilderness a long time ago!

I hardly believe that Josiah Bartlett, John Penn, John Witherspoon, Oliver Wolcott, and other signatories to the Declaration of Independence would or could with Condoleezza Rice’s definition of democratic principles. I rather believe that they would choke up at her ignorant words.

They would also choke up at her and sonny boy’s refusal to acknowledge that a democracy can never be imposed on any country from an outside source. They would choke up at their failure to acknowledge that a democracy is the choice of a people.

“Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

When an administration does not heed the will of the people, or when it rules by fear and intimidation, as Bush tries to do in his Speech of 10/6//05 at the National Endowment for Democracy, in which he states that,

“Islamic radicals are seeking to establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia ...” adding that,

“Like the ideology of communism, [and fascism] our new enemy teaches that innocent individuals can be sacrificed to

“serve a political vision ... Against such an enemy there’s only one effective response: We never back down, never

“give in and never accept anything less than complete victory.”

such an administration clearly shows the fangs of a fascist, repressive state.

Simply put, Ms. Condoleezza Rice’s definition of “democratic principles” in a world where evil is still very real, is nothing more than a preamble to Bush’s speech at the National Endowment for Democracy in which, through fear, intimidation, and propagandists lies, Bush is making the case for the need for his iron hand to rule the world.

An iron hand which is the true subtext of Condoleezza Rice’s speech at Princeton University on 9/30/05 and a preamble to Bush’s own speech at the National Endowment for Democracy on 10/6/05.

An iron hand which is far removed from true democratic principles

Teresa Simon-Noble is a computer activist for peace. She is a former mental health clinician. A poet and a freelance writer. Her work has been published in several online publications.

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  • There is a similarity how oppressive governments work.

  • Of course she knows! She’s one of the principle architects of the fascist-type takeover of America. Anything else would be flying in the face of reality. It won’t be long before there is a revolution in America; the only question is: will it be violent or not? They extent to which they have already repressed and supressed the democratic ideal points in the direction of violence, unfortunately. All I can say is: the rest of the World, get ready to duck, because Bush, Rice and the rest will fight like the cornered rats they are, and will lash out at any and all who are against them!

    • Sure, thats why they got REX 84 FEMA camp internment or should I say exstemination camps paid for by your tax dollars. They are fully aware of a public backlash and are prepared for it. The government prepares for everything even the no response to Katrina. And they are prepared to kill americans who don’t get with the program shall we say.