Home > Bush spies on citizens, now will you impeach him????

Bush spies on citizens, now will you impeach him????

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 18 December 2005

Democracy Governments USA

What more does anyone need? You do not negotiate with the devil. If the U.S. won’t act, maybe the world court will indict this rogue administration for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and violation of human rights and the Geneva Convention. How low can this country go? Feingold, time for full-court press.

Forum posts

  • i think it is time to "STAND" in the streets, on the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE ...
    "when a long train of abuses and usurpations ...."

    HOWEVER ...
    i do not think we have a single
    elected official in the entire country, with the "COURAGE" to call us to come to the
    Capitol and STAND until Congress moves to IMPEACH and REMOVE ... not just the
    usurper that "thinks he is president", but all who came in with him.

    so we wait until it is so bad that the world at large moves upon us, or our "not so
    peaceful" citizens, take the route none of us, who "hold the PEACEFULL WAY OF LIFE,"
    will take ...

    noguns sheehan, santa curz, ca.

    • I agree, but remember the world at large is hoping you will stand up, they really do not want to oppose the americam people.

  • That’s the plan. Make things so screwed up that Americans will demand NATO troops to come in. Yes, that’s what the elites want. Go from the frying pan into the fire. NEW WORLD ORDER under NATO hehhehehhehehhehehehhehhehhehheheheee good luck

  • What the hell is happening??? Okay, when are the impeachment hearings??? Clinton lies about a "bj" and gets impeached. GW kills scores of people and engages in illegal activities and gets away with it...?

  • From Presidential Debate No. 2:

    FOWLER: President Bush, 45 days after 9/11, Congress passed the Patriot Act, which takes away checks on law enforcement and weakens American citizens’ rights and freedoms, especially Fourth Amendment rights.

    With expansions to the Patriot Act and Patriot Act II, my question to you is, why are my rights being watered down and my citizens’ around me? And what are the specific justifications for these reforms?

    BUSH: I appreciate that.

    I really don’t think your rights are being watered down. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t support it if I thought that.

    Every action being taken against terrorists REQUIRES COURT ORDER, REQUIRES SCRUTINY.

    Did Bush lie to the American people during the 2004 election debates? Perhaps every time he blinked during the debates, he was telling a lie.

  • Bush spied on Americans in order to protect us from terrorists. Yeh, right.

    If he was so concerned about protecting the American people, then why did his administration ignore warnings before 9/11 that Al Qaeda was planning to attack with airplanes? Why did they allow the disappearance of 380 tons of high explosives in Iraq, despite warnings from the Atomic Energy Agency? Why are 95 percent of containers coming into our ports not inspected? Why is cargo not X- rayed? Why are borders, chemical plants and nuclear facilities not properly patrolled? Why were there over 100,000 hours of potential terrorist tapes not listened to [were they too busy spying on Americans instead?]

    If Bush was truly trying to protect Americans, when we had Osama bin Laden cornered in the mountains of Tora Bora, with the American military forces nearby and in the field, why didn’t we use the best trained troops to go after him (the proclaimed # 1 enemy, wanted dead or alive)? Why did we outsource the job to Afghan warlords who only a week earlier had been on the other side fighting against us?

    If he was so concerned about protecting the American people, then why did he ignore the thousands of Americans left behind in New Orleans during Katrina? Why did Bush reverse policy about continuing to dialog with the North Koreans, allowing them to produce several nuclear weapons? And the list is endless.

    I am not convinced this administration’s mistakes are due to mere incompetence. It is apparent they are intentionally trying to undermine the Constitution, destroy our economy, make Americans despised throughout the world, over-stretch and over-fatigue the military to leave us weak and defenseless, give more money and power to the already rich and powerful, and do anything but protect the American people from terrorists or harm.

    • Please add to Bush’s list of not giving a hoot about "protecting the American people", his very delayed response to prepare this country for a potential avian flu epidemic.

      "The immediate problem flowing from a lack of response to urgent pleas to get ready for an avian flu pandemic is that a widely recognized, useful drug is going to be difficult to stockpile quickly. Between last spring, when much of the industrialized world appears to have mobilized with greater urgency that the United States did, and last week when the Bush administration began going more public with its concerns, a great deal of very valuable time was lost.

      When concerns about a possible pandemic emerged earlier this year, several governments responded vigorously. In Scandinavia and in Britain, France, Canada, Japan, and Switzerland, orders were placed with Roche designed to provide enough medicine to treat 20-40 percent of their populations.

      According to US officials, there is enough Tamiflu around in this country to help at most 2 percent of the population. Enough to treat a quarter of the total is prudent, but because of the long delay in responding, that is going to take a long time, possibly until the end of next year, leaving the nation vulnerable. Playing catch-up will be expensive — multiple billions that, as we have discovered post-Iraq and post-Katrina, the country doesn’t have except via more debt."


    • If you do your homework, you’ll find that most people that get ill, are more acidic and need to be more alkaline.
      Every person I’ve spoken to that have received a flu shot has been extremely ill.

      Check it out, Avian flu will not be a pandemic if folks take their health into their own hands.
      Chemical medications should not be trusted!

    • You are ABSOLUTELY right that medications/flu shots should not be trusted!! This country and the FDA) are run by the drug companies! It is in their interest to maintain a SICK population, as this is where there profits come from.
      Just stop and think...why should you trust anyone related to this Administration (FDA appointees and drug companies were all contributors to W.), when all we hear are lies on a daily basis.
      A sick population, a "drugged and propagandised populus, and destruction of properties" are all good business for Merck, Pfizer,Haliburton. Thats what it is all about with them $$$$$$.
      Look at all the destruction post Sept. 11, Post Iraq, Post Katrina, Tsunami’s, etc...We have NO proof that any of these were not caused by this Administration! The profits are certainly being reaped by Cheney’s buddies.
      They are all about destraction from real issues & instilling fear about not so real issues!
      Read Orwell’s 1984.....BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING!!

    • Bush and Cheney should be on trial... now. Oops, saying that could probably get ME jailed here in the U.S. capital city.

  • Well, if the government doesnt respect our property, then we have the right to overthrow it.

     Leah Sparks