by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 14 March 2006
1 comment

Attack-Terrorism Governments Secret Services USA

Cheney’s riposte to Feingold’s censure movement was more of the same.... Support us and our rule by imperial decree or You’re with "Al Qaeda" . What a tiresome refrain..... Still justifying massive crimes against the Constitution - by hiding under the horror of 9/11...... Yesterday Cheney claimed the illegal domestic spying programme was "lawful". Cheney’s copy of the Constitution apparently omits the Fourth Ammendment of that document . Little wonder his ward Master Bush recently called the Constitution a "god-damned piece of paper"...... In CheneyWorld , the Bill of Rights has been replaced by pieces of paper called "executive orders". When Cheney wishes to violate yet another law , he gets Master Bush to sign an order authorising patently illegal behaviour. If they wish to violate international law , they issue yet more pieces of paper , unilaterally declaring themselves and their agents exempt from minor "technicalities" such as the Geneva Conventions. All of this is justified by the Commander in Chief’s "inherent powers" - no where enumerated within the Constitution...... ... Since the War on "TUR" is a war that has no defintive point of cessation , the presidency has been effectively replaced by a permanent military strongman answerable to no one..... All illegalities can be rendered " legal " by presidential fiat. In the world of the Sane , all presidential power arises from the Constitution. Unitary dicktator Bush did after all , on two separate occasions, swear before God to "preserve ,protect, and defend the Constitution ".... All executive orders that authorise extra- constitutional misconduct are "inherently" invalid..... The Congress in general , and the "opposition party" in particular , have the grave responsibilty not to court public favour but to defend the Constitution .... In allowing these long train of usurpations to go unchecked , they have shown themselves to be a similiar menace to the Republic . Quislings of the highest order......

Forum posts

  • i still say there is a way to take these lemons that have seized our government wreaked havoc all over the world and make sweet lemonade and repartation for all the worlds citizens.round up the us leaders first the media mogul heads, the think tanks the cfr the trilateral commission the fed reserve board members and chairmen, the business executives who are profiteering, the aides the appointtees the supreme court justices the federal judges the congess all of the bush administration , every lobbyist, and have an international panel come in and start evaluating their actions. secrecy will not work, the worlds citizens are all capable of getting along with each other if these criminals werent constantly terrorizing the world. while this is happening , we can use their own inhumane laws against them, call them enemy combatants, and televize a humiliation series all across the world , sell subscriptions to watrch and sell lottery tickets that will allow 200 daily winners to pick which one of the combatants and how they will humiliate them on tv that day.is this right? no. is this fair and just ? yes. could this finacial boondoggle be used to initiate a clean slate for all of the world? yes money from this could benefit all, making settlements for all out standing debts by all, providing housing and jobs for all, yes all of this could be achieved, and although this is no guarantee of a utopia on earth, its a darn good starting point to try and achieve it. if this were done it would be a long time before leaders in government tried shenanigans like these for power and greed for themselves, and would be a model for other countries to follow. will we do this? no could i be arrested under us laws for proposing an idea that could benefit every man , woman and child in the world? yes i could be. am i skeered? no. should you be? without the love of your saviour? yes