Home > Caravan to Crawford to Rally Support for Cindy Sheehan, The Gold Star (...)

Caravan to Crawford to Rally Support for Cindy Sheehan, The Gold Star Families, Military Families and Veterans

by Open-Publishing - Friday 26 August 2005

Demos-Actions Movement Wars and conflicts USA

Join us afterward for Hoe-Down BBQ from 2:00 - 5:00

We’re Inviting George and Laura to join us for some good food and conversation.
We have a few questions to ask him!

The vigil of Cindy Sheehan and the other families and veterans in Crawford has struck a chord with the American people. Like these Gold Star moms, we ask the President to take a few moments of his five week vacation to tell them why brave Americans like Casey Sheehan have been sent to their deaths in Iraq.

Cindy has also hit a nerve. The President and his right-wing supporters know that Cindy Sheehan and her simple quest for answers threaten their hold on power. That’s why the White House has coordinated a smear campaign against a grieving mother, rather than hear her concerns. The conservative pundits have been turned loose on talk radio and cable-news to slander Cindy and the other grieving moms.

Now they are organizing a giant rally in Crawford to further demean Cindy and mock her sacrifice. We are putting together our own rally to support Cindy and the Gold Star moms.

Show the Bush administration that all Americans demand to know the truth. Come to Crawford this Saturday at noon for a rally to support America’s Gold Star families at the new Camp Casey.

With only days before the encampment is over, it is more important than ever to show that Americans support these mothers and demand answers from our President.

These families have paid the ultimate price for the administration’s lies leading up to the war in Iraq and we all deserve answers. Please join us in honoring their sacrifice and demanding answers from a President who sent our troops off to war under false pretexts.


 Organize a bus or carpools from your community. It’d be great to have a bus from all around Texas.
 If you do drive, please park at the Crawford Peace House and take one of our shuttle buses.
 Bring an Apple Pie to share!

Crawford Information Page


From I-35, take exit 330 to 6 North. Go about 7 miles, cross Lake Waco and once it becomes a one-lane road, there will be a stop light. Take that left onto Rt. 185 and go 9 miles into Crawford. The Peace House will be on your right just before the railroad tracks!


Forum posts

  • Where were those rallying Republicans before? What are they rallying for...that they are against a grieving mother wanting tospeakto the President. They should get a life!

    • Move America Forward the sponsors are a Republican political group who want to keep Bush in office; as his presidency knitted out of lies unravels, they are frantic to keep it stitched together. Their goal is to get the ministry of propaganda (MSM) to give them false importance and to get stupid people who do not pay attention to think this group is a legitimate grass roots group and not just another pep rally of paid Bush devotees for Bushco bought and paid for by big bucks Republicans. Like most things the Republicans do, it is just another underhanded dirty tricks campaign brought to us by fraudulant neo-con representatives.