Home > Cindy Sheehan returns to war protest, plans bus tour

Cindy Sheehan returns to war protest, plans bus tour

by Open-Publishing - Friday 26 August 2005
1 comment

Demos-Actions Movement Wars and conflicts USA

CRAWFORD, Texas - Cindy Sheehan plans on taking her anti-war vigil on the road.

Once President Bush leaves his Texas ranch late this month, Sheehan says she’ll begin a bus tour from her camp nearby. She says it’ll last more than three weeks, wrapping up September 24th in Washington — followed by a 24-hour vigil.

Sheehan’s son died in Iraq. She began camping out near the ranch earlier this month, vowing to stay until Bush met with her. She recently left for a few days to tend to her ill mom.

Sheehan told supporters today she’s not the only one involved in the anti-war movement, saying thousands of military families want the same answers she does.

Other military families have started a pro-Bush tour, called "You don’t speak for me, Cindy!" They plan a rally in Crawford Saturday. (AP)


Forum posts

  • The warmonger families are being organized by "Move America Forward" a Republipuke organization using tax money to promote Bush and his war.

    I laugh at their name which is a "knock-off" of Move on. org. a anti-war non profit that has the Republipukes falling all over themselves trying to stamp out fires everywhere their anti-war efforts are growing and gaining power. The Pukes never have any original material because they all think off of the same script. They have to steal everyone elses ideas because they are so brain washed if it wasn’t for the Bush talking points, they would have nothing to say.

    If Clinton had used taxpayers money to pay Armstrong Williams, and the others paid by Bush to support his programs, they would have shouted him out of office. But because the "War" preznit is above the law, then no problem, let’s have a propaganda ministry like the old Soviet Union, we can all be real proud of that in our fascist country.