Home > Color Codes, Duct Tape, Propaganda, Corporationism, and Smirks DON’T HELP

Color Codes, Duct Tape, Propaganda, Corporationism, and Smirks DON’T HELP

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 26 April 2007

Movement Governments USA

The basis for the global mind control program of the modern elite is in the charade mind control program of so called "terrorism". Although be sure that desperate economic situations create a breeding ground for contempt, violence, and the on going cycle of violence - the source of the so called poor mans war of "terrorism" is rooted in the structure and operational technique of maximizing profits while using the media a system of mind control to generate social consent of the opressed and barely surviving to avoid direct revolution in the client and "homeland" states which support and control the social framework of labor, resource, and human exploitation.

By demoralizing, hiding, and manipulating the plight of the worlds poor, opressed, and the issues of resource, labor, and ecological abuse the system operaters are giving themselves an excuse to issue forth a world of limited freedoms for the working class and the poor while giving the so called elite a free ride on the backs of everyone else using the techniques of mass mind control through public information politics, global economic domination through corporationism "facism", and the creation of ambigous legal doctrines which leave legal precedent and legal decisions up to those that are in power through a fraud mechanism using the sham of a global justice system which is nothing more than a rag doll puppet to the growing military based corporation model being established in western Europe, Russia, North America, Britain, Australia, and other places.

This amazing sweep of legal reforms from a single event - the so-called 9-11 attack was the juxiposed event needed by the elites to enable the creation of a corporate controlled framework of global "private armies" hired and controlled by the corporations managers and not by the people of the countries that claim to protect. This private contracted army system that is being deployed globally is replacing the government controlled armies and its ultimate goal is global control for a small very rich class and to subvert any social change and progressive dynamic that would enable peace, social dialog, or resource production distribution to the needy, or social change in the energy dependency dynamics of the oil controllers client economies which they manipulate largely through price controls based on credit cost, oil pricing, and economic job availability.

But as any economist or street hustler knows there is a cost associated with every way of doing business. Both on a social level and on a reputation level. It seems that while this elaborate band-aided, duct taped, and color coded plan for world control was being hatched that the designers forgot about being human, being stable and cost effective, and being realistic. In their "greed blinded" state of mind in hatching such social debauchery of perplexing elements, and demoralizing effects one could characterise as "the insane effects of greed on the human fabric" these end game strategists for the corporate religion of profit first forgot about the humanity of life.

Their fetished fixation upon the abstract equations of control, numbers, and profit schemes left out the ugly truths about viable social models, sustainable global interactions and resource usage patterns and acted as if the "hired private gun armies under their control" would grow food, find water supplies, make clothing, build housing, and develop sustainable equitable models of social production and interaction. It is a medical fact that war harden people have all types of social, psychological, and integration problems including and especially trust issues because after being debased, lied to, demoralized and indoctrinated with "all the glory bullshit" of killing and fratricide of other human brothers they are a group of basket cases that if they ever realize the value of friendship, truth, trust, and community building then they probably experienced a "real miracle" of realization as to what "serving in the army of death dealers" really "means" in the reality of the truth of its "real job".

After reflecting on this one has to come to grips that the solutions to life issues that are so complicated by all the mind controllers jargon comes down to simple but trust based social systems that will and do value the humanity of people and the trusting realitionship between them more than that of "ULTIMATE POWER" through "MILITARY MIGHT" which has shown itself to be a sure fire way to self destruction and social regression both on a social level and on a human development "anti-western" delivers no useful throughts other than a arrogant for of ignorant bias as is evidenced in the policies of those that say such things as if they actually know anything useful at all. The ability to lie subtly and to distort effectively as a means to a social compliance end SHOULD NOT be viewed as a well honed skill that is praised by those that practice such things for their own self decieved benifits. It should be viewed as a MENTAL illness and a sickness that when performed by those that carry the trust of others as a justifiable reason for knowing without a doubt that the current disfunctional operating model is well broken and well on its way to total human self destruction. Those that practice such should be ignored and told that their smug remarks and game face is only the basis for others death, social destruction, and the basis for the sickness that has infected the human family. Let us hope they soon realize the true effects of such idiotic and destructive slyness.

So one can see from this that in the current capital based system a money profit is really a way to lower our respect and consideration for our less knowing brothers/sisters in a more desperate state of life. And to desire it "profit" more and more is to desire to raise one up at the cost of lowering the lifes, abilities, and self determination of others born in a less fortunate place then us.

For one can only steal this much from a weaker person or one that you have weaken through your words. So then to seperate our things through the world view of small group stock based corporation-personal ownership especially on a mass resource scale like for oil, water, or other needed resources is really a message saying "Our Corporation" will fight and if need be kill you so I can take what you have and sell it to others "weaker than me and dependent on my system" that need it and I will then hide behind a public facade called a public image politicized by well planned lies and deceptions I shall call public addresses all the while slowly killing anyone that would stand in the way of me or my partners. This is the essence then of the modern capital system that views ownership by "any means, usually hidden violent ones" as the ultimate expression of human respect. Does that sould like a system that will end in a good way or that can grow to a higher more evolved level?

Security then is a social interaction based on a peaceful and safe state of mind that enables creative and viable humans to engage in problem solving and interactions that can build up the trust among people. That will not happen by following or consenting to the current forms of mass diatribe. It is based on something much simpler - A world view based in the reality that security comes from concern, care, trust, common working goals and the efforcement not of police state functions but of the right of all to those real human needs.

The needs of food, water, clothing, shelter, a social function, and above all the dignity and abilities of people to freely share lives, knowledge, and to build trust and a global human community with all the potentials that exist in the human spieces are what should be valued.

May the desire to grow together as one overtake the entire world.

The Sevens