Home > Conspiracy theories: Republican delusions

Conspiracy theories: Republican delusions

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 16 November 2004

Attack-Terrorism Governments USA

Conspiracy theories seem to be the talk of the town lately. One theory that is overlooked however, is the republican conspiracy theory...talk about wearing tin foil hats. Let’s review...

Confirmed drug addict by his own admission, Rush Limbaugh, with his policy of scaring his listeners with conspiracy theories about the liberal left media. What’s next for Rush? Alien autopsies...republicans can do better then that. We believe in you. Try again.

Ok, how about Coulter and her new book? Next, she’ll be talking about how the repitillians will pull off their masks and reveal that the aliens that live among us...are actually liberals. Hey Anne, I’ll take yours if you’ll buy my brooklyn bridge. Is Rush her pusher? I’ll take two of what she’s having.

Let’s cut right to the top, forget Tom Delay, David Drier, Cheney and Rumsfeld’s delusions about the boogey man. Let’s look at Bush...he is the one that said, "let us not tolerate conspiracy theories"...shouldn’t republicans trust the annointed one when he says that? The "liberal" conspiracy thing is so 60’s. People living in this century, call that..."played out".

Bush has these voices in his head, they talk to him, he says it’s "god"...which one is that? Is it a man? woman? does he have a beard? because I’d like to know. That’s not a conspiracy theory, just faith as we’re told. Let me get this straight, a guy hears voices in his head(so he says), "it" tells him stuff, and I’m supposed to take him seriously? Sure, if he’s on the 700club. Except they should call that the conspiracy channel. You know...the liberal conspiracy started in their heads first and they took it to republicans, WHO BELIEVE IT. Silly republicans and their delusions. Their selling tin foil hats at wal-mart, they’re cheap, you’ll need one every time you tune in to the republican conspiracy show.

This "voice", then told Bush, that there is a conspiracy of terrorists out to get us. More of the boogeyman script. Too bad Bush didn’t dream up this conspiracy before 9/11, I guess that "voice" was on vacation at that time...or was that Bush? I guess he took the word of God over foreign and domestic warnings of 9/11. Like George Michael said, "you gotta have faith". Regardless of 3,000 people dead, republicans actually believe that Saddam had WMD’s, ties to al-qaeda, and mass graves(oh, you haven’t heard, that’s been debunked too, there were bodies found, but less then what Americans have killed). The new conspiracy theory floating with republicans..."the slaughter houses"...when it’s rape at abu-ghraib, it’s abuse...when it comes to convincing themselves of conspiracy theories, anything will do. A slaughter house is not an illegal prison, or a house with some terrorists or insurgents killing what they believe to be traitors...nope, it’s a slaughter house. Let me guess, we went to Iraq to clear out the terrorist slaughter houses and the republicans have proof...of course they do.

There are other conspiracy theories in the republican party, like the one about the "moral majority"...it sounds like Pat Robertson, Falwell, or Benny Hinn. Tune in and believe or you will not be saved. That sounds like more republican rubber room material, to this skeptic.

The problem with all these conspiracy theories the republican party regurgitates like ad-nauseum, is that they’ve all been debunked, maybe someone should send them the memo. Speaking of memos, thats like the other conspiracy theory that Abu-ghraib was a few "bad apples". Another debunker, Rumsfeld sent the memo that ordered "abuse"(you gotta love republican language), which allowed the conditions that led to torture, and finally to the rape of children, which is on video, just ask Rumsfeld (he’s got it locked up in his secret stash)...so much for that theory.

9/11 conspiracy theories? I’m not sure, because those haven’t been debunked yet. I’m still wondering how atta’s passport was found at ground zero. What a co-inky-dinky. Not only was atta an expert pilot, he was a flying trapeze artist too. How about the one that WTC7 "melted", now that’s a conspiracy theory...but wait, that would fall under republican conspiracy theories...because, unfortunately for them...even FEMA isn’t sure how that building "melted". Who made those trades on specific airlines and made millions, or is that a republican "coincidence" theory? Anthrax attacks? bush takes cipro a month before...wow, talk about the mother of all coincidence theories...who did that again?...oh that’s right, we found out it comes from a government lab and the person associated, has been exonerated. You’ll need a tin-foil suit to swallow that one whole, or maybe just stop by the pharmacy at Limbaugh’s house.

Did I hear the republican peanut gallery say, "911 commission report". Talk about delusional. I guess they missed Senator Dayton calling the NORAD timeline a lie, like they missed the "terrorists", shacked up at a motel right down the street from the NSA in Washington. (isn’t that condi’s territory, good thing she is now secretary of state). We should start hearing the conspiracy theories about mushroom cloud dreams again soon. Republicans aren’t very creative people, so when it comes to conspiracy theories, they are debunked with easily obtained facts.

Which brings us back to 9/11 conspiracy theories. I don’t believe anything without facts...unfortunately for republicans, the 9/11 conspiracy theory...is shaping out to be conspiracy fact.

Hey what was that?!

Look out your window, it’s a mushroom cloud, it’s osama, it’s 911 redux. Courtesy of the republican conspiracy theorists. Darn that Osama, always helping bush, in the strangest ways. Now do you believe the republican delusion? Yes, I believe, take my rights away, send me to war, let’s take all the terrorist oil, kill those baby terrorists where they stand!

USA #1? Maybe in using WMD’s, or killing innocent people, but sadly, that’s another republican conspiracy theory....US cities don’t even register in the top 10 for quality of life, #18 for free press...those are called facts, they exist outside of the delusional republican conspiracy theories. You may need a tin-foil hat laced with DU to believe this one. You can pick one of those up in Iraq, courtesy of the US of A.

Forum posts

  • Both Osama and Bush seem to have the same goal of bankrupting the US...I wonder if that’s a conspiracy?

  • After many false promises about “compassionate conservatism,” as soon as they were elected, Republicans gave huge tax cuts to the wealthy and removed regulations for corporate supporters. Corporate big shots grabbed billions and sent our jobs to China and other foreign nations so they could profit from near-slave-labor there. Then, hysterically claiming various shifting reasons (WMD or spreading democracy at gunpoint, etc. depending on which Republican’s mouth was moving on which day) we invaded Iraq with the intention of taking full control of that nation and much of the Middle East.

    There is nothing at all new or even imaginative about this. It is just a tired re-run of the old British Empire style triangular trade scheme mixed with 19th Century, English-style military hegemony to gain control of third world natural resources (oil) through brute violence. If you remember your world history, England grew cotton, indigo and other crops in India and food in Ireland. In India, Ireland and even in England during the time of Charles Dickens, ordinary people went hungry while wealthy British industrialists resold cheaply produced food and goods at high prices at home and around the world. British industrial workers lived in hovels and earned poverty wages while British industrialists and colonialists rode horses after foxhounds and played cricket on their country estate lawns. All of this was supported by a huge military structure used to enforce British rule throughout the empire. We should also remember that the British Empire failed after imposing a terrible amount of poverty, misery and suffering on the “Godless heathen” around the world.

    According to knowledgeable economic commentators, Republicans real intent was, and still is, for Iraq to become our very own little India, a place where upscale, corporate Americans can go and live in luxurious hotels while they develop vast Iraqi oil resources so multinational corporations can make huge profits. When in control of Iraqi oil, the US can force other nations to continue using American dollars instead of euro dollars to purchase that oil. If successful, this will leverage other nations into trading with us on our terms in order to get US dollars to buy oil. This also means that other nations are supposed to buy cheaply produced Chinese goods from US brand name corporations at a hefty profit (notice that American factory workers and domestic industrial support systems are mostly cut out of this equation so US wages and inflation can be forced down). This triangular trade system, which failed for the British, is already failing for us. Deadly Iraqi resistance to the takeover of their country, along with wasteful occupation costs and debt, has created an ultra-expensive disaster in US domestic and foreign policy. Recent polls taken around the world show Americans and many of our brand name products are universally hated due to our Iraq policies.

    Meanwhile pragmatic Chinese, who US business deceived itself into believing would become a nation of mindless consumers, are instead using their massive profits from US/Chinese manufacturing ventures to buy up billions in US corporate stocks and government bonds, and they have already bought up a division of IBM. They peg their money artificially low against the US dollar so Americans can keep buying Chinese products and they can keep buying up our country and our top corporate brand names. Presently, they own over 20 percent of our debt paper, and the Japanese and Europeans own over 30 percent. Yes. That’s right. Foreigners now own over half of our stock market and they are buying up more. One Chinese general recently commented that if the US threatens China, it has the ability to put us into a major economic depression immediately.

    Considering all of this, it’s really pretty darned easy to understand why President Bush desperately wants to regain some US control of the stock market and economy with our Social Security funds. It’s to cover up the economic disaster greedy, simple-minded Republicans have brought upon this nation.

    Republican politicians continue shouting moral cliché’s and viciously attacking any voice of reason with synchronized talking points and nasty wordlist composed dialogue while blindly charging forward with failing New World Order ideology. The Republican plan for a system similar to the old failed British system has transformed many middle-class working people into our underemployed poor. The wealthy are stashing billions in offshore accounts where they pay no taxes while tax money for bare-bones safety-net services for poor citizens dries up.

    One must question who will pay off trillions of Republican debt? Traditionally, a numbers game has been used to pay for US wars. Inflation is allowed to take off and this eventually makes our money worth less, which artificially shrinks existing government and personal debt amounts proportionally. The middle class works harder, gets some gradual pay raises and pays ever more money in taxes. This time, however, if the government allows inflation to advance, prices will rise as usual. There will be huge increases in the price of food, housing, energy, imported clothing and most other commodities.

    The big glitch in this scheme shows itself this time when Republican planners realize that greedy corporate supporters have outsourced millions of middle class jobs and middle class workers will not be getting cost-of-living pay increases that will enable them to pay higher taxes. If they cannot pay mortgages or for housing, foreclosures will increase, but seized housing will be difficult to sell or lease and present high real estate values will soon crumble. As local taxes dry up, the end result will be federal and local governments deep in debt and lots of poverty and suffering among ordinary citizens, especially the elderly. Of course, as always, the rich will fare well and will be able to hire a lot of working class servants just like Victorian British aristocrats, hardly a pretty picture for equality-minded Americans.

    Even if things do not sink further, huge problems already exist. With the rich stashing their money in offshore tax havens and the federal government no longer sharing large amounts of revenue, local governments, trying to support themselves at previous levels, are already putting large taxes on the backs of ordinary homeowners and small businesses. On the street, however, local businesses must compete with almost tax-exempt multinational, corporate retail chains that provide slightly above minimum wage jobs locally. When Republicans belittle welfare mothers for receiving a few hundred dollars per year for their children, they carefully avoid mentioning that big corporations receive billions in taxpayer-funded government welfare, military contracts and tax breaks that mainly benefit the wealthiest of society.

    Inconsistent Republican policies intended to benefit only the wealthy are turning out to be a disaster that has driven our country and democratic way of life to the brink. Voters must wake up and refuse to be misled by Republican deception or our American dream will soon fade into history just as the failed British Empire faded into history.