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CrytoCracy is Killing Our Humanity

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 22 June 2006
1 comment

Movement Democracy Governments USA

Throughout history it has been through the establishment of secrets in the areas of knowledge, ideas, news of events and many other types of social information
that has provided the need cover to rule over humanity through lies and the subversion of information. This wholesale destruction of TRUTH and openness is thus then the primary means to enslave and mind control the mass of humanity through out the epoch of time.

Humans are message processing creatures that after acquiring basic language speaking and listening skills in addition to being mentally indoctrinated with
systems of mass mind control through false BUSINESS religions that NEED MONEY for GODS WORK have been the social architects of the dogma that has brought our
world to this place we are in today.

9/11, 7/7, and many Wars since World War I have all been accomplished through the subversion of the TRUTH and the wholesale selling of the LIE. This modern psycho social conditioning using the mass media of mind control is accomplished by private ownership using MONEY of a medium that WE ARE told is to serve the public by bringing NEWS, which are supposed to be FACTS, just like the religious mind control leader that tells of the all powerful elements of G*D but by the way G*D needs MONEY to do his work and would like for you to DONATE MONEY to G*Ds work. Well if you can figure out how an all powerful G*D needs to get donations to help his own creation let me know, because as far as I can figure IT IS total BULLSHIT, just like the far right FASCISTS and NAZIS of the New World Order Agenda seem to have no problem bombing Iraqi children, but want to stop legitimate abortion, gay marriage, and a neutral Internet — WHICH IS Their BIGGEST problem. Go figure — they must probably also need money to carry on just like their false pretence of being spiritual or empathetic toward others in any real sense of compassion or humanity. These proffesional killing machine liars live for their self inflicted diseased greed lust for power and domination because they themselves have never done a single useful thing in this world except lie, cheat, steal, and pretend that they are fine upstanding humans.

Well they are nothing but CryptoCrats seeking to manipulate you using secret information societies, and the wholesale use of their latest stupid idea call
terrorism which is nothing but a plan to create a secret about their need to kill the rest of use that may decide to COMMUNICATE the truth to others and any
groups which may stand up to their mind controlling :foo foo muki: (thats CrytoCrat for Bull-Shit.)
In addition it can be seen that all the organisations, legislation, school educational dogma, political manuvering, social engineering of entertainment, media, sexual lifestyle, religious beliefs, child rearing techniques, music choice, movie distribution control, media domination, corporate monopoly of life in general, labour movement subversion, ecological movement subversion, racial tensions, cultural destruction and plagerism, historical lies and false HISTORY of FACTS, economic slavery, psycho social corporate rise of prison industrial complexes, the domination of the human mind and the general air of total F*CKING bullshit that emanates from their SH*T filled brains of racist xenophobia and CrytoCratic self inflicted delusions is totally responsible for ALL the worlds problems and that their Capitalistic brainwashing of our minds with the LOVE of Money and ALL the CRAP it can buy will be destroyed by us when we ALL decide to GO beyond the mind controlling brain farts that we all pretend have some actual reason to stand up and say even a word. They need to burn their money, shut up, and pray that we do not seek that JUSTICE we all so deserve for all the dead parents, grandparents, family, friends, love ones, and others who have been eaten alive by the economic WARS of mind control and religious bigotry that these crytoCratic dumb liars have fed humanity and the resultant centuries of disasters.

Everything that concerns us all and affects us all SHOULD be MADE public for discussion and resolution by us. It will never be decided by the small minded BS male dominated racial bigots that have permeated our lifes with the fowl mess of self degradation and humiliation that has destroyed the earth, the humanity of people, and our collective useful cultures and ideals to be replaced by your mind controlling economic garbage and brain damaged vomit-speak that you so eloquently dispense in your stupid diatribe ADVERTISING, TELEPHONE RECORDINGS, Councils, governments, military organisations of CryptoCrats all seeking to HIDE from us full of delusional doubts, weak minded dogma and fear, and generations of collective erasure of our selves a noble and peace loving humans.

Well I say to that TIMES UP vomit boy and his side kick HAL Bullshiton and the Chaos generators of death for stupid profits which have to be protected by ever
growing policies to contain the lies leading to greater needs to mass military control the communication and general mind set of the worthy noble truth seeking
loving people of the earth that actually give a F*Ck about something real and useful.

They have lied so long and for so many generations and about so many things to so many people that they believe NOW that they CAN LIE TO THE WHOLE WORLD FOREVER and ENSLAVE US ALL IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER of BULLsh*t and use the power of their modern weapons to accomplish that. Well this is their last time around for free on the merry go-round of lies. Next time around the ride stops we ALL get OFF of it and dismantle the Capitalist system of mind controlling lies and move on from this BEFORE they destroy the world because of their mental illness delusions. People it is today let use set a secret date to STOP using their stupid system. So one day when they show up to count their money NO one will be working in their bank or guarding their stupid safe risking their life for someone who DOES NOT CARE about you and who lies to everyone to stay RICH and POWERFUL.

STOP following them. Stop listening to their CrytoCratic Secret mind control. And stop letting ourselves be brought to fight to secure the death dealer and his stupid system of life, his mind controlling MONEY, and their total system of self deluded crap that has nothing to offer the earth, its people, or the collective reality of humanity and the lives of any of the creatures of the earth.

End the Money Slavery Death system. Stop USING it! FOEREVER!

A message from the Ministry of World Repair and Freedom from CrytoCracy -
This message has been approved by those who matter and CARE about REALITY and our collective HUMANITY

Forum posts

  • Stop following them? Ridiculous! We are embedded in the System! How would we survive? Solidarity does no longer exist! Forget it!