Home > Election 2004 — the Statisticians Agree With the Bettors

Election 2004 — the Statisticians Agree With the Bettors

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 12 May 2005

Elections-Elected USA

Readers who prefer the ivory tower to the smoky casino should check out the Mitteldorf Report:


The conclusion here is that the data released by the polling organizations points toward fraud in several precincts, fraud that pushed results toward Bush. If the polling organizations (Edison and Mitofsky) would release their raw data, we would know more. But they won’t.

This is not about sour grapes: this is about election integrity in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, . . . .

Forum posts

  • It’s time that statisticians and bettors got the memo from voters. Better luck in ’08.

    • It’s time for rednecks to go to Iraq and spread democracy. Better luck in Iran.

      You keep posting your nonsense on these boards, showing your ture color. I’m cool with that. I applaud your gusto and respect your right to comment. What I’d like to know is how old you are. Are you eleigible for military duty? Our military needs guys like you, who don’t question the mission and stick to the party line. Can you shoot? Have you had any training? I do hope you’re of military age (up to 39 now, but if you’ve been in the military, I suppose they’ll take you right up to 65 or so) because we need more boots on the ground. Your two boots should be on the hot, sandy ground in Iraq rather than kick off in the corner of your mom’s basement while you fritter away your time on the computer. And stop looking at that porn! We see what your doing. Stop it! Get down to the recruiting station and sign up. You’ll probably quadruple your earnings with that fat bonus they’re handing out (you can spend some of it on additional armor).

      Come on, how old are you?

    • At the rate the democrats are going, luck isn’t going to help them in ’08 either.

    • Bush’s frat buddy pirate Boner Kerry sold out and let his cousn W steal another election and for that you are proud? These blogs are here and popular because the media lies to control the minds and lives of the people who believe that total hogwash.