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by Open-Publishing - Thursday 26 May 2005
1 comment

Democracy International

I would just like to draw readers attention to the annual report of"Amnesty International.

"What sad times for all humankind that we are at this level and seem to have lost even the veneer of civilization.

No one should be smug enough to say "It ain,t me"The politcians and leaders were elected by the everyday person.

It does look dark ahead.

Forum posts

  • Americans lead the world in terror (the pressure we put on other nations is unreal and we never live up to what we require of them) and general human abuses (go to any city and see the homeless and underfed, badly nourished (processed cheap foods cause all that weight you, healthy foods are too expensive here) people, personal debt, and absolute self denial of all it’s ugliness.

    I printed off of Reuters and it sits out in the open on my desk. headline U.S. leads global attack on human rights. As pointed out when the most powerful country thumbs it’s nose at the rule of law and human rights, it grants a license to commit abuse with IMPUNITY