by Open-Publishing - Friday 5 August 2005

Religions-Beliefs Governments USA


By Peter Fredson

August 4, 2005

I wish to formally protest the recent suspension of poor Robert Novak simply because he became irritated and indicated his displeasure with the taunting of James Carville by pointing to a biological act of a bovine in producing valuable material for vegetable gardens. Surely that is not as egregious as the words of Dick Cheney when irritated, used a word that beings with “F” but which if enunciated would overturn the entire moral system of Christian evangelists. Surely he should have been suspended, but wasn’t.

We know that Novak has been under considerable pressure lately, simply because he “outed” some lady C.I.A. agent, whose husband had a hissy fit with Novak’s buddy George Bush. After all, he is a reporter whose job it is to expose anyone and everyone that annoys him. That fact that he refrains from exposing any friend of Bush is simply coincidence and may indicate that they are all as pure as Arctic snow and have never done anything that needs exposing.

Why in the world would anyone be offended by the words "Bull Shit?" George Bush has been producing and shoveling it ever since he became a politician.

His entire political career is characterized by steaming output from bulls. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condi, Wolfowitz, Rove, et al. are bursting with it...bloated with it...and every sound that comes out of their mouths is full of it. The public is inundated with it, fed it daily, have gotten used to it coming from Washington and Fox News with every sound bite.

Bull flatulence and more solid production is what makes up the corpulent body of Karl Rove...he is 100% pure steaming hot heaps of it. The Black Angel of Death Condi Rice speaks volumes of it daily when she presumes to lecture people on what freedom and democracy is...words that she and her neocon colleagues have smeared with filth, lies, violence, and petulance.

For them, Killing Muslims is good healthy Christian fun, invading sovereign countries is good diplomacy, stealing the entire oil production of a county is simply good economics, hanging people up by the heels and threatening them with death is simply good interrogation techniques to get people to say that they really hate you.

When Bush says he wants to get out of Iraq and then is building 14 huge military bases, for permanent occupation, obviously designed to launch further invasions of Middle Eastern countries, that my friends is glorious bull shit, heaping hunks of it, dirty filthy smelly cartloads of it, the stuff that keeps the Bush administration in power.

It is not the words "Bull Shit" that are obscene, filthy, and condemnable, but the actions of Bush and his neocon buddies that are truly Olympian-sized bull crap.

Instead of condemning words, it would be more appropriate to condemn lies leading to war which leads to the death of good soldiers who are simply obeying instructions to go and do whatever Rumsfeld and his henchmen tell them to do.

A real obscenity is turning a perfectly good democracy into a tin-horn fascist corporate empire for the enrichment and glory of a few at the expense of the MANY. A real obscenity is invading a country by lies in order to seize oil for the benefit of super-rich corporations that are producing more manure than a generation of Americans can clean up.

A real obscenity is pretending to return sovereignty to a country that was nearly destroyed, then building huge airbases from which to launch future invasions in the quest for world dominion and personal heroic swaggering glory.

The stench of filth that Americans smell daily is from graft, corruption, cowardly actions, deceit, lies, imposition of True Beliefs, contractors, proselytizers, and Oval Office Based crap. It also comes from congressional sycophants who never saw a presidential stupidity that they disliked.

And finally it issues from the fat mouths of fat butt televangelists who wish absolute dominion for their own brand of dogma, and are willing to overturn a democracy to get their symbols and icons of their favorite brand of religion posted in public areas.

We need a Hercules to sweep out the Augean stables. It certainly is going to take a river, like the Mississippi, to clean out the rectal production of the Bushites.

Forum posts

  • Touché!

    This American applauds your column: It’s exactly how I feel.

    These criminals that have snowed over the large population of idiots we have in the USA, but they haven’t pulled the wool over the great many Americans like me who actually think.

    We know that they are LYING to us constantly... If we could just get the mainstream media to have some courage.

    Thank the Universe for David Brock at Media Matters. At least this one web site is doing a good job of exposing the truth, the Bush lies and the ineptness of our mainstream media.

    — Michael Perrone
    California, USA

  • How do you think Rove got his nickname ’Turd blossom’ !!! From Michael an American Liberal Republican !!!