Home > I’d Like To Thank the Democratic National Committee-For Nothing

I’d Like To Thank the Democratic National Committee-For Nothing

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 27 November 2004

Elections-Elected USA

First of all, let me take this opportunity to say thank-you to the DNC. Thank-you for affirming our suspicions that you are Republicans in sheep’s clothing. Thank-you for proving once and for all that you have no imagination. Thank-you for using every penny we gave you for everything but winning this election. Thank-you for betraying millions of scared democrats who were doing everything in their power to make sure these maniacs weren’t reelected. Thank-you for dashing our hopes that the leaders of our party knew what they were doing. And thank-you for not putting one inch of fight into what we mistakenly thought you understood was a pretty worthy cause

Before the election did you happen to see any of the articles about the paperless voting machines and how easy they were to tamper with? On the off-chance that maybe you missed it, I’ll try to get you up to speed. You see a lot of people were worried about the fact that these scanners were all made by this company called Diebold who’s based out of OHIO. The other slightly unnerving thing was that the current CEO, Walden “Wally” O’Dell, promised Bush he would hand him the election. And Wally’s a man of his word. It warms the heart, really, to see someone follow through on what they promised. The other kind of scary thing is that J. Kenneth Blackwell, the Ohio Secretary of State, is not only a Republican but he’s on Bush’s Ohio campaign team.

When is somebody going to have the guts to stand up to these guys and say enough already? The thing is that we would have liked it if you had given this election... oh... maybe more than 12 hours to see what came up...especially since for the first time ever...the exit polls were totally wrong. And not just in a sort of an “Oh how interesting” sort of way where one or two counties in random states got them wrong. No, it was in an “oh my god, how could this have happened and especially in these states. It seems kind of fishy” way. What you would have seen had you been willing to check it out was that the exit polls were wrong in swing states and only in counties with these machines. Maybe you missed the statistic from the University of Pennsylvania statistician that the chances of this happening were...oh...1 in 250 MILLION.

I cannot tell you the amount of frustration that you caused all of us by allowing our candidate to concede before breakfast. But I’m guessing that you all had planes to catch to the Caymans or wherever and that you never really wanted the grassroot movement to succeed. I’m guessing that’s because a lot of you don’t want to change the election process so that small donations from real people are what get people elected.

That was never more obvious than when you all put your heads together to stop Howard Dean from putting the Democrats back on the map. And then when we thought Kerry had the election in the bag...when Kerry did have the election in the bag...everyone was falling all over themselves to give Howard Dean the credit for waking up the Party.

But No...the party regulars barged in and took over and VOILA... Another 4 years of the scariest administration this country has ever seen. Another 4 years of Dick Cheney’s war that will last forever. Another 4 years of running roughshod over our natural resources and water and air quality. 4 more years of if-it-looks-like-a-meadow-put-an-oil-well-on-it. Good work guys. We’ll be lucky if we even have elections in 2008.

And I have never been more convinced of this than when I read, “Former presidential candidate Howard Dean has called party regulars, expressing his interest in the DNC job. Other Democrats interested in the job or being asked to pursue it include... Leo Hindery, former chairman of the Yankees Entertainment & Sports Network LLC, a New York-based sports cable channel that televises New York Yankees’ baseball games.... Former Sen. Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., said Monday that the Democratic Party is fortunate that Hindery wants the job, describing the former chairman and CEO of AT&T Broadband as a successful New York City businessman who understands the Republican-leaning regions of the country.’ He can be a unifier and be a neutral broker,’ Kerrey said in a telephone interview.” (From an article by Mike Glover of the AP.)

THE YANKEES !!! Sheesh. I can barely stomach it. (Sorry New York. I’m from Pittsburgh.)

THE REPUBLICAN-LEANING REGIONS OF THE COUNTRY. Excuse me but isn’t this why we’re in so much trouble? Aren’t we the ones who are scratching heads wondering why we didn’t get the swing vote while Tom Delay changes the law to suit his criminal behavior, the Marquis de Sade takes over as the country’s top attorney and Porter Goss “revamps” our intelligence agencies. Do you think we’ll ever have an honest election in this country again? Do you think we’ll ever be able to get these guys out of office if it isn’t possible to have an honest election? You see these are the things I’m wondering.

And here’s my last question. What did you do with the money that I gave you all for attorneys to make sure this election was on the up and up? Are you all splitting it as you run off to your Caribbean vacations? And it just takes balls to already be e-mailing us for more.

Yea, thanks Democrats. Thanks for this knot in my stomach, for the fact that I haven’t a clue when we’ll see our son-in-law who’s supposed to come home from Iraq in February. And for giving me a nightmarish image of Bush, Rove, Cheney and Rice rolling on the floor as they publicly tell the people in the Ukraine that they SHOULD contest their election.

Thanks for making me wish I lived in the Ukraine.

Ms Burgwin will happily let everybody in on her bio as soon as she gets a life. However feel free to contact her with critiques and suggestions on post-election pastimes. rburgwin@aol.com


Forum posts

  • I have a new favorite color, considering what I’ve been seeing in Ohio after the wimp-out. It’s green, very, very, very green.

    • That’s just how I feel. Thanks for nothing. After all the money I contributed from my small pension and now John Kerry is sitting on $50m or our hard earned cash. Why has he not financed Common Cause in their challenge to the vote count in Washington State and Ohio.

      Where are the Dems right now. Why are they not screaming out about Bush’s latest rape of the only Social Service of any worth that is left in this country. That’s what it is A SOCIAL SECURITY, that the Federal Government promised to the 50% of the people who live on Social Security alone. If Bush has his way, we will all be competing for pig swill in a few years, just like the French before the Revolution. Why do we not have a revolution here - like in Kiev. We - the "Poor & Middle Class " taxpayers in this country helped finance student activism in the Ukraine to make sure they get Democracy. Who is going to help us get democracy. After Pinochet met his comeuppance two day’s ago, I think Bush & Henry Kissinger better be watching their backs - because sooner or later someone is going to wake up and go after Bush for starting an unjust war and Henry Kissinger for approving the fate of the "disappeared" in Chile.

      Getting back to Social Security - it is just another ruse so that the Corporations will not have to match the worker’s contributions. In 1984, we were told that the contributions to S.S. would have to be increased to make it solvent. What happened to all that money. These band of lying thieves scimmed it all off to balance the budget, while they gave taxes back to the Corporations and now Grover Norquest thinks it’s unconstitutional that the wealthy should pay a different rate of tax than the poor, so he want’s to introduce a flat tax or sales tax that will be - one tax for all, rich and poor. Have you heard his comment comparing the Democrats to a bunch of animals running wild on the farm, until the farmer decides to castrate them and then they all calmed down and accepted their fate. According to him - this sadistic pervert - once we accept the fact that we lost the election, we will all settle down and let the Republicans rule the world.

  • Thank you, Becky, for NOT doing nothing.

  • In history it was socialists who passed on the power to Adolf Hitler and his party the NSDAP.
    Look how Tony Blair, also a socialists, acts.
    I never liked Kerry much. Especial after the Democratic convention when he came up with his
    story about being a riverboat commander.
    In history the Democratic party will be known as a political power which made world war third

    • Take a good look at the Progressive Democrats of America... http://pdamerica.org/

      This new caucus movement intends to take back the Dem Party from inside and we need your help. Join... with Dean and Kucinich supporters, Indies, Greens and ABB Dems who fell behind Kerry as a last ditch solution - like we need another billionaire President. Instead we’ll rekindle the voice of dissent from WITHIN the Democratic Party.

    • Yeah, I guess its the socialists who put that son of a bitch Bush in power...those semi-commies went to church every Sunday and preached bigotry and hatred and low and behold all of the commie church members ran out and voted for Herr Bush in vast numbers.