Home > I’m having some problems with my employees

I’m having some problems with my employees

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 2 March 2006

Un/Employment USA

These people did everything but slip me cash under the table to get me to hire them.

They showed me references out the wa-zoo

They said they knew how to DO the job.. in fact had lots of experience

They knew that the job required some researching and involved a learning curve

They assured me they were willing to do what it took to do the work

They knew that I would be watching how they progressed, and now they act all pissed off whenever I mention something to them that would help them do their job the right way

Now I learn that they are having outsiders do their work for them

They write themselves checks for pay raises without my permission

They have bought excellent medical benefits with MY money, and have canceled MY health care

They are taking bribes and doing favors for their friends, with MY assets

They are lying and covering up their misdeeds

They rarely work...instead take off weeks at a time, and go gallivanting around the world..and send ME the bills for their travel

They’re sneaking around behind my back, cutting deals with my competitors and GIVING them MY equipment

I want to fire them all, but apparently they have a contract and I have to wait until then, and have to have my friends go with me and kick them out.

They will not go willingly ...I may need LOTS of Help.... What say you grab a torch and join me ?

Forum posts

  • Sorry to say, but you’re employees now run the company, and they’re only ACTING like they care what you think. Any minute now, they’re going to get rid of your sorry ass, because you’re more of a hassle than your worth. Fact is, since you’re their boss, you pose a threat to them that they HAVE to eliminate or they’ll lose their jobs, so kiss your behind goodbye.

  • You know why you are so weak and unbalanced that you can’t stand up to them? You forget, its too traumatic. Your neighbor got mugged and killed a while ago. You were very upset, but they are a bunch of big guys and they said they were going to protect you. But now all that got to their head and they take all your money. They say they need it to fight the gangs they say are out there....You know what..don’t trust them anymore....maybe THEY did that to your neighbor....I would call the police....or else you’ll have to kill them yourself....can you do that you think?

  • All of our "elected" officials, which includes the president, vice pres, and congress our paid by the people of this country. They are the "employees" that are screwing us all. Things need to change!!!!

    • Dump every Congressman and Senator who will not publicly pledge to vote for impeachment. Make accountability - for the government AND THE PRESS - the ONLY issue in the ’06 election.