by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 15 June 2005


Civilised and cultured societies are not revengeful. They are not violent. They are not racist. They reflect and analyse. Not react. Civilised nations are not greedy and selfish. Cultured people don’t lecture. They listen too. Belief in universal justice, fairness and equality make a nation cultured. The Civilised don’t impose their ’way of life’ and their values upon others at gunpoint. The civilised don’t talk to cats and dogs only. They don’t eat and f* meat. They know meanings of love and RESPECT, and human spirit. Civilised societies understand that feelings of pain and joy are same for all human beings.
Men in suits who have better guns lead the West, these men can be anything but civilised.....Such leaders lead western public because most people in the west are celebrity obsessed; they are easygoing, lazy and hungry of sports and entertainment. They are commodities that just consume. To them freedom---sexual freedom, individualism, liberalism and self-interest are the most important values. Do all these ‘virtues’ make the west civilised???

Forum posts

  • Nice comment. I would have this to say also. It is a product of a culture that was dominated by men whose desire had to do with the manifistation of material wealth and personal sexual pleasure at the cost of all other things. Thier families, their country, and even sometimes their own children. They are early people who took risks and steps to explore power and domination over humanity as no others had done before, and as a result of their success in establishing a culture of convience and consumsion they grew very rich and amassed a great number of followers But like all forms of human expression and the control of energy in themselves they became drunk with their own power. They became beholden to it, it became the domination in their lives. Always having to seem correct, and powerful, and always playing the game of appearances and thus many times deceptions. From this sprang forth many other behaviorrs that many time brought pain into the world, because of their addiction to their power, and thus wars were fought and many died to allow them to "make a point" to others in power. They used their money to engage and set the tone of civil society and because of their ability to decieve and to create the apperances of "this or that effect" they have come to believe that they can "use the war on terror" now to rule over mankind and with the ablity of the atomic bomb they can establish that rule to their own exclusion. It is a mental and sickness of the mind, heart, and of their personal humanity, as they see all as abstract issues of their formulie of profit, reaching ever deeper to seem things through these models of power and domination through military and money systems.

    It is for this reasons that the world is as it is today. We have allowed ourselves to focus on our serving of a self interest of exploitations of a situation, because that is what has become an icon of power and prestige. Because we see that power as good for oneself we make ourselves blind and numb to the things we do to others for the sake of securtty by profit. In reality it is not a profit but an expression of exploitation of one human live for another trading trust for power and love for profit, and humanity of the heart for the ego of self deception. It is that they lead through their fears for they have not learned to trust and work with others they have forsaken the bond of humans with each other for the bond of power based on violation of the proccess for the sake of power and profit.

    peace 7b

  • You have a very restricted definition of what it means to be civilized.

    I think you are confusing bring "civil" with what is a "civilizatioin". A society that is "civil" is a society that is "just" and it only may exist in the hereafter. If one believes that.

    A civilization is all of the supposed "good" things that you quantify and it is also all of the "bad" things that you quantify. Civilization, is by default racist and unfair and violent and aggressive and reactionary. All of these things and more define a civilization.

    America is all of these things and more... What you are implying is that a civilization [a civil people] should be "angelic" and that was never the case, is not that case and will never be a future case.

    I know this is not a book or volumes of books but a post onto a blog; implicit in that is it’s limited space for words and scope in expression. But you seem to jump from talking a bit about "civilization" to men wearing suits and whatnot and somehow that makes one evil and unfair...

    The dress or the covering of one’s body is also part of "civilizatioin". For example, the wearing of a suit is neither "good" or "bad" when it comes to the issues of fairness but can be considered "civil" or polite.

    Anyway, this post is as naive as your other posts with regards to who we are and how we relate to the collective "Islamic Watan".

    • Sorry my friend. I’m aware of the difference between civil and civilization. However, i don’t know what you mean by ’Islam watan’ etc. Islam is not my problem. I don’t believe in religion. Muslims have been allies of the west throughout the 20th century. In many ways, Muslims’ outlook and way of life is more uncultured. White Christains and Jews are trying to invent a new enmy since the split of the Soviet Union and Islam serves that purpose well. Indeed, the west has been more violent against non-Muslims of South America and Africans nations. It is still using Muslims groups and organisations against Russia and China.

    • Wow, you are actually reading the blog. That is good; so many things are posted here from other sources that when replying you rarely have the opporuunity to speak directly with the author.

      Anyway, I was wondering if you care to take our discussion to another fourn like one of the Usenet newsgroups? It would distrub the rest of the posters less here and I can elaborate on my thoughts and learn more of what you have to say. [Who knows, perhaps my questions will help you refine your thinking and it may benefit us all... And the newsgroup structure is more sutited for that, I think?]

      What do you say, hmmm... maybe one of the "alt." or one of the unmoderated "soc." groups relating to Near East politics/culture?

      I let you pick one and lead this topic there...

      [Please post you answer here and we can go from there...]

    • sorry for the delay in responding to you. Yes, I would like to refine my thoughts. Thanks for the offer. However, I don’t believe in just discussions.

  • The question must be asked differently: are the coalition countries: USA, Britain, Italy, Australia, etc. civilized?
    I think not! The proof is the murdering of 100.000 Iraqi civilians and the shabby agreement with the policy of the rogue state USA.
    Makes me wonder what comes next? Nuclear attack on Iran?

    All christians who agree with the murderous Bush agenda are not christians, because there is nothing in the Bible about killing each other. Also Jesus didn’t preach ambush, theft and greed!

    Get it those human beings are not civilized!

    Your moral is not ours!

    • Small point: "there is nothing in the Bible about killing each other. Also Jesus didn’t preach ambush, theft and greed!"

      You need to read up on your Old Testament. I also recall something about Jesus chasing the money changers from the temple in the New Testament.

  • I think the West and its followers are more civlized than the non-West. The non-West is definitely more corrupt, has greater inequities between the rich and poor with fewer opportunities to bridge that gap, more politically unstable, has a population that is not as productive and is unable to participate in their own governance. Your claim that the West is easygoing, lazy and hungry for sports and entertainment is specious; the West lead in productivity and have complex labor rules and regulations - and if the workers look forward to sports and entertainment, why begrudge them that after a day’s work? You confuse sexual freedom with sexual license, individualism with selfishness, liberalism with decadence, and self-interest with self-importance. Shira, you will never have what the average Westerner takes for granted and that is what really bothers you.

  • Shiraz,

    Can you identify ANY civilization that meets or has met your utopian ideal?

    China? No. India? No. The West? No. Persia? No. Japan? No. The Aztecs? No.

    You seem to be arguing that because the West isn’t perfect, it’s no better than any other civilization.

    • Its not the countries that are uncivilized. It’s the ’leaders’.

      Whether it’s the semi- comatose populace that allow any psychopath encircled by corporate tentacles to become the most powerful person in the world, or the dispossessed who seek solace and hope in some dodgy myth involving an all seeing god.

      People have to have more faith in themselves as collective entities. Masters and gods are fine in fiction, but in the 21st century we need to move on.

      Incidentally, the muslims I work with know all the celebrity gossip, and I don’t even know who these w*nky ’celebs’ are half the time.