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Kucinich introduces HR 6200 “hand counted, paper ballots, counted and posted at precinct"

by Open-Publishing - Monday 2 October 2006

Elections-Elected Governments USA

ANNOUNCEMENT: “Introduced, 20 co-sponsors HR 6200 -paper ballots, hand counted, results posted at precinct. This bill came from this movement.

This weekend in Cleveland Ohio, the “We Count Conference” have been hearing from great speakers about election fraud and the movement to return accountability and integrity to US elections. Speakers included State Sen. Marc Dan, Greg Coleridge, Paul Lehto, , Ron Baiman PhD, Jonathan Simon, Richard Hayes Phillips PhD , Bob Koehler, Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman, & Mark Crispin Miller. The highlight of the event was Congressmen Dennis Kucinich and his announcement of new legislation as reported by DUers Autorank and LandShark...

I’m at the We Count 2006 Conference in Cleveland. After a break for dinner, we resumed with an address by Dennis Kucinich, D, OH. He made the remarks below and then announced that he’s introduced H.R. 6200, a bill to guarantee that the 2006 election will be conducted on “hand counted, paper ballots, counted and posted at the precinct level” with the process open to all to observe. This was a real stunner. There is some legislation out there on stop gap measures but this is the whole 9 yards, the ultimate in election intgrity - Machines are Gone under this legislation...GONE.

H.R. 6200

Title: To amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 ato require States to conduct Presidential elections using paper ballots and to count those ballots by hand, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. (introduced 9/27/2006) Cosponsors (19)
Latest Major Action: 9/27/2006 Referred to House committee.
COSPONSORS(19), ALPHABETICAL : (Sort: by date)
Rep Brown, Corrine - 9/27/2006 Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy - 9/27/2006
Rep Conyers, John, Jr. - 9/27/2006 Rep Filner, Bob - 9/27/2006
Rep Grijalva, Raul M. - 9/27/2006 Rep Gutierrez, Luis V. - 9/27/2006
Rep Hastings, Alcee L. - 9/27/2006 Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. - 9/27/2006
Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. - 9/27/2006 Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila - 9/27/2006
Rep Johnson, Eddie Bernice - 9/27/2006 Rep Kaptur, Marcy - 9/27/2006

Rep Lee, Barbara - 9/27/2006 Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. - 9/27/2006
Rep McDermott, Jim - 9/27/2006 Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. - 9/27/2006
Rep Solis, Hilda L. - 9/27/2006 Rep Waters, Maxine - 9/27/2006
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. - 9/27/2006

Kucinich quotes from speech...
“One of the most important meetings going on in this state maybe the country.” Referring to “We Count 2006″

“people are deeply concerned about the election process.”

“You’re holding the light of democracy for the whole country.”

“our ability to have control over our institutions” is at risk when the procedures of elections are

Referring to Ohio’s disastrous 2004 election he said “We understand why there is such great concern”

Without free and fair elections, “everything is at risk...a cause that’s so important, it’s a measure of the courage of the people” who call attention to the problem.

“We have a mission to make sure that elections are on the level.”

“There are lingering questions about the 2004 election and there ought to be.”

“Even verified voter paper trails are not an adequate solution to safeguarding our elections.”

Forum posts

  • I hope you all realize how important this is. The ONLY way for the US to survive as a sovereign country is to take back the voting process. Canada manages to conduct national elections with dispatch, and they use handcounted paper ballots, so far as I know. I wouldn’t care personally if it took a week, a month, six months, whatever it takes to finally get a valid election. I would even go so far as to say I’d like to see HANDWRITTEN handcounted paper ballots,in front of TV cameras for a visual as well as a paper record.

    But I still don’t trust but one member of congress, that would be Dr. Ron Paul. His record speaks for itself.

  • Good God Ya’ll, it’s about time! Thanks to all of the patriots and Congress men and women for fulfilling their pledge to uphold the Constitution. Many of us have been trying to get this point across to the media,etc. that as long as there is a Hack (the) American’s Votes Act there cannot be any kind of elections, only selections... again. And the word "selections" reminds me of the amorality of human destruction, not human rights and dignity. Thanks for remembering that "We Count".

  • Still the "civilized" nation and the "great" country allows that if a voting machine crashes all the votes are lost!
    What the hell is wrong with the jurisdiction in the U.S.. In Canada and other civilized nation they would have to repeat the voting. Is it the often time revolting American attitude "we get it done", even so nothing gets really done or has even been accomplished.
    We watch the "reconstruction" of Iraq by the same American morons and yes nothing has been accomplished over there, too.

    I have worked with Americans, and whenever we - the people from civilized countries - had to do something quick, we had to find a prank to disattract the American workers - they are so dumb -, in order to get things done. Finally the management find out and fired this "great" Americans and now everything is alright.

    Ami go home, don’t bother us and stay in your facists prison ann may be you find pleasure by torturing yourself.

  • Why not just repeal the Help America Vote Act of 2002? Why legislate even further? Like so many other ideas sold to the American public by our ever more intrusive central government (Big Brother ain’t got nothing on Uncle Sam when it comes to creating sheep) such as the fictitious wars on drugs and terror that breed more drugs (the world’s current supply of heroin and cocaine is 5 times the level it was twenty years ago) and more terrorists (anybody who gets their world news from the Net and not from the US mainstream media knows this all too well) this act has done the complete opposite what it was intended to do. Of what use is making voting more convenient and efficient if at the end of the day the vote has been hacked to kingdom come?

    How retarded we have become as a nation. Truly we have become a country of marching morons parading lock step to whatever the Federal Government proposes to us. Hardly anyone objects to their own lobotomization. No, most Americans call this blind obedience ’freedom’.
    Sometimes I am overwhelmed with disgust at the average, apathetic, listless, brainless American. What they call freedom is actually tyranny, what they call peace is actually war. Isn’t it any wonder we are in the straits we are in now when so many of us, to be brutally frank, are just plain stupid people?
    Isn’t it any wonder 2 million of the brightest and best Americans have already left the country in the last five years?