Home > Money is the problem, so is the Idea of ownership for profit. It is just (...)

Money is the problem, so is the Idea of ownership for profit. It is just exploitation.

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 8 June 2005
1 comment


Economics is the science of abstrct numbers used against those that do not understand it to exploit the earth and human labor by enabling a system of exchange to dominate human culture.

Economics is equal to selling a piece of bread to your own child. But that is what they want us to believe will help us develop. That is why their is NOT economic bill of rights. That would be WRONG for PROFIT and CONTROL of the money changers. But what are the great controllers of money and banks going to do? How are they going to dominate our government and lives if we have equal footing in a playing field of influence which is what playing with money is?

How will drug cartels launder their money if we implement an economic plan that placed people in control of the money? How will the existing oligachy support such a plan where they make so MUCH more profit in the CURRENT PLAN of EXPLOITING everthing and everyone without economic rights? How will you get a bought and sold government to go along with diminishing its own power of economic domination to help the little people who do ALL THE ACTUAL WORK, while they live their self serving selfish deluded lives?

How can I convince arrogant people that worship on their knees that little number called the "balance" in their bank and stock accounts to GIVE UP their POWER and self delusion of being like a GOD doing as they wish because of their wealth because I want them to? How can I achieve peace in a system that wants to sell the produce of the earth to others under the guise of ownership when they themselves did not create the earth and the resources they claim to profit from like oil, food and so forth existed before any of their ancestors even walked the earth? How can they even claim ownership, based on what actaul or REAL rights do they have to the earth more than a small ant? What is the economic power based on? It is nothing but a lie. All money is. Thats why money was created. It is a lie to enslave the many to the few that control the money. READ HISTORY. Figure it OUT.

destroy money. create peace. live love.

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  • Go to and read: marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1844/manuscripts/power.htm