Home > Most Probably FACTUAL Account of the World Situation on the Net.

Most Probably FACTUAL Account of the World Situation on the Net.

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 24 September 2006

Attack-Terrorism USA


" 1984-Media-Dictatorship is ACTUALLY upon us - and there is little we can do: & TIME Magazine Article:"Eyes & Ears Of The Nation">Elvynar Johanson

Many of us - due to the preponderance of eye-witness accounts and ostensible FEMA, CIA and FBI negligence as reported in hundreds of articles posted on www.reallyhappened.com - have reason to strongly suspect that the WTC destruction was orchestrated (..not by Bush’s cronies alone, but ) - by the long standing Hereditary Rich of the US, Great Britain and Israel, in order to consolidate and finalize their military and Media-psychologist control of all of humanity below their own oligarchy.

Did their own goon squads or their plane controling robot-drones actually use their own physical facilities to bring down the towers? Of course not; such nonsense plays into the hands of the loudest overt fools - and their sly ’judicious’ plants: the NonConspiracy-Nuts in the US.

Let’s first of all agree - that the NONConspiracy Nuts are the most pitifully intelectually impaired morons to babble their media-dictated opinions on the political scene.

So the Wealthy of the world have Not run this world by their Conspiracies ?

Tell that to those that died in the CIA trained and assisted activities of the Honduran torture Battalion "316" that Negroponte had liason with when he was Ambassador to Honduras. Tell it to the people of Chile who had their elected Allende government Overthrown by the CIA. Tell it to the thousands of people who were tortured by SAVAK, the Israeli-trained secret police in Iran that were formed just after the CIA ousted the elected premier Mohammed Mossadehg and we installed the ’Shah’. Tell it to the people of Guatemala after we sent in air-support to overthrow the democratically elected Arbenz government while we installed our chosen swine Armas. Tell it to the Sandanistas who led the completely popular revolution against the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua - while Reagan sold arms to the Iranis to fund the Contra death squads there. Tell it to El Salvadorans who were tortured to death by the D’Aubisson death squads that were funded by the Coors Beer family. How many conspiracies that the rich [who have always run the US government] do you need to understand that the world is Run by Conspiracy alone? As Stalin said,"It’s not important How people vote - what’s important is Who Counts the Votes." Florida - anyone?

OK- Here’s the best conjecture on how the WTC happened: The strategic counselors of the Hereditary Rich of the United States and Israel decided on a plan that would give them complete Surveillance and Arbitrary Arrest Control of the most politically important national population - the population of the United States.

Well ? How could you do that and get most people to accept an Electonic-Media slave state without revolting? Answer: Put them under what SEEMED to be an spectacular surprise attack of great Media proportions. The WTC plane attacks.

The means? Blow up two Icons of American business and architecture along with enough lives to temporarily scare the hell out of the population.

As you can read on Whatreallyhappened.com a Great number of people who usually worked at the WTCenters were given either directions or tasks or warnings that kept them Away from the WTC that day. An appreciable number of those people who were directed away from the WTC had some sort of ties to Israel.

OK how did they do it?

Yes, there is an Al Qaeda. There are also a number of other Arab organizations who support the Initial GOAL of Al Qaeda - which is to inflict enough damage on the US - [the main Funder and Arms-supplier of Israel] to cause the American people to THINK seriously about the slaughter of the Palestinians that the US’s constant Arms-support of Israel’s land grab of Palestinian land - inflicts.

Osama Bin Laden - has stated many times, Not that he -"hates our freedom"- as that Embarrassment of a president we have, says - But that he will fight the US to his dying day to get the Palestinian’s land back for them from Israel. Bin Laden has stated this in effect on a number of occassions. ISRAEL’S Occupation of Palestinian land and the US’s support of Israel’s land-Conquest is WHAT HAS CAUSED ALL THIS SO-CALLED ’TERRORIST’ ACTIVITY SINCE THE 1980s.

A Note about the Israeli-American Media Slur-word ’terrorist’.

If you are violently fighting people who invaded
and took your land - you are Not a ’terrorist’, you are a Patriot. When the then to-become ’United States’ American Colonies killed Britons in revolt against Britain to keep their land and gain their Freedom from the British - they were called Patriots - not ’terrorists’. ’Terrorist’ is an Israeli invented ’word’ - for any patriot who violently resists Israel’s violent taker-over of his land. The word ’terrorist’ used to describe suicide-attacking Palestinian patriots is nothing but Israeli and American-Israeli media bullshit.

But All THAT is minor stuff to Global Hereditary Family Rich who rule most the developed world. What they were aiming at and are aiming at is getting COMPLETE psychological and Economic control of the general population of the world. Well they have Economic control but a lot of people don’t like that economic control and make a fuss about it. SO in the year 2000 - The Hereditary Rich Families of the world met and decided that their control of military science was sufficient to begin taking complete world control on September 11, 2001.

The Israeli Mossad had funded to some extent, and infiltrated peripherally to a sufficient extent, - the Al Qaeda network. Then - the most covert functionaries in the US controling group and the Mossad - suggested to Al Qaeda through their agents that American Airplanes could be hijacked and used as huge kamakaze attack missiles. The plans were set in motion by the very willing Al Qaeda command. The covert order issued in the US was, that in no way was the operation to be even marginally detected by any US security agency. The lower eschelons of the FBI and the CIA were given decoy areas to ’Focus’ on, so that they wouldn’t stumble on those Arabs all taking pilots courses while the attack was being prepared. The company that handled security for the airports that the Al Qaeda suicide bombers went through was Israeli [that is documented in the WRH archives] . The main directive focus given the Al Qaeda Hijackers was that they could inflict the biggest impression by taking out the Towers and the Pentagon. [Of course the White House and the CIA headquarters at Langley VA - would have done far more damage to the US government and made just as big an impression - but the Towers and the WTC people were expendable (after warning the most important people to be away on that day of course)].

So all the Mossad agents had to do was convince some people within Al Qaeda that it was practical and possible to similtaneously hijack airplanes and that the easiest and most influential targets would be the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon - and then let it happen. Then their US partners would have the Enslavement ’circumstances’ that they needed to enslave the country under ’Patriot Act’ marshal law. This would eliminate Israel’s most powerful enemy in the world and bring Iraq’s Oil profits through a puppet government to the circle of the Wealthy in the US. Moreover, the War would be their greatest profit-maker - as those U.S. rich with ties to Israel, OWN the largest percentages of the War-Supply companies that would rake in the Greatest Profits ever recorded in human history. But most importantly the hysteria caused by the WTC destruction - would give the World’s hereditary rich - the Psychological Media Control to put a Dictatorship of the rich over the population of the US. Yes of the Rich - because if one is a Rockefellar, or a Loeb or a Gates - you don’t think that any of this Patriot Act Control is going to affect THEM - do you?

We know WHO the Patriot Act is going to be used on - it’s going to be used on us. All this war on these weak (and in the case of Afghanistan) primitive worker populations was TOTALLY unnecessary. ALL those people and thousands of children killed in Iraq and Afghanistan - totally unnecessary [except to get Bush and Chaney’s circle their arms-suppy-company $, and oil $] .

What has the United State government usually done when they were after a political leader or even a whole country’s political system? Simple - the US has done it again and again. The US puts out the Millions [or a Billion or two] of $ - and then activates our CIA agents in that area - and the group the US is after either faces a coup or a sudden accident - as Patrice Lumumba did in the Congo. We don’t attack Entire countries to ’Neutralize’ a leader or an organization - we just initialize the CIA structure in the area and put the funds there. But not this time. This time our government attacked a lower eschelon-worker structure and killed a small group of its OWN people so that it could put all of us under a completely unnecessary Gestapo law structure - forever.

Once the most important [and Dangerous to the Hereditary-Rich Control] populations - the US population, was convinced that it was ’Attacked’...and might be ’attacked’ again [Codes, Yellow Orange and Red and duct tape etc] Then the government could START "1984" type, Surveillance and Arrest Without-Probable-Cause.

Most of the genuinely educated class of people understand the salient Repressions of the "Patriot" Act.

  • You can be arrested without Explanation to you or anyone else
  • .

  • You can be held in a Secret location for an unstated endless amount of time without Notifying Anyone that you have been arrested.
  • .

  • All your writing and data possessions can be confiscated by the police without warrant under the ’Act’.
  • .

    THREE new Police controls have been added to the powers of the Police State.

    1. The Supreme Court ruled a few days ago that it is against the law to be without your ID papers. Remember when people used to make fun of the movie villain Nazi Gestapo officer who would stop people on the street, saying," ’Ahlt! right der! Vayr are yor paypars!? Ve haf vays of magging you tawk! [Abu Ghraib prison] " Well now the Nazi-Gestapo powers have been actually put over us - in real life.

    2. As a further provision under Homeland Security, all State Police have been deputized with powers to stop any person for any reason - and are not required to give a ’Probable cause’; at any time the police deem someone suspicious in any way. Bingo - banana dictatorship.

    And now 3. : According to TIME Magazine, of June 27th, 2004: under the title heading of "Eyes And Ears Of The Nation" - The Department of Homeland Security [ read the American Gestapo/KGB ] has given 19.3 Million Dollars to the ’American Trucking Associations’ to make US government spies of 400,000 of their truck-drivers to Spy on you and me and everybody. All ready, so far 10,000 truck-drivers have signed up to become amateur Spies. Do the math on 400,000 people signed up to "turn in" suspicious fellow citizens: THAT IS 8000 PEOPLE IN EVERY STATE TO SPY ON THE POPULATION OF EACH STATE. Now the US Government is paying Half of us to Spy on the Other Half. You will never know when you may be ’Turned In’ for an odd remark, or being dressed oddly - or just being out very late in a place that some truck driver figures makes you look suspicious. "Big Brother" and his spies in "1984". Remember ??? From the book? Each of the following has been said in effect by George Bush.

  • "War Is Peace" - "We are invading Iraq to bring peace to the world". George Bush.

  • "Ignorance Is Strength" : "Our country will be stronger in this War on Terror if we don’t reveal to the American people What information we have, where we got it or why we are taking actions on it - because that information might be used by our enemies" George Bush.

  • "Freedom is Slavery": "We are protecting our Freedom by these powers of Secret arrest and detainment until this war on terror is won." George Bush

    In "1984" the government of Big Brother Always kept some kind of a War going to justify marshal law control [ Patriot Act ] over the population and to give tremendous amounts of military ’defense’ $ to the Corporations owned (presumably by) the Inner Party members. Lockheed, Grumman, Haliburton ?

    Well the US always has its ’continuous wars’ doesn’t it? And those wars have been very good for the Stockholders who own the arms and structure materials companies - haven’t they? And where do the Rich who run ’your’ government get the $ to PAY for the War products of those companies that they own? Does income tax ring a bell?

    But hey, - what do I know about it, anyhow? I’m just another whackado conspiracy nut. Don’t take any of this seriously - I’ve just been off my medication too long.

  • Forum posts

    • Can anyone tell me why this Article from the PEOPLE FOR CHANGE SITE was knocked off the Main English Section of BELLACIAO - and only is Accessable if a Surfer goes to ’International’ or the ACTIONS ’Occupation’ section or the ’Politics’ sections - that are listed on the Left side?

      Why would the editor want to keep this Article from Coming Up on the First english Page with the Rest of the Article that a Surfer first sees on going to these pages?

      A Surfer will not see this Article now when they first hit the BELLACIAO page

      To FIND this Article now - One will have to click on one of the SECTIONS of BELLACIAO listed on the Left side of the Page.

      This is the first time this has happened to an Article I have posted here - and I don’t know why THIS one was shunted into a ’Catogory’ section??? Can anyone tell me?

      Doroteo Arrango

      • I am new to BELLACIAO

        >Which I think is one of the BEST - if not THE BEST, Democratic Forum site on the NET<

        Apparently what happens to a Post put up here is that - it does not go right to the MAIN page for a few hours - or perhaps a day. Then when the BELLACIAO program or the BELLACIAO editors Process the Post. Then it goes up.



        Doroteo Arrango

      • no, you just have to refresh the main page to see lasts articles on the right menu...