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My Contribution

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 1 April 2007

Movement Wars and conflicts

This is my contribution to Peace. My Peace. And perhaps by my peace the world’s peace.

Perhaps I’m just getting older. Maybe more tired. Maybe just more tired of it all.

All of the wars, all of the fighting, all of the rumors of wars, all of the rumors of fighting.

All of the petty squabbles, all of the egos, all of the silliness, all of the savagry.

Many want to change the world. Many don’t care. Many don’t know what they want. Many don’t know where to start or where to end.

As for myself and my meager contribution to "the world" tommorrow if and when I awaken this is what I intend. Nothing much at all.

Starting tommorrow, simply because it’s late today, I will do the following. I will slow down. I will go nowhere fast, if I go anywhere at all. I will buy nothing if I can help it. If I must make a purchase I will pay only cash. I will only buy something locally produced. I will buy organic.

I will watch no TV. I will listen to no radio. I will listen only to the sounds of nature. The birds. The wind. The frogs at night.

I will argue with nobody. I will try and change nobody.

I will relax, put my feet up, perhaps sit outside if it’s sunny and soak up some rays.

I won’t think about the sick, the dying, the misled, the haters. I will know you really can change no one, all must work to change themselves. I will start with me first. I will make sure I’m where and how I need to be.

I will breathe deeply. I will smile. I will look inward to see outward. I will see and observe how I feel. I will ask myself simple questions and allow the self to answer. I will try and heed the self as it relates to my world.

Some things we cannot change directly though we are each very powerful beings. This is not to put our head in the sand, in fact just the opposite. It is to see.

Often we work against ourselves and do not see how we simply allow the dark forces to use us. They have been at this game a long, long, long, time. They play us against each other, keeping the cloak over our eyes so we can never see who the real enemy is. Often it is simply ourselves, not our brother or sister. The dark forces are so very very good at manipulating, one would never suspect. But perhaps I’m straying.

So go slow. Or stop going. Or stop doing. Or stop buying. Or stop watching. That is my plan for tommorrow. We’ll see how it goes.

Be the change you seek. You will become the light on the hill that you desire to know. Others will see it and come closer for a better look. You will shine, and they will marvel. Nothing too cosmic or complicated. Just the very essence of simplicity. Like the drip of water on a stone. Dripping endlessly on, the stone wears away. Take care. God bless.

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