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Nation States are Designed to Suppress the Freedom of the Working by Illegitamate Control of Money

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 12 June 2007

Wars and conflicts Trade-Exchange Rates

Colonialism-Imperialism-Corporationism-Capitalism is about taking, killing, lies, and propaganda. But mostly its about a lack of concience and about MONEY!MONEY made not by the legitamate work in society as a ethical, honorable, and reality oriented indviduals.

Since the transformation of the existus of the Roman empire from the what was to become the nation states of europe the elite for generations have been using the DIFFERENCES between people. Religion vs Religion. Man vs. Woman. Right vs. Left. ProChange vs. StatusQuo. Nation Vs. Nation. PoliticalSystem-Type(X) vs. PoliticalSystem-Type(Y) and on and on the list can go.

Some would say thats the way things are and they would be right! Except for one thing - that is all that people are taught in the education systems of the world, and that is all they basically are familiar with. So how could something other than the outcomes we experience today come into the perview of reality? They can not. We LIVE IN A CLOSED SYSTEM with built-in SYSTEMIC PROBLEMS for MOST of US and MOST OF THE CONTROL and DESTRUCTIVE POWER assigned to the LEAST RESPONSIBLE and SANE of US. Oh that would be the insanely RICH and mostly STUPID - LIARS. You know who YOU ARE. And What you ARE not!

Well first off, CHANGE where you recieve YOUR INFORMATION! QUESTION - What motives would someone SAYING these things HAVE? Ascertain the agendas of what is being told to you. MAKE your own mind up based on REALITY so you will NOT help the SLAVE traders, corporate elitists, and others who are basically insane, blinded with money and control/power, and total disconnection with reality of the effect of their ALLOWED by the people POWER based on their LIES is having.

This power has led to all wars, illegal non working people control of money, massive government debt and insane mortages for the working person. Today more than any other time in history has the structure of the worlds organization revealed its real purpose and direction. Like many years ago - MILITARISM for MONEY is the CORE value of the elite. Did you know that the common word "SOLDIER" is derived from the LATIN root "SOLDI" which is the base word of MONEY and the LATIN SUFFIX IER which is "Follower".

Thus the real meaning of SOLDIER is "MONEY FOLLOWER". But it has a contextual meaning also. From the begining of this word "SOLDIER" also means one that follows and kills for money. This also is the root basis of the words like MERCENARY which has the definintion of:

MERCENARY: One who serves or works merely for monetary gain; a hireling. (in an army with weapons)

Thus the basis of all the military systems is to HIRE PEOPLE that have been psychological/culturally trained to a MONETARY system to SERVE for MONEY. Well since almost all nation states are capital based and people are devived truly by the MONEY that they use (the true basis of NATIONALISM and CONTROL of the GOVERNMENT) and not always CITIZENSHIP. Thus nation states are defined by the monetary control exerted by the bankers and coinage/money that is distributed. And what happens when these money systems FAIL as they systemically do?

Well the monkey - (the controlled are told that the enemy nation states must be attacked) takes the opportunity to turn the slaves against each other in a "staged conflict". Since the working have to be concerned with their tasks, few have the time to create great schemes of mind control, monetary manipulation, and WARS!

BUT there is someone that has plenty of time, resources, people, and CONTROL to start wars with propoaganda, gullable people, and NATION - STATE borders to create the PRE-CONDITIONS that will place the opposing slave owner/trader in the NATION-STATE-1 to NATION-STATE-2 scenarios about how to turn one group of innocence hard working people against another.

1. PATRIOTISM - love of country for the idea to protect the resources from invaders or harm. Used by the elite, usually as a means to get common people to kill each other. Look at HISTORY!

2. CITIZENSHIP - to be a sanctioned member of a nation-state with so-called rights and privaliges - to motivate patriotism. Used by the elite to pschologically segregate the SLAVE workers in groupings to OPPOSE each other my social conditioning offered usually in institutionalized behavior modification programs. These are "usually" term EDUCATION and is a form of elite indoctrination to maximize the potential of getting workers to KILL EACH OTHER. Check WHO DIES in WARS and what was their EDUCATIONAL backgroup??!

3. RACE - A difference of SKIN COLOR or HUMAN BODY FEATURES, that are categorized by the elite as a form of RACIAL/CULTURAL/LANGUAGE PROFILING for the purpose of creating certain and continuing misunderstanding, divisions, and focus on differences attended to in issues of abilities and opportunities for education, jobs, civil and social status, and economic potential. Look at the development of human slave trading histories. The racial issues including discrimination using both propaganda, lies, and military social pressures to ensure continued civil disfunctionality and a continued focus on solving REAL problems and to GET common PEOPLE side tracked with issues that are both SYSTEMICALLY supported by the elite to insure a divided common working class that is UNABLE to REACT or ACT in their own interests. Look at the CIVIL RIGHTS movement and ITS dismantaling by COINTEL PRO, GOVERNMENT SANCTIONS, CORPORATION PRESSURES, and the EXPORT of US JOBS to FORIEGN labor markets to ensure that the middle and working class is ECONOMICALLY dependent and CONTROLLABLE by the Elites Corporations.

4. MEDIA - This is a form of MIND based DRUG control. Using psycho-active subtances in both food and illegal street drugs - corporate controlled media is free to disseminate PSY-OPS based mind control to regulate people with fear. LOOK at the REAL REASONS behind 9-11. Behind the so-called rise in "CORPORATE sponsored intelligence operated systemic" dismantaling of social evolution other than the status-quo. Look at the ability of you to get your VOICE or IDEA or PURPOSE out into the public arena.

5. PERMENTANT CORPORATE CONTROLLED MILITARY - Miltary systems are based in the investment profits of selling killing systems (for the KILLING of WORKING and the POOR). This is the STRONG arm of the ELITE. They have a permenant interest in KILLING for CONTROL and PROFIT of their SLAVE WORKERS and WAGE SLAVES.

To end this 2,000 year plus system of military based slavery and mind control, people must distroy the edges and borders of the system which are primarly to CREATE the following
1. UNIVERSAL MONEY controlled world wide by WORKING PEOPLE ONLY with no investment in DEATH DEALING (WARS)
2. UNIVERAL MEDICAL SYSTEMS - worldwide doctors and MEDICAL INFORMATION and TREATMENT to legal control of HUMAN systems for reasons of HEALTH and NOT for PROFIT.
5. END OF ALL INTELLIGENCE SECRECT GROUPS that use information to control and bias the system toward some and against the many.
6. SPREAD this information to as many people as POSSIBLE.

 WORKING toward reality based social systems that do real work of uplifting the world into the greatest future possible!