Home > Newsweek apology? How about White House retraction of WMD?

Newsweek apology? How about White House retraction of WMD?

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 18 May 2005

Newspapers-mags Wars and conflicts International USA

What a joke, the White House carrying on about Newsweek. I’d say Newsweek should retract any article only when the White House admits there were no weapons of mass destruction, apologizes to all Iraqis and Americans, brings American troops home and allows the UN to do what it was originally formed to do, namely protect the vulnerable and to establish and keep the peace.

Maybe I’m confusing facts with the issues, and the use of reason has no place in this country anymore, but I just can’t seem to keep my mouth (or my keyboard) shut.

May we one day live in peace even if it’s harder than war.

Forum posts

  • Interesting thought...

    Newsweek lies about a koran in the toilet, Newsweek bad
    Whitehouse lies about WMDs, Whitehouse good.

    what kind of backwards logic are they pushing? there is no logic- just groupthink... all the networks keep telling us bush is good, so it must be true.

    • I too can’t keep my keyboard quiet either, and can’t understand this total injustice and lack of outcry.

      I’m waiting for a restraining order from a news outlet, a senator, congressman, or president. Not that I threaten them or am rude, just factual and persistant.

  • Remember Orwel’s 1984! This book is Rove’s Bible.

  • This smells all too familiar to the tirade against Dan Rather! The Administration (pentagon) reviewed this story and didn’t shut it down, then whoops,they turn around after it’s published and condemn it.
    It’s the same M.O.. They are setting up ALL the media outlets that are telling the truth (therefore opposing them), and not just spewing out the "fed" propaganda!
    This is their way of one by one getting rid of ANY opposing views! They do not tolerate opposition! It shouldn’t belong before PBS(now under their seige), CSpan, and the internet are taken away!
    People, this Administration is SO OBVIOUS!!
    When I hear a report that say’s it is an "Official report" I automatically don’t listen, as I know it will be a lie!
    The only outlets we can believe are one by one being taken away!
    We must keep up the fight against this abuse.

    • Its useless: republicans have theri head in the sand concerning truth and history. Thye think they are the truth.

  • Leftists are pretty stupid. The WMD was just one out of 20 reasons that the White House cited for the basis of the attack on Saddam. And these bozos want to allow the UN to protect the vulnerable and establish the peace?! They should ask those Congolese girls and other vulnerables just how protected they are by the UN and as for establishing the peace, Kosovo has been under UN jurisdiction and to date they have no government, meanwhile the Afghanis have already established a democratic government and written a constitution. These leftist morons keep putting their heads deeper into their ass so that they can let blood flow through tiny brains.

  • the minute someone uses the word "leftist" or "rightist"...you know they are locked up in the problem reaction solution con game(or watch too much tv)

    while the left and right "argue" thin air, the rest of us see this dog and pony show for what it is

    they’re both starting to wake up though, little by little, soon the truth will become self-evident. keep your heads up people, the ride is going to get bumpy, unity from both sides is the key. If your in the center, it’s easy. If you’ve gone too far either way, please take my hand, brush yourself off, and stand against the extremists from both sides.

    Martin Luther King, Jr had it right, unity, that’s what the oligarchy fears.

    • But the word peace makes them break out in a cold sweat. Where would all of that lovely money go if we demanded world peace from our governments?

  • G.W.Bush is constitutionally unable to admit a mistake. As you remember, he was given the chance to admit any mistake in his administration and he publically said that he couldn’t think of any, except perhaps making a few appointments that aroused criticism. He has never apologized for his part in declaring war on Iraq, that Iraq was not a center of terrorism, that Saddam was no friend of Osama bin Laden, and that there were NO weapons of mass destruction, no plans to bomb the U.S. with pilotless planes, that there were NO nuclear bombs, that the aluminum tubes were not used for atomic purposes, that the yellow cake of Condi was a fake report, and a hundred other lies that could be mentioned here.
    He is so concerned with a "culture of life" that he let the Republicans run a special session to protect Terri Schiavo, yet he didn’t even bother to count the thousands of civilian Iraqis that were "collateral damage" and he never shed a tear for any of the 1,600 American soldiers he sent to die in order to seize the oil wells of Iraq.
    Even after 2 Commissions investigated the 9/11, and the Faulty Intelligence, Bush persists in ignoring the fact that he declared a war because the neoconservatives like Karl Rove believe the U.S. must dominate the world, and they want to do the domination.