by Open-Publishing - Saturday 13 August 2005

Wars and conflicts Religions-Beliefs Governments USA


August 13, 2005

By Peter Fredson

Like many people, I spent part of the past 5 years trying to decipher the complexities of the collective mind of George W. Bush. I have collected gigabytes of files concerning his activities, propensities, quotations, quirks, speeches, gaffes, emotions, ego-trips, prayers, threats, disdain, swaggering, smirking, and ties to influential individuals.

I have linked some of Bush’s ties to Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Ashcroft, Gonzales, Falwell, Robertson, and many other conspiratorial, even sinister, influences from corporate executives, lobbyists, avid Christian Dominionists-Reconstructionists, and various Republican/Christian think-tanks.

I can give long lists of “influential” people determined to change the course of this country during the past several decades. I know why they feel it is so important to demolish the Wall of Separation between Church and State, why thousands of televangelists prate about installing bible verses, commandments, icons, symbols and dogma into legislation, and why they want Christian True Believer judges to rule on Christian legislation proposed by a Christian President and Cabinet. We have a miniature theocracy now being installed, with few Senators protesting.

I know quite a bit about the pre-political years of Bush, when he was an alcoholic, coke-sniffing, woman-chasing, party-boy, protected by a very powerful father. I know some of the details of the military service of Bush, more than enough to know that he should have suffered the disgrace of a courts-martial and a dishonorable discharge. But his friends don’t seem to care about that, because they too sought to evade active military service in preference to making money and planning Leo Strauss’ glorious strategy for world conquest, with themselves wearing imperial robes and lording it over all lower forms of humanity.

“They” are White Supremacist Christian zealots. They want absolute dominion over religious activities, political power, economic accessibility, and maximum profit for themselves at the expense of ordinary lumps of humanity at sub-standard wages. Their lust for riches and power knows no bounds, the world is their oyster to shuck and swallow. They command armies to do their bidding and have their fingers on the nuclear trigger.

War brings enormous riches to a few military-industrialists, and makes the gamble worth the effort. It still is “worth it” to a few neo-conservatives, unless they are impeached for treason and lying for profit. They are fortunate that the days of the guillotine are over. But meanwhile they prosper in the dance of life.

I am fairly satisfied that I know what Bush promised some people in return for votes, cash and political installation. The results are fairly obvious, even though I would still like to know what Dick Cheney promised the Energy lobby when they “helped” him on Energy legislation. Were they terrified about the vanishing finite supply of oil, or about other countries switching to the “euro” from the dollar when proportioning the oil supply of the world?

Was this the point when the Bushites decided to use preemption, invasion, death and destruction, lies, misinformation and other Karl Rove tricks? That still must come to greater public attention, despite the seeming indifference of senators to any investigation. The Downing Street Memos have been useful to unmask the posturings and pretensions of the Bushites but there is not a sign of any investigation, not a hint of impeachment proceedings, despite all their pious and hypocritical shenanigans.

I know that Bush kleptocrats at some point decided to invade Muslim countries and appropriate their oil, install military bases, and from there launch imperial plans of world domination. In retrospect this seems like lunatics playing Napoleon but they pulled off the first part of their plan.

We must give them credit for manufacturing pretexts to take an entire nation to war, to fool an entire Congress, and most of the media, although the public seems easy enough to fool any time. We must give Bush credit for coalescing his entire cabinet, and administrative people, into a protective claque that applauds any stupidity he pronounces.

He was able to cause every man and women in his cabinet to back up any lie, any misinformation, any deception, and do it perpetually, in public, and do his war dance loudly, enthusiastically, energetically, in such grand high-stepping fashion that any Indian tribe must be jealous of their histrionics, rhetoric, war-drum-beating, shouting, and dancing ability, with modern Tomahawks, cruise missiles, helicopter horses, and obedient braves with rattling sabers to do the bidding of the big chief. Demagoguery reached great heights then. Even Julius Caesar would be jealous of the Bushite ability to stir people to shed blood for fat-head politicians.

We must applaud the determination of Bushites to coalesce the powers, (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) into a single unit of sycophants that have not hesitated to deliver their country to the highest lobbyist consortiums for maximum profitability and dominion. Vetos are hardly necessary when compliance is absolute. We stand in amazement at the smooth transition of a fairly good democracy into a semi-fascist imperialistic plutocracy where prayer substitutes for care, profit for credibility, and deception becomes the cloak of invisibility behind which scoundrels lurk to profit from human misery.

Bushites are masters of exploitation. They have brilliantly suckered masses of True Believers by the story that God appointed Bush as a sort of junior savior to deliver the world from EVIL. That story alone convinced millions of simple-minded Christians into backing a shallow swaggering exploiter.

Why any god would tell a President to lie, to misinform, to murder and destroy, to use Shock-and-Awe on helpless civilians, is beyond comprehension. Yet, True Believers hesitate to find that Bush lied, over and over, still lies, and that he is responsible for thousands of deaths for profit, for oil, for bases, and that no God would ever support or counsel such a monster. Once a believer, it becomes difficult to admit a mistake. That offends the ego. Better to stay the course and pretend that their God approves of a would-be corporate Caesar.

Religion is not the only facet of our life that Bushites exploit. See them wave flags, hundreds of flags, hear the Star Spangled Banner on every occasion, hear the reference to our “brave boys” whenever Bush is criticized, hear the claim that dissent is treason, watch Attorneys-General slyly remove civil rights, watch the tapes of Abu Gharib torture and abuse and the claims of Republican Senators that this is only like fraternity hazing.

Americans are becoming afraid that they cannot read library books, hold public demonstrations, wear sweat-shirts with anti-Bush slogans, have private telephone conversations. Habeus Corpus be damned, Indefinite Detention at the prerogative of the Chief Executive who is The Law. To subvert an entire constitutional system in a few short years is indeed a great accomplishment. Who could have imagined such horror?

Has the loss of confidence in Bush become so great, the belief that he lies so prevalent, that he has to resort to fake journalists, and FOX NEWS to overlook all of his stupidities and to praise his every action, every dyslexic word in order to preserve his hide? Must he resort to repression, riot squads, detention, tear gas, torture, and stun guns, to rule?

How many people believe that when Bush attacks Social Security it is benevolence? How many people believe that when Bush takes all the lush Social Security money, billions of dollars, and gives it to his good investment broker friends, that they will administer it honestly for maximum public benefit?

Or, how many believe that the money will magically disappear into the private bank accounts of the brokers, or turn into mansions in France, beach houses on the Riviera, fancy cars, Lear Jets, many mistresses scattered around the world, and assorted Good Lives for the executives?

How many believe that everyone’s pension is perfectly safe under the Bushites? How many believe that Bush’s plan is to make medicine, life, insurance, more affordable, or that his plan is to let corporations make maximum profit, without annoying restrictions on pollution, labor, or health measures?

How many people believe Bush is protecting the environment, being kind to the homeless, upholding civil rights, lowering the deficit, saving this country from disgrace, or being a model of diplomacy? How many people think Bush has helped big industry, to build large factories, employ millions of people, or that he has shipped our best industries overseas to utilize slave-like labor?

How many Americans believe that Bush is not responsible for any death, any destruction, any corruption, any lies, any deliberate misinformation and that all of his smirking is fully justified? Again, how many still believe that Bush’s God told him to do everything he has done?

Does God also tell Karl Rove that his plans for world conquest are really Christian, peace-loving, charitable? Does a fat-mouth fat-butt lying fat-head represent the best that Christianity has to offer? Did any God encourage Donald Rumsfeld to kill people wholesale in a foreign country, and to destroy everything that opposed the royal will of Bush?

Did God tell Bush that staying a failed course is a genial solution, or that murdering Muslims in their own country will insure that none will attack us in our country? Did God tell Bush that he was authorized to kill people by judging them to be EVIL, rather than help God to make such judgments?

Are all the deaths, maimed and wounded, of Americans worth it, or do we need twice as many to assuage the ego of the warhawks? Is it really not necessary to count the Iraqi dead? Do they not count at all? Are they simply chaff in the Bush wind?

Although I know much about the history and course of Bush and his co-conspirators, I cannot penetrate the veil of religion, corruption, and greed that envelopes his secretive and punitive regime. Secrecy may have to await some death- bed confession of some ex-cabinet member or corporate plutocrat.

May it be soon.

Forum posts

  • Perfect imperialism! Is’nt it? But blame it on others!

  • you’re an idiot. get a life

    • Oh Laura, quit your bitching.


    • I feel sorry for people who don’t believe the truth about Bush. he is the most dangerous man we have ever had ln the White House.

    • You are an ignorant lazy child, do your homework! I spend hours a day educating myself reading, watching all of the news agencies globally, watching CSPAN, etc & the only logical conclusions are the same conclusions this article presents. I would like to have more of a life, but I’m more concerned about the lives of current & future humanity. Do your homework!

  • Human evolution could easily take a quantum leap into the distant future the day after mankind realizes that God does not choose sides. And that’s that

  • Brilliant! I think you nailed it at the very beginning when you spoke of "the complexities of the collective mind of George W. Bush." I truly believe that is exactly what we have — a cacophony of divergent ideologies that soar into his ear and spill out of his mouth, and neither Bush nor those who listen to him have any idea of what he’s talking about.

    You can’t figure out what’s on his mind, because there is no mind there...

    Thanks for a great piece...


    • bush is just the symtom of the disease. he is just the pawn on ’their’ globol game of chess. outing him will only be the appointment of another like minded character.

  • There has been a smooth transition from democracy to fascism because it has been in the planning stages since end of Viet Nam war, foundation implemented beginning with Reagan 1981, and now this is merely the fruition of those policies. Anyone who was aware of what has been happening incrementally the last 25 years is not surprised. It is not a political party thing, it is a government thing...or those who control government.

  • Actualy, that’s a pretty synopsis of what is going on.

    Pat Robertson’s call to assasinte Chavez on CNN just drives the point home, that democracy and the rule of law no longer exists in America.