by Open-Publishing - Saturday 29 September 2007

Movement USA

"Methinks, sire, your vision lacketh clarity, ’tho what elan it doth proclaim!" ........ Shakespeare.

It’s paradigm shifting time in the homeland. This is the profound and succinct message thrown out to the public at large by the Republican Guard and it’s phalanx of jovial pundits.

When the Encyclopaedia Britanica is scripted ’er long, Mr. Bush will fare better than most of us could imagine. Those who control the pen control history. If you don’t believe it just check out the majority of textbooks and check out the brief and distorted revisonist history they relate..often with accompanying color photos and rosey descriptions of our various and sundry noble efforts; The Finest Generation, the triumph of Democracy, the wonders of Free Trade,yada yada yada.

Most who populate the "Melting Pot" don’t need rose colored glasses; those are implanted at birth as contacts...not sensed, not known, but in the rare few...suspected.

George Bush’s America is a vastly altered reality from what older Americans once knew and loved. Still, there are millions fully willing to accept what the Neocons and Right wing prognosticators deem an inevitable shift in reality. Just shut up and smile. Embrace the expansion of the new work force and the expanding gap between the impoverished and the super wealthy. The game is to educate yourself, play the corporate game, give your ego over to the humble ladder climber, and join the dynamic escalation toward super wealth...which is, they say, your profound birthright.

You may wish to rebel. You many not enjoy the company you’ll keep as a corporate slug, but keep your chin up, buy into the Brave New World, accept the NEW 1984 paradigm, which has changed name but not objective or theory. Live like your duty is to consume, to join the office staff at Starbucks. Down a Machiata and don’t forget to nibble at Sushi at least once a week. Be a joiner, compliment the boss, and most important..support the new conservative class.

The war in Iraq must lead to victory eventually. Just give it a chance. The dollar will find it’s own level, the trade deficit and global warming are just words. There is nothing to fear...and everything to gain.

So relax. Give Rudy your vote, and America will continue to BE America...just smarter, cleaner, more moral and spiritual.

Won’t it?