Home > Protest Rally, Washington, DC, Dec. 11, 2004

Protest Rally, Washington, DC, Dec. 11, 2004

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 2 December 2004

Demos-Actions Elections-Elected USA

Protest Rally, Washington, DC, Dec. 11, 2004

From: http://denvervoice.org/protest_rally_11-20-04.htm

(With photos from November 20, Denver eleciton protest rally.)

Saturday, December 4th, Rally, Columbus, OH.

1:00 p.m. High & Broad Sts., Ohio Statehouse.

Contact www.caseohio.org

Saturday, December 4th, Protest Rally, Kansas City, MO.

1:00 p.m. 47th & Main, Mill Creek Park by Fountain.

No Stolen Elections. Bring signs. Distribute flyers after rally.

Contact kc4kerry@yahoogroups.com

December 11, 2004, NATIONAL DEMO CALLED: Washington D.C.

Call (561) - 889 - 2165 or email activistdemocrat1@yahoo.com

To participate with the "March on Washington D.C." on Dec.11, 2004.

This is the day before the Electoral College votes to decide who will be representing the United States as either the 43rd or 44th President of the United States.

Saturday, December 18th Protest, New York, NY. 2:00 p.m. Washington Square Park, Manhattan. Contact prez@nownyc.org

Forum posts

  • it is about time ... however the call needs to be come and stay till we get a re - count, a re - vote, and a boycott of all elections till we get a totally transparent ...with paper trail voting system ....

    if you just go out and rally nothing comes of it ... if you go out and stay ... then the people can make changes as they are in Ukraine ... but if they had just gone out for a day, or few hours and then home ... they would be where we are ... this has to be an all the way type mobilization to make the necessary changes ...
    wearing orange

  • I sent a message to the email address more than a week ago seeking info as to where and when this march was to assemble. No response has been forthcoming.

    I suspect that if this is typical of the organizational skills of those planning this march, it would be a waste of effort to attend. Dare I ask if anyone bothered to apply for a permit so that this rally can legally take place?

    It is a pity, since approximately half of all voters understand that this election was as fixed as the 2000 election, that Bush is an illegitimate oval office occupant, that he shows chutzpah as well as hypocisy in calling for a revote in the Ukrainian elections while insisting that he has political capital and a mandate (don’t ask, don’t tell) while his disastrous policies cater to the whims of his benefactors while at the same time leading the world on a path towards Armageddon!

    Yet again repugnican criminal shenanigans to steal presidential elections pay off! And no one does anything but whine about it...

    Unless we do like the Ukrainians, turn off the tv’s, get off our asses, and raise hell, we will continue to be like sheep being led to the slaughter...

    B. D.
