Home > ROVEGATE - the Israeli Spying Connection

ROVEGATE - the Israeli Spying Connection

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 13 July 2005

Wars and conflicts International Governments Secret Services USA Wayne Madsen

July 13, 2005 — ROVEGATE — Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Ken Mehlman has a good reason to come to Karl Rove’s defense. Mehlman’s July 12 RNC talking points memo on Rove and the leak of classified CIA information was not only an attempt to clear Rove but himself as well. When the CIA leak occurred in 2003, Mehlman was the White House political director and he reported directly to Rove, then counselor to the President. Mehlman and Rove were both mentioned in the infamous 2002 Power Point compact disc "found" (containing political disinformation to help Jeb Bush’s re-election in 2002) in Lafayette Park across from the White House. Mehlman would not comment on whether he was called before the grand jury, a sure indication that he was, along with a number of other White House aides. While not a core member, Mehlman was one of the adjunct neo-cons who helped steer the United States into war in Iraq. Rove apparently phoned Mehlman from the White House and helped dictate the RNC talking points, which may, itself constitute interference in an ongoing criminal investigation and misuse of White House resources for partisan political activity.

There is another major sub-story to Rovegate that is being missed by the main stream media: the forgery of the Niger government documents on Iraqi-Nigerien contacts. Those documents first surfaced in Italy and have been tied to a veteran cell of Iran-contra players, one of whom has a very close relationship with Karl Rove — an individual who has always maintained close contacts with the Italian neo-fascist elements, the same players who forged the Niger documents and who are now under criminal investigation in Italy for running a parallel intelligence network in Italy and the Middle East and North Africa, including Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Niger, and Chad.

The word is that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has more than the Plame leak on his hands — that his investigation now encompasses the criminal investigation of the Niger document forgeries and AIPACgate.

Meanwhile, another veteran of the Iran-contra scandal has surfaced in the Bush administration. He is Robert L. Earl who confessed to the FBI of stealing classified national security documents and then destroying them in the infamous White House midnight "shredding party" and PROFS email erasing fest overseen by Oliver North. Earl hammered out an immunity deal with independent special counsel Lawrence Walsh in return for his testimony against other criminal conspiracists. Iran-contra led directly into the office of Vice President George H. W. Bush and resulted in the convictions of North, National Security Adviser and former G. W. Bush Internet spying czar John Poindexter, and current National Security Council official Elliot Abrams.

Does Robert "Shredder" Earl’s sudden appearance at the Pentagon mean another midnight shredding party is coming? (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, Mr. Fitzgerald)

Amid a major FBI investigation of criminal conspiracies involving lying about the reasons for going to war in Iraq, forged documents, Israeli espionage, and CIA leaks, perhaps Earl’s expertise in document disposal and shredding is the reason why he is now the chief of staff for Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, who replaced chief Iraq war architect Paul Wolfowitz.


Forum posts

  • This is something that should have been made obvious to the world by an inquisitive media. Oops. We lost that. (Did we ever have it?)

    At least there are great sites like this.

    What an obnoxious bunch we have in DC. They are scary, seriously.

    The problem is, we don’t even have that many good ones on the Demoncratic side. (Intentional misspelling.) Nancy Pelosi, we learned today on DemocracyNOW! from Seymour Hersh, did not go along with the president in his desires to rig the elections in Iraq.

    My question is this: If she knew this president, who has demonstrably been shown to have stolen the 2000 election, and who, at the time preceeding the Iraqi elections was involved in his own corrupt campaign in Ohio to steal another election, as a Democrat, why didn’t she speak up?

    Do you think she’s the only democrat who knew about bush’s lack of compunction about corrupting another country’s election? Surely kerry knew, surely hillary.

    Why are we supporting these people? Where were their voices?

    Don’t give me crap about leaks. Leaks like this, that are right and should sway an election away from those who are demonically corrupt, particularly Ms. Pelosi’s own party’s opponent, then a leak would have been fine.

    It would be better if we all voted out of office ALL of the representatives who do not represent us, if we chose to clean house and eliminate those who can stomach this kind of painful corruption.

    They are un-American. They are Repuglicans and Demoncrats. They are not us.

    • I am a complete outsider from a long way from you and what I see is the total corruption and collaspe of democracy. It is all to do with using the means of the greatest power in the world today to achieve the ends.

      The rule of law is important in any democracy provided everyone recognize where their loyalty lies. It is going to be very difficult in your country as there seem to be quite a lot of people who profess to be citizens but are willing to support the interest of another state.

      Simply put, you are in a deep Democracy hole and there is no light at the bottom and none at the top.

      You need to be prepared to spend millions of dollars before you can even take part in an Election, and when you receive you shall have to give.There is no end.

      Your practice breeds corruption. It allows manipulation of your democracy by those who can afford to fund their hopes and aspirations in ensuring your unqualified and unquestioning support.

      Forget about Rovegate, Iran-Contragate and Nixon-gate.The connection is too well embedded.

      May God Bless you.

    • Me thinks we have entered the age of the great american hand job. Not only are none of the elected reprehensible representatives doing their job, but the marvelous media seems content NOT to ask them why they are not doing something, anything, to derail this absurd run a way train.
      Who’s left to think about....the criminally insane anonymous seems to have lost the blame game and is being left alone to lick its wounds for doing exactly what Bush directed them to do re the so called intelligence used to justify the preemptive strike against a sovereign nation that did not attack us. Now that they have been slapped silly by Goss, ridding the good along with the bad, read those who are not ’yes’ men, it would appear to take years for the Mossad to reestablish contacts and let the newbies know just what the friggin rules are all over again, and that takes time.
      Now, the friggin big indian, and the chief law enforcement officer of the country, the AG, are still sitting on their collective butts ignoring irrefutable documentation of treason in wartime, which has no statute of limitations, while they think up knew interrogation techniques under the guidance of the new chief law enforcement officer in the land of the free and home of the brave.

      Wilson/Plame is the fringe of the goo that is the fabrication of the wmd to ’justify’ a war of aggression, in violation of the Nuremberg Rules, which WE established.

      The lead prosecutor at Nuremberg said, in his opening remarks to the jury, "The standards by which we judge these men today are the standards by which we will be judged tomorrow." That man was Supreme Court Justice William Jackson.

      Since impeachment looks as far away as the next galaxie, whats left but a coup?

      John McCarthy
      vpocv@comcast.net (and you can place the email address in google for some info)