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Reality is NOT optional!

by Open-Publishing - Friday 16 June 2006
1 comment

Movement Democracy Attack-Terrorism

The latest scheme of mind control and social domination is called \"Terrorism\" and is built on the pretext that an enemy viewed by a military intelligence organisation \"decides in secret\" what, whom and what the target \"TERRORIST\" is; which could be anybody from a school child to and old person in a wheel chair, or MORE LIKELY the ACTUAL TERRORISM COMES from corrupt politicians, greedy bankers, the military industrial complex using the \"PRETEXT\" of \"SECRET\" information to CONTROL the mass of humanity and the social STRUCTURES that we live in. Things like SLAVERY and GENOCIDE become quite EASY in this NEW WORLD ORDER of IDIOTIC PLANNING!

Remember all HUMAN social contexts exist in a relationship to the social communication process and the CONTROL and DISSEMINATION of INFORMATION!

In fact TERRORISM (from the RICH BANKING CLASS) is a response to the increased love in the world and the raised social awareness that exists as a result of extended families, world wide travel, and increased communication, understanding, and education of the most part of the middle classes world wide.

Terrorism is an attack by the very rich upon the working class and the middle working classes to prevent any CHANGE in the CONTROL and DECISION PROCESSES that use democratic elements of social chYou see — now that we have the Internet and the abilities to socialise, interchange, and self publish our views, ideas, pictures, and writings — this is an major threat to the mind control structures of the past — especially the media (point source controlled) and mass business religions using the Religious or GOVERNMENTAL leader as the focus and decision control point. Now that we can exchange information on a massive scale this OLD SYSTEM OF DECEPTION structure is LEGACY and is in fact a direct part of the military dogma doctrine elements that are thought the mind control of \"looking for enemies\", \"seeking to dominate\" and viewing unknowns and the un explored as POTENTIAL THREATS.

Both tradtionalist in the military, religion, and social government structures DO NOT DEAL well with change in the mind set of the working class and any larger context of education, information, or communication. This are all parts of the greater HUMAN process of GROWTH, EXPLORATION, LEARNING, and THINKING for YOURSELF. This are EXACTLY the opposite of what a leader using a military and religious mind control structure would want to ENABLE them to RULE over a DUMBED down society of worker/wage-slaves. In fact the higher the awareness of communications and psycho linguistic process of SPEAKING and ENGAGING in INDEPENDENT SELF CREATED THOUGHT and SOCIALISATION — is the very process that is breaking down the FEAR and DOUBT that is needed to enable the military RULING process to TAKE PLACE.

The military mind set is very simple. Generate security by subduing the ENEMY under ORDERS from your COMMANDER. Collect your CHECK. Keep telling yourself that \"your ARE helping YOUR COUNTRY, WHILE you KILL others\" that where a different colour skin, speak another language, have another culture or live in another social structure. You are taught to BELIEVE in the COMMANDER and you ARE PUNISHED for NOT FOLLOWING their ORDERS. You are paid to TERRORISE, KILL, and SHUT up about it. Thats why they have GUNS, wear the uniforms of EXTERMINATION of LIFE, and PRACTICE techniques of KILLING and destroying property and Human dignity and mental stability.

The Military is an EXTENSION of THE BANKER. Thats WHY YOU NEVER see in HISTORY that the ARMY or MILITARY attack THE BANKS of EXPLOITATION. They only attack the targets of the BANKERS. They pay for the police and the military agendas. These greedy little piss-pots think that they should be able to rule over others and to exploit them for their own ends, not in a structure of honesty, clear communications, or tolerance, they feed off the self delusions of control of behaviour through LIES, CORRUPTION of DRUGS/MONEY/SEX and MURDER! How NICE! NOT!

They CONTROL YOUR HUMAN LIFE through the DISPENSING of LITTLE PIECES of PAPER called MONEY. Well if you keep playing by their kindergarten RULES and following them then I guess you are too AFRAID to THINK about HOW else you would do things, or how a greater level of social sharing, and lives that where filled with greater respect, dignity, and LESS FEAR, APATHY, and WORRY about how to SURVIVE could be DONE. It\’s that simple.

If you want to change the world and for the better, CHANGE the way BANKS
work and how money is controlled by society — or better yet get rid of such a stupid motivation system which has been responsible for motivating people to killing, drug dealing, genocide, and self degradation.

If you want improve the world, your feelings while you live in it and the range and quality of experiences that MOST of us have — then you better look to CHANGE how and WHO controls our behaviours and motivations to something INTELLIGENT and USEFUL. Because as history has shown money is STUPID, ROOTED in VIOLENCE, and EFFECTIVELY a form of social psycho warfare and extension of domination like the militaryIf look at the above equation you can see that the entire motivation for all of TERRORISM emanates from the motivational scheme to control behaviour and human life security by the DISPENSING of the DEATH DEALERS PAYMENT - MONEY.

The creation of \"Terrorism\" is a psychological illness that the VERY RICH have emanating from the desire of BANKERS to MAINTAIN control of a WORLD Social STRUCTURE through MONEY and Military power, and LIES. It is reflection of their empathetic disconnection from REALITY,HUMANITY, and HONESTY. For only a person in such a state of mind could devise SUCH a PLAN as TELLING the WORLD that \"an UN-ENDING WAR WILL be WAGED forever.\" Such people are ILL and to make such a statement is a clear reflection of a mental defect, a moral failure, and a human tragedy in a VISION of the FUTURE for SOCIETY as a WHOLE. These PEOPLE that promote this dogma need to be STOPPED before they KILL again and they need to be CONNECTED back to the core of WORKING humanity that solves honest HUMAN problems, educates REAL PEOPLE, and WORKS effectively to REPAIR the WORLD. For it is BADLY BROKEN. STUPID and RICH. For the desire to be RICH at someone else\’s expense is STUPID!

Stop following them. Stop listening to them. Start telling them to their FACE that they are psychologically unbalanced, chemically unstable, and they a NEED to wash out their mouths with soap for all the lies that come out of their mouths and FINALLY they NEED to WAKE UP --- N O W !!!

Instead of Terrorising us FROM trying to GROW and LOVE, they need to be REPAIR WHAT they have broken in the PAST, REPAIR WHAT THEY ARE BREAKING NOW, and they need to THROW in the TRASH the entire idiotic set of LIES called \"The NEW WORLD ORDER\", throw away the nuclear launch CODES, and WAKE the F#*K UP and get REAL! NOW!

And if they only understand FEAR and POWER as motivation well they may have great suffering to endure for their poor judgement then!

A Message from the Department of Love, Peace, and The World Repair Service

If you think speaking the truth is optional in society just look at the world we live in today and the STUFF we are told by OUR SO CALLED LEADERS!

Think about That!

Forum posts

  • Nice article, but it comes across as a rant.

    Try and ease the reader into it.

    I totally agree with you...

    you didn’t mention autonomous self-sufficient communities though...
