Home > Recounting the votes

Recounting the votes

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 27 November 2004

Elections-Elected USA

Democrats complained that Republicans stole the 2000 presidential election. However, several newspapers (some with a liberal bent) got together and, after investigating this charge, found that Bush would have obtained an even larger majority than the meager 500 or so votes he obtained, if the US supreme Court had permitted the multiple re-count to continue.

In addition, I am informed that more than 1,000 military votes had not been counted in Florida; yet the liberals maintain that all votes shoudl be counted. Was the lack of liberal interest in this matter caused by the fact that military people preferred Bush over Gore as their Commander in Chief?

As to the present election, many votes were already entered in Pennsylvania’s voting machines before the voting even started. This was corrected, but to what extent?

Bush obtained over 100,000 more votes than Kerry, and you wish to challenge this. All right: we too can play this game. How about a recount in the states Kerry won by similar and even lower margins?

I will certainly demand this, if you keep persisting with your unwarranted charges.
As I ppointed out, several newspapter, some liberal, established that Bush had won Florida in 2000, yet liberals maitnain that Bush had stolen that election. He did not do this then, nor is doing this now, and if you wish to
keep up the pressure with unsabstantiated charges, we will do our part to counter them.

Chicago has been a hot bed where dead people’s votes were counted for the Democrats. So were other cities.

Forum posts

  • Monica,
    W. is a LOSER! The sooner you face the facts the better.

  • Hand-counted paper ballots with multiple witnesses from precinct to national tabulation, as much time as it takes for every citizen to vote, no intimidation, no towing voters’ cars for parking near the polls, no lies, no un-verifiable machines. If your guy wins under circumstances like that, then so be it. If he wins in a race where the only verification of the vote is a national-scale act of faith, he is NOT legitemate, and neither would be anyone else under these circumstances. For all we know the primaries were rigged to put Kerry up against him. NONE of them can be trusted under these circumstances.

    • NONE of them can be trusted? So basically you are defaming the good name of all those people at the local Board of Elections and their workers? You guys are really sore losers. Just because you didn’t like the outcome, you have accused a very large group of people of dishonesty and manipulation. Attitudes like yours are why more people are going to vote republican next year and every year thereafter.

    • If W didn’t get re-elected Republicans would be doing the same thing.