by Open-Publishing - Friday 31 March 2006
1 comment

Governments USA Peter Fredson


By Peter Fredson

March 31, 2006

It is indeed heartwarming to see the vigilance that Republicans are exercising over our morals, virtue, honor, and fine American character.

Recently a baseball player seemingly lied about taking some sort of performance enhancement drugs. This is abominable, unheard of, something destined to bring disrepute to the entire game, and will shame us on the world-wide stage.

Harsh treatment is certainly called for, to make sure that sports players are clean, virtuous, and without blemishes on their reputation, in order to uphold the image of the United States as the paragon of virtue and the policeman of morality in the world.

We certainly cannot afford to let liars infiltrate our democracy for then trust will be difficult to maintain. After all, Trust is one

The other day a security-conscious Republican Senator decided that a full-scale congressional investigation had to be called immediately on the steroid scandal to prevent further erosion of American values, honor, character, and sportsmanship on the World court.

There will be hearings, witnesses, oaths, aggressive questioning, and at the end all Americans will be able to rest in the knowledge that our Congress is keeping us safe and virtuous. The world press will undoubtedly be represented with tons of newsprint dedicated to the virulent scandal.

And at the end the Congressional representatives of the people will be able to swell their chests with pride that they have upheld our honor, and safeguarded sportsmanship.

I must say it is about time that somebody looks to the erosion of values in our country.

There is still a slight but queasy issue to be resolved. By now the entire nation, nay, the entire world, knows that George W. Bush and his entire cabinet lied their neocon heads off to declare war against Iraq, a nation which posed no danger to our country, had no designs on us, and had no terrorists ready to blow up some facility in New York or Crawford.

One would think this was a grave issue in our democracy, which is turning into a fascist theocracy, and should be resolved as speedily as possible. But, no, the entire Republican congress seems deaf, dumb, and blind.

They really don’t want to know. They detest having to question our honorable President, perhaps embarrassing him, or even sadden him. They have fought valiantly to prevent any investigation of Bush actions or intentions or declarations.

On the contrary, in any congressional investigation they have blocked by every means possible to keep the President’s name and actions out of reach. They have applauded his every action, lauded and praised his “courage”, and overlooked his murderous actions in Iraq.

After all, it is only Muslims that died, and we know that the True Believer followers of Bush, as well as the neocons, think a crusade is needed in which infidels and heretics might be removed by a good pretext.

Death, destruction, and having a live target to shoot, is not only good fun, but is very good business for the military-political establishment. Who cares about a second-rate small country or its religious fanatics?

Bush’s destiny, as a neocon, is to dominate the world, with an imperial conscience-free mission from the Supreme Creator of the Entire Universe whispering in his ear.

Certainly the Iranians and Syrians would do well to sign non-aggression pacts with as many nations as they can, as soon as they can, for the Bush neocons still have three whole years to inflict tremendous damage and grief upon many nations.

The Bush Black Angel of Death, Condi Rice, has warned those nations many many times, and her patience is wearing thin. Although she may not worry about secret jails, renditions, torture, abuse, warrants, indefinite detention, it is good that we will get at the root of the horrible baseball steroid problem.

This should make us all feel safe, secure and highly moral.

Forum posts

  • Today Condi Rice was in England and received a very rude reception, deservedly so. But it bounced off her hide, which is like that of an alligator, same as her bite.