by Open-Publishing - Thursday 4 September 2008

USA US election 2008

September 4, 2008


John Chuckman

I’ve reassessed my view of Sarah Palin.

My first thought about her usefulness to John McCain was that she would be a draw for disaffected Hillary supporters in a close race, but then all I knew about Sarah was that she characterized herself as a soccer, or hockey, mom.

But already I’ve learned more about her than I ever would have wanted to know, and her simple, original description of herself proves disingenuous at best, and there is the proverbial snowball’s chance in hell of her appealing to Hillary supporters.

A dizzying jumble of images and anecdotes now clutters the Internet. There’s a picture of her in a bikini, with an American flag motif no less, holding a rifle, with a loony grin, poolside. There’s another picture in a black leather mini-skirt, high platform shoes, satiny blouse with revealing décolletage, standing at a bar with a wine glass. There’s the head-shot of her looking through the sight of a military weapon, a la Thatcher in her tank. Then there are the many carefully-posed pictures of her dressed demurely in family groupings, sentimental pictures as familiar to me as her flat Midwestern accent, a holdover from Idaho in her case, which just happens to be America’s favourite refuge for survivalists, private militias, and Aryan lunatics.

Then there are her statements about the bloody, illegal invasion of Iraq being “God’s will.” How would she know that? Because George Bush told her? Or does God personally whisper in her ear? If it’s God, I wonder when He (Sarah being a fundamentalist, it could not possibly be a She) takes the opportunity of speaking to her? When she’s poolside in a bikini, toting a gun, or dressed and scurrying out the door with the clan for Sunday school?

She supported Pat Buchanan, poster boy for everything that is wrong with America, in his Junior Brown Shirt march for the presidency in 2000. Before that, she was a card-carrying member of the Alaska Independence party, not exactly in keeping with Stars-and-Stripes bikinis, but definitely consistent with erratic behavior. There were denials about the Independence party, but the records are there, as is her signature.

She has five children, including her most recent, sadly afflicted with Down syndrome. In this day of certainty through tests, it does seem irresponsible to have such a child, which likely will be dependent on family and society for its entire life. Yes, her behaviour is consistent with her views on abortion – about which she once claimed she would not have an abortion even for a raped daughter – but is it sensible? Does such a decision reflect sound, realistic judgment? Our world today is full of such complex situations and judgments, not a world of simplistic rights or wrongs.

She is against gay marriage, against abortion, and against just about anything else you can find in the “anti” repertoire of religious predators along the lines of Jimmy Swaggert or Jerry Falwell. If she accepts war and mass killing as God’s will, why does she not extend that thinking to gay marriage or tests which help us prevent tragic outcomes from pregnancy?

She’s not much more consistent in her other behaviour and thinking. She’s big on commandments and rules, but that did not stop her from trying to have her brother-in-law dismissed from his job in the state police. Nor did it prevent her hacking into an opponent’s computer to get information to secure her election as mayor. And respect for proper procedures did not cause her a moment’s concern when she used paid lobbyists to land pork-barrel projects for her town.

Sarah is almost an American cartoon character, Daffy Duck waving his wings and flapping his beak madly off in all directions.

Her acceptance speech at the convention was certainly competently delivered, but what did it say? It was literally a set of one-liners, Rush Limbaugh barking away on the radio, without any sense of purpose or direction stated other than winning the election and “serving the people.” God, I would hate to be tasked with listing all the monstrous crimes committed in the name of “serving the people,” almost as many, surely, as those covered by “God’s will” in history.

Actually, there’s very little that is new about Sarah Palin. I’ve seen this act before. In tone and substance and attitude, Sarah is Newt Gingrich in drag. But then Newt was almost as irreligious as John McCain. Sarah, though, has a big fat hunk of old Bob Jones tossed in – after all, in the heady ‘60s, the old man had guards with automatic weapons at the gates of Bob Jones’ University - and that brings us to one of her main purposes in this campaign.

Sarah is there to speak to the born-again crowd, people who do not actually trust John McCain as being sympathetic to their views, and with good reason. Born-agains are roughly a fifth of the American population, and the Republicans never can win without their support. So we’ve gone from having the nuttier class of fundamentalists burrowing into every corner of America’s government under George Bush, affecting even the language used in literature at the Grand Canyon, to having one of their own placed “a heartbeat away” from the presidency, and this by a man whose heartbeat just might not last his term.

Forum posts

  • It is very sad that the press is so determined to vilify Sarah Palin. OBVIOUSLY the photos of Gov. Palin are doctored photos. THAT is why she has a stupid grin on her face. It is NOT real. Just becuase a woman is intelligent, successful & attractive does not mean that the press can attack her. if she were a Democrat wld the press treat her the same. Pathetic. Totally pathetic!

  • lololololoololololololololol

    i can smell the fear.....................

    Prediction: " Landslide victory for palin/mccain" yes i did say palin/ McCain.

    she is everything America is/was. i have done everything she has done, minus the public office. However, i did serve as a Special Ops Marine for 10 years....... so i guess i did serve. Of course i used to trap and skin pelts as well...................

    one side has a record of change (ironic that the change of making smaller government, is exactly everything the socialist, hi-jacked democratic party is not) and the other side spins ’secret-black-ops-ninja’- BS. cant wait to see all the ’______gate’(s) conspiracies.

  • You are so misled. It’s really sad to think you have a mind like Obama. So sad. You will reap what you sow. It’s murder when you use abortion as a form of birth control or to kill off a life because it is too much trouble for you to love or care for. So sad.

  • Sarah gave a speech loaded with hateful things, personal attacks and vitriol. She offered NOTHING that constituted a real plan toward achieving a real goal or objective. She pointed out things that are wrong, made lots of nasty remarks that were personally directed, but provided NO ANSWERS to any of the questions, not even her own.

    Sarah is obviously not a nice person or a good mother. She drags her infant son along, into places that put him in great physical jeopardy due to the numbers of people and germs they carry. She has taken her daughter Bristol’s unwed preganancy status from a private family matterand turned it nto a national debate. That is not what I view as a good or loving mother. She is full of self-justification and apparently very little compassion that isn’t staged for the cameras.

  • You sound so bitter because you are scared. Scared that a woman may hold one of the highest offices in our country. I was so excited when I found out McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. She is a woman most American families can relate to. Her family may not be perfect but I don’t many families that are. I want someone in charge who deals with the same everyday problems most of us deal with. And tell me why it is your business or anyone else’s that she chose to have a baby with Down Syndrome? Are you suggesting she should have aborted that baby? Have you ever known a child with Down Syndrome? Though disabled, they can live very productive lives and believe it or not bring a lot of love to their families. My daughter was born with Cerebral Palsy, should I have aborted her had I known she would be born disabled? Though she is disabled and may require assistance from others all of her life, she brings us so much joy and is an inspiration to most that meet her. We couldn’t imagine life without her.
    And before you go to the trouble of bashing Sarah Palin, get your facts straight. If you had any sense you’d know those photos of Sarah Palin have been photoshopped. I suppose you think the pictures of the dead bigfoot were real?? Oh, and BTW- Don’t worry about McCain choosing Palin as his running mate hoping to draw in the Hilary supporters because Palin is NOTHING like Mrs. Clinton, thank goodness!!