by Open-Publishing - Saturday 26 August 2006

South/Latin America

For many Venezuelans one has become a point important to write something about BELLACIAO, position thus, everything in capital letters.

It is a page that was possibly visited by that another reader, who has perhaps been able it to see like very distant.

We arrived at BELLACIAO of accidental way, when a person, Venezuelan, related to Bolivarianos Circles in Paris, named it, like page that read there. We understood that it was purely in French, and as we can read in that language, we thought that it would help us to be informed, with an agreed direction to our revolutionary thought, and simultaneously to return to the fluidity of lestura in the language that if it does not practice is losing.

We entered and for surprise ours we saw as a information were collection with unfolding and commentaries approach the activity of the bolivarianos and Venezuelan circles and friends of Venezuela in Marseilles, and in addition that worked not only in French but in Spanish, Italian and English.

Already reading with more care, we realized of the possibility of collaborating and of thinking in her, and its character of free opinion, and the form practical to arrive at her. All that stimulated to us to collaborate, next to a group of people to those who the page had recommended them. And this has been spread. As much as far as collaborations as in readers of the page.

We have received reports of reading practically of all the country. Culture has been recommended through the Mission—one of the important Missions but that it develops the Venezuelan government—which groups participants in cultural activities and they study to become Promoters in time complete of cultural activities. Also it has been heard recommend it through important and spread programs of radio of the progressive sectors of Venezuela. It is also a tribune where activities related to the social fights of Venezuela and the world are disclosed.

Bellaciao played an important role in the diffusion of the activities from support to the towns Palestinian and Lebanese, and we even knew that an initiative that began in the Page, like fué the Letter of Solidarity of the Children of the World with Palestine and Línbano, fué gathered and used in other countries and pages, and newspapers, and spread and used for the predicted intention.

Today BELLACIAO is a page of Internest that begins to be present every day with more force between more readers in Venezuela. We dare to say that it has multiplied its readers in Venezuela in a great amount. Possibly it has multiplied percent or more. Today tamnbén their collaborations are used in other pages in Venezuela, and used in reproductions.

We can say then that Bellaciao has been venezolanizado, that is here for growing and not leaving more. And that has been placed between the pages of Internet of it revolutionary and progressive forces of the world with greater prestige, force and attention between the Venezuelan readers.

And by all this, to name of those who we collaborated in her from Venezuela, thanks for its opening, its accurate publishing line, and by the support to all the towns of the world in its fight. We will continue collaborating with you. Greetings comrades, and until the victory always.


Forum posts

  • Perhaps Bellaciao can ask that articles intended for Venezuelan readers be published in Spanish on the Spanish page. Most of the material being written by Mr. Bauza and colleagues is not intelligible English. And it is cluttering up the English page.

    • This is also true of the Italian and French versions. FRB should maybe not trust the false virtues of translation software. And learn about the real virtues of paragraphs. QT.

  • The French version is a bit harder but we understand very well, if we try, the Pr.Fausto Rodriguez’s message.

    Nowadays, in France, Capital’s valets attempt to shut down BELLACIAO, matter of fact, they act in order to choke disagreeing beliefs about their thoughts.

    Yes, Faustino, BELLACIAO, open up its columns for the people defence all over the world against imperialism.

    Venezuela, and its people next to its president Hugo Chavez, you show us that another world is possible, that a fight against imperialists is possible, that’s the reason why a lot of people see your bravery and congratulate you.

    I’m proud of this and thank for going in that way.


    Sorry for errors

    Esteban (France)

    • I agree that Bellaciao serves an excellent purpose. Although a citizen of the US, I am a strong supporter of Venezuela in its struggle against Yanqui imperialism. I long to see many other countries follow Venezuela’s lead in its fight.

      But I do not have the time to try to understand the unintelligible English presented by Mr. Bauza. There are excellent sites, such as http://www.handsoffvenezuela.org/in..., that present information on Venezuela in well-written English.

      As 87.**.240.*** says, Mr. Bauza should avoid translation software. I run a small translation company and know that machine translation does not work. You end up with the gobbledygook such as Mr. Bauza is presenting. He has every right to express his opinion. But he has an obligation to do so in an understandable fashion.

      I might also mention that I assume Mr. Bauza and his friends are actually supporters of President Chavez and his government. They could be flooding Bellaciao with this kind of writing to discourage the world from reading anything about Venezuela. In other words, they might actually be working against President Chavez.

    • Ok dear friend,

      Thank you very much for this link !



    • Contestación a este mensaje > EL VENEZOLANIZACION DE BELLACIAO 28 de agosto de 2006 - 15h15 - fijado por 209. ** .235. ** Convengo que Bellaciao responde a un propósito excelente. Aunque un ciudadano de los E.E.U.U., yo es un partidario fuerte de Venezuela en su lucha contra el imperialismo de Yanqui. I de largo para ver muchos otros países seguir el plomo de Venezuela en su lucha. Pero no tengo la época de intentar entender el inglés unintelligible presentado por Sr. Bauza. Hay sitios excelentes, tales como http://www.handsoffvenezuela.org/in..., esa actual información sobre Venezuela en inglés bien-escrito. Como 87. ** .240. el *** dice, Sr. Bauza debe evitar software de la traducción. Dirijo una compañía pequeña de la traducción y sé que la traducción automática no trabaja. Terminas para arriba con el gobbledygook tal como Sr. Bauza estás presentando. Él tiene cada derecha de expresar su opinión. Pero él tiene una obligación de hacer tan en una manera comprensible. Puede ser que también mencione que asumo que Sr. Bauza y sus amigos es realmente partidarios del presidente Chavez y su gobierno. Podían inundar Bellaciao con esta clase de escribir para desalentar el mundo de la lectura cualquier cosa sobre Venezuela. Es decir puede ser que trabajen realmente contra presidente Chavez.

      Desconocido lector:

      Gracias por su atención y por leer, o tratar de leer, nuestros artículos en bellaciao.org Considero que la frase final de su comentario es un insulto muy grave. Usted no puede afirmar que: “Es decir puede ser que trabajen realmente contra el Presidente Chávez “. O, como escribe anteriormente, “Podían inundar Bellaciao con esta clase de escribir para desalentar el mundo de la lectura cualquier cosa sobre Venezuela”.. Sobre todo, si Usted mismo anteriormente había señalado que “Dirijo una compañía pequeña de la traducción y sé que la traducción automática no funciona”. Si usted había señalado que no funciona la traducción automática, y que “el Sr. Bauza debe evitar el software de la traducción.”, porqué usted en vez de presumir nuestra buena fé y mejor intención posible acude a ese insulto temerario y grave? . Usted me debe una excusa, palabra de desagravio, solicitud de perdón, ante esa grave acusación.Coloco las tres opciones por la desconfianza en la traducción. Alguna saldrá bien.

      Se está refiriendo así , como lo hizo, a una persona que de sus ochenta años, (80), más de sesenta y cinco (65), han sido dedicados a las luchas del pueblo venezolano por alcanzar lo que ahora tenemos, poniendo en ello todo un cúmulo de honradez, de esfuerzo y de entrega, que incluye haber pasado años de persecución, de cárceles, de torturas, y hasta de un campo de trabajos forzados en una dictadura., con una amplia credibilidad lograda en el país ,donde gozo del aprecio y el respeto de todos quienes conocen mi trayectoria y mi firme posición revolucionaria , en toda mi actuación política y profesional como educador , periodista y organizador cultural..Nadie podrá pensar "que trabaje realmente contra el Presidente Chávez.

      En cuanto a nuestra incursión en bellaciao.org , en los idiomas italiano, francés e inglés, la hacemos con la idea de dar una información más directa y a la vez nuestra opinión sobre todos las noticias de nuestro país y del mundo, y con un posterior y ambicioso proyecto:: crear en bellaciao.org un gran Foro multilingue, dirigido a un estudio en profundidad de la Revolución Bolivariana , de la situación latinoamericana y del mundo.En un sitio de Internet de este país conduzco en este momento dos foros, uno sobre la Revolución Bolivariana, y uno sobre educación, especialmente adolescentes, en torno a la creación de la Hebegogía.

      En relación al problema de los idiomas y las dificultades de comprensión en algunos casos- no en todos.. porque en Francés e Italiano los comentarios nos indican que si hay los errores y dificultades, pero se logra la comprensión de lo escrito, otorgándonos en los comentarios respectivos signos de comprensión de nuestra buena intención, el agradecimiento por la información y la opinión, e incluso el perdón de los errores de traducción. En torno al inglés hemos hecho también una revisión y son mas las aceptaciones que los rechazos..En cuanto al sitio http.//www.handsoffvenezuela.org, ya le visité. Es un Plan distinto a lo que nosotros nos proponemos ., y de las fuentes de información de Venezuela que ellos usan , son precisamente de las organizaciones venezolanas con las cuales estamos relacionados. Nada de raro tendrá entonces que en cualquier momento les ofrezcamos nuestra colaboración.

      Hemos revisado bien los artículos que se han traducido a otros idiomas, . Hemos hecho una prueba revisado un solo artículo, traducido desde el español al inglés por distintos software.: Google , Yahoo , Babel, y otros. Cada uno da un resultado distinto, una traducción diferente desde una misma fuente.Una locura. En verdad que confiamos demasiado en la eficiencia de esos traductores automáticos. Ese fue un error. Pero como ha sido una característica en mi vida, los obstáculos son para superarlos, y en verdad que estamos haciendo las gestiones necesarias para resolver los problemas para al uso del inglés. En italiano y francés hay algunos traductores automáticos más precisos. De todas maneras cuando consideremos que alguna noticia , o la explicación de algún hecho y una opinión al respecto es importante que la enviemos , lo haremos, corriendo el riesgo de alguna imprecisión, pero contando con que los lectores sabrán apreciar más la intención de darles la información y harán el esfuerzo para entender y sacar el mejor provecho posible.

      Para que no se presenten dificultades envío juntos:

      1,- La traducción al español de su comentario, hecha con Google.. Puede ver como queda. Debe ser igual con los artículos desde el español al inglés. Lo entiendo.

      2.- Mi correspondencia, en español, para que no se pierda el sentido de ella.

      3,-Mi correspondencia, traducida con Google

      4.- Es posible que en el envío se pierdan los párrafos, y los espacios , y todo se presente en un solo bloque. Ocurre en la traducción, y al momento de hacer el envío.

      Yó enntiendo , por lo que dice , que apoya al proceso venezolano. Vaya mi agradecimiento por eso. Espero que usted entienda mis razones, porque los calificativos que recibí se difundieron por la red, y comprenderá el daño que me causan.

      De todas maneras, si en cualquier oportunidad viene a Venezuela no tendré ningún problema en atenderle, En cuanto a mí, no podré verle en su país, porque estoy en la Lista Negra que allá elaboran, desde el año 1948, y no puedo entrar-
      De usted, muy atentamente, con saludos revolucionarios, y hasta la victoria siempre
      Profesor Faustino Rodríguez Bauza

    • THE VENEZOLANIZACION OF BELLACIAO 29th August 2006 - 08h32 - Posted by 190. ** .242. ** Answer to this message > the VENEZOLANIZACION OF BELLACIAO 28 of August of 2006 - 15h15 - fixed by 209. ** .235. ** Convengo that Bellaciao responds to an excellent intention. Although a citizen of the E.E.U.U., I is a strong partisan of Venezuela in his fight against the imperialism of Yankee. I of length to see many other countries follow the lead of Venezuela in its fight. But I do not have the time to try to understand the English unintelligible presented/displayed by Mr. Bauza. There are excellent sites, such as http://www.handsoffvenezuela.org/in..., that present information on well-writing Venezuela in English. Like 87. **,240. *** says, Mr. Bauza must avoid software of the translation. I direct a small company of the translation and know that the automatic translation does not work. You finish for above with gobbledygook as Mr. Bauza you are presenting/displaying. It has each right to express his opinion. But he has an obligation to do so in a comprehensible way. He can be that also he mentions that I assume that Mr. Bauza and his friends is really in favor of president Chavez and his government. They could flood Bellaciao with this class to write to discourage the world of the reading any thing on Venezuela. That is to say, it can be that they really work against president Chavez. Reading stranger: Thanks for its attention and to read, or to try to read, our articles in bellaciao.org I consider that the final phrase of its commentary is a very serious insult. You cannot affirm that: “That is to say, he can be that they really work against President Chávez “. Or, as it writes previously, “They could flood Bellaciao with this class to write to discourage the world of the reading any thing on Venezuela”. Mainly, if same You previously had indicated that “I direct a small company of the translation and know that the automatic translation does not work”. If you had indicated that the automatic translation does not work, and that “Mr. Bauza must avoid the software of the translation. ”, because you instead of presuming our good faith and better possible intention it goes to that reckless insult and it burdens? . You must an excuse, word to me of I make amends for, pardon request, before that serious accusation. I place the three options by the distrust in the translation. Some will come out well. One is thus talking about, since she did it, a person who of their eighty years, (80), more than sixty and five (65), have been dedicated to the fights of the Venezuelan town to reach what now we have, putting in it everything an accumulation of honesty, effort and delivery, that it includes to have spent years of persecution, jails, of tortures, and until of a field of works forced in a dictatorship., with an ample credibility obtained in the country, where joy of the esteem and the respect of all that know my trajectory and my firm revolutionary position, in everything my political and professional performance like educator, journalist and cultural organizer. Nobody will be able to think “that it really works against President Chávez. As far as our incursion in bellaciao.org, in the languages Italian, French and English, we make it with the idea give one more to a more direct information and simultaneously our opinion on all news of our country and the world, and with a later and ambitious project:: to create in bellaciao.org a great Forum multilingue, directed to a study in depth of the Bolivariana Revolution, the Latin American situation and the world. In a site of Internet of this country I at this moment lead two forums, one on the Bolivariana Revolution, and one on education, specially adolescent, around the creation of the Hebegogía. In relation to the problem of the languages and the difficulties of understanding in some cases not in all. because in Italian French and the commentaries indicate to us that if there are the errors and difficulties, but the understanding of the writing is obtained, granting to us in the respective commentaries signs of understanding of our good intention, gratefulness by the information and the opinion, and even the pardon of the translation errors. Around the English we have also made a revision and are but the acceptances that the rejections. As far as site HTTP./www.handsoffvenezuela.org, already I visited to him. It is a Plan different from which we set out. , and of the sources of intelligence of Venezuela that they use, they are indeed of the Venezuelan organizations to who we are related. Nothing of rare will have then that at any time we offer our collaboration to them. We have reviewed the articles well that have been translated to other languages. We have tested reviewed a single article, translated from the English Spanish to by the different ones software.: Google, Yahoo, Babel, and others. Each one gives a different result, a different translation from a same source. A madness. In truth that we trusted too much the efficiency of those automatic translators. That was an error. But like it has been a characteristic in my life, the obstacles are for surpassing them, and in truth that we are making the managements necessary to solve the problems stop to the use of the English. In Italian and French there are some more precise automatic translators. Of all ways when we consider that some news, or the explanation of some fact and an opinion on the matter is important that we send it, we will do it, running the risk of some imprecisión, but counting whereupon the readers they will know to appreciate plus the intention to give the information them and will deliver the attack to understand and to remove the best possible benefit. So that together difficulties do not appear shipment: 1, - the translation to the Spanish of its, commentd out with Google. It can see as it is. It must be equal with articles from the Spanish to the English. I understand it. 2. - My correspondence, in Spanish, so that the sense of her is not lost. 3, - My correspondence, translated with Google 4. - It is possible that in the shipment they are lost the paragraphs, and the spaces, and everything appears in a single block. It happens in the translation, and at the time of making the shipment. I enntiendo, reason why it says, that it supports to the Venezuelan process. My gratefulness goes for that reason. I hope that you understand my you reason, because the qualifying ones which I received spread by the network, and will understand the damage that they cause to me. From all ways, if in any opportunity comes to Venezuela not I will have no problem in to take care of him, As far as me, not I will be able to see him in his country, because I am in the Black List that elaborates there, from year 1948, and I cannot enter . Of you, very kindly, with revolutionary greetings, and until the victory always Professor Faustino Rodriguez Bauza

    • Hola, Señor Rodriguez Bauza,

      No hay de ponerse así. El Sr.209**235** no comprendió su artículo y lo dice. La frase que usted le tocó se puede ver por el angulo suyo, pero no creo que este Sr. quiso vejarlo o dudar de su buena fé.

      Como lo dice usted, los commentarios sobre bellaciao francia y españa son sinceros y nadie duda. Vuestros escritos son ricos de la mente venezolana. De eso tenemos necesidad y tambien de sus testimonios.

