Home > The J word, the J people and the J spot

The J word, the J people and the J spot

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 19 April 2005


Gilad Atzmon

Many of us, the critical voices of Zionism and Israel, have already realised something: it is advisable to avoid using the ‘J’ word. Once you use the ‘J’ word you had better expect some serious trouble. But in fact, this is not entirely true. You can safely apply the ‘J’ word, you just have to make sure you say the right things. For instance no one is going accuse you of being a racist for flattering the ‘J’ people with some incredible positive superlatives. No one will cause you any trouble for saying that the J’s are very intelligent or a nice bunch of people. You can even lie and say that they are extremely good looking and by far the kindest people on earth. It is only when you say what you really think that the real trouble starts. As soon as you become slightly genuine you will have to face an orchestrated smear campaign, you will be then called an ‘anti Semite’, a ‘new historian’ and even a ‘holocaust denier’. If you happen to be a ‘J’ yourself you will probably end up being labelled a ‘self-hating J’, no doubt a pretty prestigious club to be a member of.

All of the above depicts a very obscure picture: as it seems, the ‘J’ people do not mind being collectively categorised, they do not mind racial generalisations as long as they come out looking good by it. For instance saying that the J’s are the greatest and the most clever people on earth won’t be taken by them as an outrageous racist remark. But then, as soon as you mention that some of them may appear to be just slightly greedy at times, this is when trouble starts. One may wonder how is it possible, clearly, the two statements are equally racially outrageous, equally categorical. Both statements attribute qualities to a specific racial group and yet only the latter is seen as inflammatory.

Rather than address this riddle, I would prefer to dismiss the issue altogether. In fact, none of these remarks should be considered racist, because the ‘J’ people aren’t a race. Not only are they not a race, they aren’t a class, they aren’t a nation, they aren’t a tribe, they aren’t an ethnic group, they aren’t victims, they aren’t even the oppressors. They are none of these but they can easily become any of them whenever it is convenient.

The J’s are the ultimate chameleons, they can be whatever they like as long as it serves as some expedient. As soon as you criticise their expansionist militant national beliefs (Zionism) you hurt them as a race (Semites), they would insist that anti Zionism is in practice a form of anti Semitism. When you condemn their racist tendencies, they are transformed immediately into an innocent cultural identity (merely chicken soup consumers). When you criticise their exclusive cultural leanings, they then become a race again (it isn’t me it’s all down to my mother, she is Jewish, I am just a consequence of her racial belonging). But it goes further, when you scrutinise their racist and supremacist religious law (Talmud) they remind you that most of them are in fact secular (true by the way), but then, when you question their secular philosophy, they would immediately confess that, in fact, there is no such philosophy. You may push your luck and ask them what stands at the core of their ethnic belonging. A readymade answer would be given instantly: ‘it is Hitler rather than Moses who made us into J’s’. Hitler never asked for our religious beliefs, he killed us just for being J’s.’ When you remind them that Hitler is no longer with us, they would assure you that a new one is just about to be born. Basically you can never win. But neither can they.

You can never win because you don’t really want to win, you just enjoy exploring a unique bizarre and yet a very powerful and victorious identity. For you it isn’t about winning, all you want is to help the Palestinian people in their right and justified battle. For you it isn’t about a clear practical gain, you want to make this planet just a bit nicer of a place to live in. But for them it is a different matter altogether. For them, it is all about winning, they are set to win, unconditional success is brewed into their spirit both culturally and religiously. But they can never win, by the time they win they get lost. They stop being victims. Occasionally it looks as if they are almost there, you can see them running the show, running American political life, running American show business, running the ‘new middle East’, running the Communist revolution but then, as it appears, something always goes wrong. Suddenly, completely out of the blue, everyone around is standing up against the plot. As it seems, they always win the battles but somehow manage to lose the war, very much like contemporary America. Is it a coincidence? I don’t think so.

Sadly enough for them, not only can’t they win, as tragically as it may appear, they can’t lose either, they can never be defeated. Thus even their lowest moments are transformed into a glorious political manoeuvre. By the time millions of European J’s were facing murderous Nazi brutality, Ben Gurion was already capitalising on their imminent deaths. By now, within the J’s common worldview, the holocaust is recognised as a justification and a pillar of self righteousness. Rather than being a moral lesson, the holocaust stands as an excuse. Rather than use the tragic event as a moment of reflection, at least in the eyes of the Zionist J’s it is transformed into a militant expansionist philosophy backed with hundreds of nuclear weapons.

As it seems, they can neither win nor lose, Thus they are doomed to wander around engaging themselves in an endless metamorphosis. They move forward and backwards, from left to right, from right to left, from spirituality into materialism, from orthodox Marxism into hard capitalism. They are always at the cool side of game, when it was right to be a Socialist they were right there in the forefront of the Bolshevik revolution, now when it is hard capitalism that sets the tone, you read about them in the Wall Street Journal, they are the new prophets from Manhattan. Life is never boring for ‘J’ people.

But then, let me tell you, there is only one thing they can’t cope with, one thing that drives them mad. Something that never settles peacefully in their well protected binary world. It is called love. If you love them you kill them. Love shakes their confidence, for them it is far easier to be detested. The only way to destroy Zionism, to dismantle ‘J’ power, is to embrace them to your heart, to make love to their ‘J spot’. To worship them exactly when they anticipate your ultimate aversion. Always overwhelm them with affection. A brief look into their history makes it very clear. By the time they were fully emancipated by their European host nations, they invented Zionism. When anti Semitism was thrown out of the window, it was the Zionists who reintroduced it. By the time Israel was praised by the world for its military success and murderous strategies, Zionism was in ruins.

We must learn to accept everything they do. When they flatten a Palestinian village, rather than protesting, just look in their eyes and assure them that your love is unconditional. When they throw a bomb on a school in Gaza, just hold them close to your heart and express your sincere understanding. When their right wing American zealots take the West into war against Iraq, Syria or Iran just remind yourself that sooner or later peace will prevail. Don’t you ever forget, they are doing all those horrible things not because they are that horrifying, they just feel an urgent need to remind you that you really hate them. When you meet them in person you learn that they are not that vicious, they are just slightly immature beings due to the fact that they are not very competent in social life, they are born chosen. They live in a segregated mental ghetto. They never learned how to handle human company, they know very little about empathy. In the end of the day, they don’t live among others. They prefer to live alongside.

Love is the way to redeem the ‘J’ people and hopefully to save the world. It isn’t easy, some would even say that it is pretty impossible. But as sad as it may sound, love is the only weapon against those who are fuelled by negation.

And by the way, don’t you ever use the ‘J’ word.

Forum posts

  • Your talking about zionists, not jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews. I said it and the sky didn’t fall.

    It was the brits that first used "terrorists" to label zionist intelligence aka the mossad that were dressing like arabs and committing terrorist acts to blame them. They’ve been caught before.

    i’m supposed to feel guilty for something I didn’t do, my country didn’t do, and nobody I know did, that happened last century? That is, if you believe the official story. These "j" word people don’t seem to think so.


    time for all of us to come together and wake up, you can spot the provacateurs a mile away, they always try to divide. It’s not jews, muslims, or the tin-foil theory of the "liberal media". It’s the aristocratic hillbillies and their perverse vision of the new world corporate order. Neo-pagan rituals like the cremation of care at bohemian grove?

    I’m supposed to believe that this is just letting off some stress? Most people eat chocolate or excercise, not burn effigies of human beings under a 40ft owl with fucking robes on in the woods at the stroke of midnight.

    How embarassing to be an american these days, we’ve got a president that worships owls or at least pretends to for the sake of his father. There’s no such thing as "anti-semitism" or the "j-word", just plain hate. It’s been around for a long time.

    Love always conquers hate. The player-haters know that, so they try to get you to hate instead. Manipulating public perception so that you are afraid of all things differen’t from what you are accustomed to. learn to play the game, love is in the cards, time for a royal flushing.

    • Some of us still prefer to hate the greedy, murderous bastards whether they be Jews, Neocons, Nazis, Zionists, Fascists, Republicans, Democrats, etc., etc. etc. We know who they are and our hatred of them is very healthy.

  • Isn’t there enough love already expressed for Jewish people by Christians in their worship of Jesus Christ? After all, he was a Jew. On a more serious note, is it not possible that so-called Jewish control of government, media, finance, medicine, law, etc., is only a clever myth promulgated by non-Jewish American elites in order to distract the bemused population from their real hegemonic control of civil society? Nonetheless, too many Jews, to their growing detriment, have bought into this myth and actually believe that they are in control. If there is a "Jewish problem," it will not be resolved until the "Christian problem" is solved once and for all with the abandonment by the latter of their worship of a dissident rabbi who lived two thousand years ago. The time to put aside forever all illusions is NOW!

    • THE WAR FOR ISRAEL - (and you thought the oil was for the U.S.).
      You are looking at the reason for the war against Iraq. This war is being fought for Ariel Sharon and for Israel’s strategic benefit!

      Thats what Israel does. It has its intelligence organization, Mossad, carry out false flag operations and deceives others into attacking their enemies. In short they get others to fight their wars for them.

      Israel is in the midst of its plan to use the United States military, which it controls, to conquer Iraq and divert Iraqi oil to the Haifa refinery via the Mosul to Haifa pipeline. The U.S. has built airbases at H2 and H3 (which stand for Haifa 2 and Haifa 3) to protect this strategic pipeline. The pipeline is intact, fully operational, and is being used to covertly send oil to Israel. Paid for with the blood of American soldiers that die in Iraq.

      Iraq is being turned into another Palestine state for Israel.

      This war was fought in order to secure Israel’s future. Israel, being a parasite nation, needed to create an income stream that would continue if funding from the United States should dry up. They have been working on the plan to steal Iraqi oil for years. Read Israel’s Blitzkrieg on Middle East Oil by Joe Vialls for more on this.

      To quote Mr. Vialls article, "... they are already planning to steal 1,825 million barrels of Iraqi oil per annum. Taking a nominal price of US $25.00 per barrel ... the Israeli-Jewish terrorists stand to make a cool US $45,625,000,000.00 each year .... " [Thats over 45 1/2 Billion dollars a year or $125 million each day!!!]

      Mr. Vialls claims that the 45 billion a year jackpot is more than just a lot of money, it’s a matter of survival for Israel.

      The reshaping of the Middle East by America’s military will allow Israel to:
      (1) Control the strategic oil reserves in this region which will ensure low cost oil to Israel and ensure their economic survival.
      (2) Ensure Israel is the dominant military force and the sole nuclear equipped military power in the region for many years to come .
      (3) Neutralize Israel’s enemies in the region.
      (4) Expand borders per "Greater Israel". The Nile forming the border on the West through Egypt, and the Euphrates on the East through Turkey, Syria and Iraq.
      (5) Allow even further expansion of borders to encompass surrounding countries.

      Israel has become the 3rd largest exporter of weapons in the world, selling everything from Uzis to PHALCON airborne early warning systems. Defense Ministry figures show Israeli weapons export contracts were worth $4.1 billion in 2002. Only the United States with $13.2 billion and Russia with $4.4 billion sold more weapons that year.

      Israel’s possesses the fourth largest army in the world.

      Israel is the only nuclear enabled country in the Middle East. Israel has overtaken England to become the worlds 5th largest nuclear power, roughly equivalent to France and China in the size and sophistication of its nuclear arsenal. Recent reports indicate that Israel has deployed five different nuclear weapons designs. It is estimated to have 2000-5000 conventional nuclear warheads and many micro nuclear devices like the bomb that destroyed the Sari Club in Bali. (These new nuclear devices only emit alpha radiation that is invisible to a standard geiger counter). In addition they have the neutron bombs, (that can kill people and leave the buildings intact) and hydrogen bombs. Hydrogen bombs are currently the most fearsome and intimidating weapon on earth, capable of causing over 60000 times the damage of a nuclear bomb like the one used on Nagasaki. The Hydrogen bomb is so intimidating that most nations vow never to produce it, though it is really not much harder than producing regular nukes. When we are talking WMD, this is the big Kahuna.

      Israel has the capability to take out every major city in Europe. Israel refuses to sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) or to allow inspections of its nuclear facilities by International inspectors.

      Israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council Resolutions. A further 33 resolutions against Israel has not seen the light of day thanks to the United States vetoing power on the Security Council.

      Nuclear disarmament must begin with Israel. Until that time, Arab states in the region have an inalienable "right" and "obligation" to develop similar weapons (of mass destruction) to counter this overwhelming threat to their nations and peoples.

      [Read entire "War For Israel" article]

      [Meet the NEOCONS, (you might as well, they are running your government!)]

    • And, what exactly does the United States get for acting as Israel’s surrogate armed force? Anyone buying into this conspiracy theory is as stupid as any Israeli cabal that would think it could get away with such a blatant and obvious manipulation of the United States. You’ve got the US/Israel dynamic standing on it’s head.

    • THE WAR FOR ISRAEL - (and you thought the oil was for the U.S.).
      You are looking at the reason for the war against Iraq. This war is being fought for Ariel Sharon and for Israel’s strategic benefit!

      Thats what Israel does. It has its intelligence organization, Mossad, carry out false flag operations and deceives others into attacking their enemies. In short they get others to fight their wars for them.

      Israel is in the midst of its plan to use the United States military, which it controls, to conquer Iraq and divert Iraqi oil to the Haifa refinery via the Mosul to Haifa pipeline. The U.S. has built airbases at H2 and H3 (which stand for Haifa 2 and Haifa 3) to protect this strategic pipeline. The pipeline is intact, fully operational, and is being used to covertly send oil to Israel. Paid for with the blood of American soldiers that die in Iraq.

      Iraq is being turned into another Palestine state for Israel.

      This war was fought in order to secure Israel’s future. Israel, being a parasite nation, needed to create an income stream that would continue if funding from the United States should dry up. They have been working on the plan to steal Iraqi oil for years. Read Israel’s Blitzkrieg on Middle East Oil by Joe Vialls for more on this.

      To quote Mr. Vialls article, "... they are already planning to steal 1,825 million barrels of Iraqi oil per annum. Taking a nominal price of US $25.00 per barrel ... the Israeli-Jewish terrorists stand to make a cool US $45,625,000,000.00 each year .... " [Thats over 45 1/2 Billion dollars a year or $125 million each day!!!]

      Mr. Vialls claims that the 45 billion a year jackpot is more than just a lot of money, it’s a matter of survival for Israel.

      The reshaping of the Middle East by America’s military will allow Israel to:
      (1) Control the strategic oil reserves in this region which will ensure low cost oil to Israel and ensure their economic survival.
      (2) Ensure Israel is the dominant military force and the sole nuclear equipped military power in the region for many years to come .
      (3) Neutralize Israel’s enemies in the region.
      (4) Expand borders per "Greater Israel". The Nile forming the border on the West through Egypt, and the Euphrates on the East through Turkey, Syria and Iraq.
      (5) Allow even further expansion of borders to encompass surrounding countries.

      Israel has become the 3rd largest exporter of weapons in the world, selling everything from Uzis to PHALCON airborne early warning systems. Defense Ministry figures show Israeli weapons export contracts were worth $4.1 billion in 2002. Only the United States with $13.2 billion and Russia with $4.4 billion sold more weapons that year.

      Israel’s possesses the fourth largest army in the world.

      Israel is the only nuclear enabled country in the Middle East. Israel has overtaken England to become the worlds 5th largest nuclear power, roughly equivalent to France and China in the size and sophistication of its nuclear arsenal. Recent reports indicate that Israel has deployed five different nuclear weapons designs. It is estimated to have 2000-5000 conventional nuclear warheads and many micro nuclear devices like the bomb that destroyed the Sari Club in Bali. (These new nuclear devices only emit alpha radiation that is invisible to a standard geiger counter). In addition they have the neutron bombs, (that can kill people and leave the buildings intact) and hydrogen bombs. Hydrogen bombs are currently the most fearsome and intimidating weapon on earth, capable of causing over 60000 times the damage of a nuclear bomb like the one used on Nagasaki. The Hydrogen bomb is so intimidating that most nations vow never to produce it, though it is really not much harder than producing regular nukes. When we are talking WMD, this is the big Kahuna.

      Israel has the capability to take out every major city in Europe. Israel refuses to sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) or to allow inspections of its nuclear facilities by International inspectors.

      Israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council Resolutions. A further 33 resolutions against Israel has not seen the light of day thanks to the United States vetoing power on the Security Council.

      Nuclear disarmament must begin with Israel. Until that time, Arab states in the region have an inalienable "right" and "obligation" to develop similar weapons (of mass destruction) to counter this overwhelming threat to their nations and peoples.

      [Read entire "War For Israel" article]

      [Meet the NEOCONS, (you might as well, they are running your government!)]

    • ’’We control Washington, and they know it’’ -Ariel sharon

    • The US government gives Israel 13BILLION a year in "AID", with which they terrorise their neighbors and kill them and enslave them while stealing their land and resources. This money also goes to build nice homes and communities for the Jewish people on that stolen land. Bush and Sharon met last week in bumfuck Texas on Bush’s dude ranch where Bush agreed that the US should give Sharon another 3BILLION of the US people’s tax dollars (hell, the US people never deserve any of it let alone get new homes and roads, etc.) for new houses for the "re-location" off of the stolen Gaza land to the West Bank stolen land. The US gave the Palestinians 12million last year, wowie zowie why didn’t we just throw them a nickel.

      Sharon loudly once proclaimed, "We own the US, and they know it", this is probably the only true thing he has ever said out loud. Fifteen billion dollars a year would go a long way in helping the American people, but who gives a fuck about them, kick them down and send them the bill, obviously they are too stupid to do anything about it.