Home > US authorities warned of SUICIDE hijackings before 9/11

US authorities warned of SUICIDE hijackings before 9/11

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 10 February 2005

Attack-Terrorism USA

WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 (Xinhuanet) — US federal aviation authoritieswere warned of possible airline hijackings and suicide operations in dozens of intelligence reports in the months before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a previously undisclosed report from the Sept. 11 commission showed.

Federal aviation officials reviewed dozens of intelligence reports that warned about Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, some of which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations, The New York Times reported Thursday, quoting the commission report.

Aviation officials, however, were "lulled into a false sense ofsecurity," and intelligence indicating "a real and growing threat leading up to 9/11 did not stimulate significant increases in security procedures," the commission report concluded.

The report disclosed that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) warned airports in the spring of 2001 that if "the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable."

The report took the FAA to task for failing to pursue domestic security measures that could conceivably have altered the events of Sept. 11, 2001, like toughening airport screening procedures for weapons or expanding the use of on-flight air marshals.

The commission report, completed last August, said officials appeared more concerned with reducing airline congestion, lessening delays, and easing airlines’ financial woes than deterring a terrorist attack.

The Bush administration has blocked the public release of the full, classified version of the report for more than five months, officials said, much to the frustration of former commission members who said it provides a critical understanding of the failures of the civil aviation system.

The administration provided both the classified report and a declassified, 120-page version to the National Archives two weeks ago and, even with heavy redactions in some areas, the declassified version provides the firmest evidence to date about the warnings that aviation officials received concerning the threat of an attack on airliners and the failure to take steps to deter it, according to the Times report.

The report finds no evidence that the government had specific warning of a domestic attack and says that the aviation industry considered the hijacking threat to be more worrisome overseas, theTimes report said.


Forum posts

  • "The Bush administration has blocked the public release of the full, classified version of the report for more than five months..."

    5 months... ie October 2004. This info could have changed the election results dramatically, not to mention Condi’s confirmation hearings.

  • Critics Want Full Report of 9/11 Panel


    Listen up, the stonewalling, the coverup, the "I didn’t want to scare the children"...let’s get over the fear, that is not the American way. I’m a so called enlightened "republican". I voted for Bush in 2000, I realized my errors. I voted for Badnarik in 04, because I knew of the ties between the bones brothers. Get behind the people who want to be free from fear.

    9/11 part 2 is coming if we don’t wake up. We cannot stomp around the world forever. We can’t fight "sensitive" wars. War is for the profiteers, plain and simple. We are not defending freedom, we are defending lies and we’ll pay a heavy price for that. Just like the Germans did.

  • Bush phuqin knew. Please, forget the warnings we were giving ourselves, how about the assassination attempt that was foiled in Genoa? "bin laden, planes packed with explosives"

    Don’t think he didn’t know(and that’s why he sat there doing NOTHING)?

    Let’s see, the italians are smart enough to put anti-aircraft artillery on top of buildings and shut down airspace because of warnings...but we are not? Yeah right, stick your head in the sand. Tell me these traitors "had no idea" and I’ll shove an american flag(with pole), so far up your bum-bum, you’ll look like a unicorn when I’m done.

    Bush assassination plot foiled in 2001
