Home > Unitary DICK-tator : Claims Divine Right to Violate Espionage Laws

Unitary DICK-tator : Claims Divine Right to Violate Espionage Laws

by Open-Publishing - Friday 17 February 2006

Governments Secret Services USA

Amidst his personal squalor we hear news Unitary DICK-tator Cheney is preparing to mount the bizarre defence that he , as poor dumb Bush’s executive officer, now has the authority to declassify intelligence , covertly distribute it to Scooter Libby and order that Libby leak said intelligence to members of the press , such as Judith Miller. The President of the United States has no authority to issue an executive order granting Libby or all the angels in heaven the authority to violate the Epionage Act of 1917. As Unitary DICKtator Cheney is well aware , the declassification of intelligence is a process that involves going through well-established bureaucratic protocols. Cheney, by erecting this defence, has admitted that he disclosed classified information, via Libby, to a journalist , a person clearly not entitled to receive this information. We now know why the Pentagon floated and quickly shot down the idea that Miller , deeply embedded with the Met Alpha Unit looking for her precious WMD, had been granted security clearance to receive classified information. The executive order signed by Bush was a figleaf to retroactively justify serious crimnal misconduct -a sure fire indication that Cheney and Bush are up to their ass in the outing of Brewster-Jennings and Co. There is nothing new in this long-established pattern ( Jefferson called them " long trails of usurpation ") of Cheney and Bush committing crimes violative of federal statutes and long established principles of Constitutional and International Law. The Unitary DICK- tator has his deployed the Office of White House Counsel , the office of White House Legal Counsel and the office of Counsel to the Vice -President to create non-existent inherent powers to a) justify extraordinary rendition ( kidnapping ) , b) the torture of POWS, c) presidential signing statements giving the Chief Executive/Unitary DICK-Tator authority to cherry picks what laws he will choose to enforce and d) to flip the bird , or should we say "quail", to a duly constituted federal court of jurisdiction enforcing the FISA ACT of 1978 and the Fourth Ammendment of the United States Constitution - a document the current Chief Executive has called a "god-damned peice of paper". The Founders were well aware that there would be many instances of the rise of Despotism and placed within the Constitution checks on men who would usurp all authority unto themselves. The final remedy in extreme cases was to be impeachment by the House , trial by the Senate and removal from office. Can there be a more "extreme case" than what is happening today? Never would they have imagined the emergence of a cowardly ,debauched "opposition Party" that would roll over and watch their creation be blown up in smoke- without dissent.