Home > Venezuela sends cargo of 300,000 barrels of gasoline direct to Louisiana

Venezuela sends cargo of 300,000 barrels of gasoline direct to Louisiana

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 17 September 2005

Energy Catastrophes USA South/Latin America

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias has confirmed that a cargo of 300,000 barrels of gasoline is on its way to the USA to help Southern States affected by Hurricane Katrina.

The President as confirmed that before traveling to New York to attend the UN summit, Louisiana State Governor Kathleen Blanco phoned the Venezuelan President accepting his offer of help.

Chavez Frias broke the news on arrival in the USA and has reminded reporters that the Venezuelan government had offered 8 electrical plants and drinking water supplies to help the homeless, aid which has been rejected.

Making a distinction between the USA people and its government, Chavez Frias has confirmed his readiness to help the former and the oil cargo is a concrete sign of his commitment.

During his visit to New York, which includes a talk at Columbia University and a black congregation in New York, the President has repeated his criticism of the Bush’s administration slow reaction to Hurricane Katrina and the African American community in New Orleans.


Forum posts

  • Chavez is full of COMPASSION :)
    Bush is full of BULL---- !

    • Chavez gov owns citgo, he is after political gains from latinos and afros in America trying to disrupt what gov we have left. Why didnt he just let citgo do the job instead of a frontal bit of gasoline that would power only 30 gallons to ten thousand vehicles? Most vehicles already gone, so why the gas? Politics international, My country right or wrong, A. Walker

  • Nice gift, but who is in charge for distribution.

  • We only buy our gasoline from CITGO, which is owned by Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). the PDVSA is not publically held, it is owned by the Venezuelan State. Although truthfully much of the management is controlled by Americans, Chavez has vowed to change that, and the profits do go to the people of Venezuela. It’s not much, but in light of the alternative it is something. After all, Exxon has reaped not only the greatest profit of any petrol company, they have the highest profit of any US company ever, and probably in the world.

    Find one near you and join the BUYcott

    • Happily reporting there is a Citgo station within 5 miles of my home and I live in Conoco/Phillips country where there is a Phillips station on every corner.

      Because of their stance on the anti-gun at the workplace, even in your locked car, I have been boycotting them a month or so. Oklahoma ruled for the employees (we have lots of people who drive miles to and from work in remote areas) BUT, Phillips has taken it to the Supreme Court. NRA called for a boycott and it made the front page in the city where Phillips was founded, yeah!!!

      And EXXON......... for years, so that left me very few choices in this town of 35,000 approx. (I’ve heard up to 60,000, not sure) until I saw your link.

      Thank you very much, you don’t know how much you have helped me. Vee

  • I can’t imagine why Chavez wants to give away 300,000 barrels to this gas-guzzling country. It has to be a PR stunt. I don’t think anyone should help Americans anyway. Look at how much damage they’ve done around the world. There is no justification for spending so much as a cent on them. Send your money somewhere like Haiti or the Phillipines where, thanks to long histories of American oppression, most people can’t even feed themselves, let alone own petrol-consuming vehicles. Another good cause is the elephant hospital in Thailand. In fact, there are tons of things you can do with your money to make a difference. Why help America when America is only the bane of the world?

    • I hope the next hurricane/flood/draught/lightning/meteorite/volcano/birdshit hits YOU on the head.
      You’ll be surprised how your moral/political point of view changes as the circumstances worsen. Suddenly you’ll discriminate less, you’ll see ’americans’ or ’philippinos’ (1 l, 2 p’s, not the opposite...) more as people and identify them less with the administration of their governments.

      I’ll tell you what: the Bush administration is full of people exactly like Y O U ! Yes, the same simplistic good guy/bad guy, black/white vision of the world !

      People have big weaknesses and tremendous qualities, often all in the same package, try to imagine that. The same ill-informed american who voted for Bush wouldn’t hesitate to take you into his house, should he find you hungry and in need on his street, the same german who seems cold, unfriendly and xenophobic will donate a really pretty sum, one you would only dream of keeping for yourself, for the tsunami victims.
      The world has many facets, many colours, and is a better place when compassion, and not judgement, takes the lead.

      AND: I’m NOT american.

      Robert C.

      P.S. - It would be nice if you put your name under your next oh-so-uplifting post...

    • Helleo,

      Anything that works to a higher level of good will regardless of orginal intent is fine by me . If people like you would open your eyes to see that people in are supressed, just like third world nations around the globe, then maybe we could change the consciousness of the leaders of the world, both locally, & the State . I’ve been on the front lines bringing issues, & open debate to the economic issues we all face due to old families, & instittutions that rule behind the veil of big media .

      If we begin to change our hearts first, we will radiate a new responce from those that feel they have all the power . It is magnetic in how it works with an enviroment .

      Peace be unto you,

      Christopher : Holliman

    • Well, first of all, Venezuela would like to help NOLA refugees because they are primarily poor people of color, much like the population of Venezuela. Secondly, the US is a good customer which buys a lot of Venezuelan oil. Think of this as "cash-back," taking a whole lot of US $$$ and giving some back, like what auto manufacturers offer when selling brand new gas-guzzling SUVs. Here’s a third reason (might sound a little corny): "What would Jesus do?" Fourth, a little bit of P.R. never hurts. The gift of free oil makes people think, second-guess the Bush administration’s hostile stance towards Chavez per se. I see the last as neither good nor bad. Just makes people think, intelligent thought and debate being a scarce commodity in America these days.

      Most Americans know very little about South America, so when the mainstream media tells everyone that Chavez is a boogeyman, people tend to take it at face value and believe the story. Last year a film came out called THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED. This same film is also sometimes titled "CHAVEZ: INSIDE THE COUP." It was a documentary made in 2001, coincidentally during a CIA-sponsored coup attempt against Chavez. So you get to see what’s happening inside the presidential palace duriing the coup. The film then juxtaposes what you see actually happening, versus an elaborate disinformation campaign being waged on major television networks, controled by Chavez’s opposition. Still, in spite of such documentary evidence, many Americans are completely convinced that Chavez is a neer-do-well commie threat, or even worse!

    • Couldn’t have said that better myself robert. Oh and the bird shit thing was pretty funny lol.

  • Way to go chavez. The american people appreciate your help and many of us know that bush is trying to destroy your country and ours. Stand strong against our terrorist bush administration. He only has three more years before he dissapears from the white house forever.

  • intresting gesture-Chavez sending all that oil,just hope it gets into the poorest working and now unemployed of the gulf coast region-not into the rich, who drive the gas guzzlers!
    Did anyone ever remember the 70s gas crunch, and-i believe,when there was a FEDERAL MANDATE WITH 55 MPH SPEED LIMITS IMPOSED IN THE ENTIRE USA? just where are our LEADERS who should have re-imposed this mandate of 55 MPH...until we find gas-enough-cheap enough
    to bring the shortages down-down to some sort of reasonable situation.this should have happened two years ago!
    Americans COULD... drive 55MPH-voulntarly ,and I do -just-that,but there are so many tailgaters going 80 MPH,as they pull on around my 30 MPG vehicle ,that I feel like a road
    hazerd! Imagine.... the gov. of Arizona,recently wanting to...RAISE the SPEED limit! napolotano and AZ have seen more then ONE (scandle)gas price shortage+increase,but this AZ-GOV thinks we ’should drive faster’?
    we need some newly elected,tough officials to lower the situation to a reality-realistic levle,and send the ’pork barrel’ boyz back to the farm. DAWK

  • I live in Tx and just wanted to thank President Chavez for his generosity and kindness to the people of New Orleans.

    A Kind King thats good to the people rules forever

  • I’m not blaming George Bush al;one for this, I put the blame on all of them and the Ignorance of the masses for thinking, believing, it isn’t possible that our own government couldn’t sell out their country like this. Where did the Iraqi war get us, the only ones to gain were the corporations that made millions from military contracts which were paid from the billions in appropriations for the war.. Before it all began gas was dancing around just above 1 dollar, now!!! YES we gained so much, that now the middle class( yes you and me and others like us) have to decide what gets left off the shopping list in order to pay for a fill up. WAIT for this winter when it’s going to cost double of last year to heat your home, what are people going to do then, especially those making less than $ 65,000.00 a year unless your being subsidised by your parents. What happened to the 300 million dollars of oil from Kuwait where did that go.It should be made well known on ALL mainstream media of what Venezuela and all of the other countries donations to help this PREDICTED DISASTER that almost all the world knew was about to happen, but all our leaders and those supposedly in charge didn’t have a CLUE until 2 days later. What I’d really like to know is why are some donations being rejected????????? When our people have all to gain, but I guess that’s where the millions of dollars are going to disappear to, into the pockets of big supporters of the Bush cartel.

  • Thank God that our brothers and sisters in Venezuela have looked past the atrocious, rapacious policies of the U.S. government, and have looked directly into the faces of the poor who have been hurt by these same policies. Thank you, President Chavez Frias and the Venezuelan people.


    Pastor Kim
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
    (a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)

  • you are all just so full of shit its rediculous. Without the USA to garrantee your freedom of expression over the last century, you all would be oppressed under nazi, communist, japan or china and would be poor and oppressed. Of course the frreedom of the internet would never be allowed. That just a few reasons you are all so full of it.

    • The poster boy for ignorance gives us an example of his firm understanding of history and grammatical elocution.This dimwitted troglodyte is proof that americans are stupid..how embarrassing.

  • One of the world’s largest known oil reserves is situated in Alaska. It is known as the Gull Island Reserves. The American taxpayers financed the construction of the Alaskan oil pipeline to bring this oil to serve the US population.

    Why are the American people not receiving this product?

    The truth is the US has proven ample oil reserves to serve the US market. Due to political forces that control the US government the people of the US are denied use of their resources.

    What bitter irony it is to see, Chavez, an enemy of the Bush crime syndicate, providing oil to the people of the US when their own government is doing all it can to deny this resouce to its people.

    For any of the naysayers who doubt this refer to Lindsey Williams book, "The Energy Non-Crisis", there the facts are laid out for anyone to see. Lindsey Williams was chaplain to the Trans-Alaskan Oil Pipeline and did missionary work in Alaska since 1971.

    The following quote from his book, "(After proving the find a Gull Island ARCO executive) went on to say , "Chaplain, America has just become energy independent!...The energy crisis had just come to a screeching halt-this ought to hit the from page of every newspaper in America....but before an announcement was made the government forced them to cap it and seal the records which document the find....why?!

    This was in the 1970’s and illustrates the stranglehold these oil cartels have been perpretrating on the US and the world. Chavez in his apparent courageous flaunting of their monopoly is exposing them to be the oil snakesmen they always were.

  • CHAVEZ is such an AWESOME LEADER!!! I have studied his works and the Bush Administration COULDN’T EVEN HOLD A CANDLE TO HIM!!!
    Chavez gives me FAITH IN THE WORLD AGAIN!!
    We deserve a LEADER LIKE THAT!!


    CHAVEZ gives me faith in this WORLD!



  • Bravo, President Chavez! I thank you so much as an American citizen you benevolence toward the American people, especially in the face of the idiocy of our present Admiinistration. I am becoming quite an admirer of yours. I only wish that Mr. Bush would take a look in the mirror and ask himself why is he letting the people of the country in which he runs, however poorly, suffer from his outright negligence. I suppose he may feel that if he ignores you, Castro and all the other countries who have tried to extend a hand, you all will go away and matters will be left up to him to come to the rescue which will never be. I believe this adminstration likes people to suffer. It’s almost as if it’s some satanic cult practice, lambs to the slaughter. It’s very scary living in America right now under this man’s leadership. He’s a dark cloud to our country and I wish the American people would wake up to the fact that the present administration is kiling us and it’s on purpose. They are evil and it shows. My fear is that the are so upfront with it because their evil deeds are done and they don’t have to pretend they are doing anything for the good of all peoples that reside in America and we American citizens can’t do anything about it. I’m afraid.

  • I live in the gulf area, and i am appalled as everyone else. i thankyou, President Chavez. Some people just can’t get along. With themselves or others. And then theres Cheney!! Don’t feel bad, I heard (found on the internet) that Cuba offered help also in the terms of medical help. Thanks again. Why is’nt this put on the headllines of the newspapers??? Thank-you again Mr. president Chavez!!!!

  • Nice gesture, but the time is not yet right. As of now,, the American people as not enough dissociated from their government to understand the concept of aid to the poor. Give it another 10 years,, when the "Black Shirts" are in America’s streets,, and the mothers of America’s dissappeared begin to silently show their faces...... THEN,, it will be time to seperate the American People from their government.

    • Bravo President Chavez,
      This man is a pillar of strength and faith that all of us should emulate. Show your support for real democracy by boycotting Exon/Mobile and buying all of your gas from Citgo. Please pass the word along to boycott Exon/Mobile. If the actual 60 to 70% of the people who know Bush & Co are a fraud would get behind a boycott then maybe they’d bring prices back down. Anyone who does any investigation can hopefully tell that there is no oil crisis, it’s just used as another tool to line the pockets of the oil companies/Bush supporters and move along the New World Order.
      Also, demand that car companies keep selling solar powered cars so we can get off this merrygoround.


    • Well, I would hope the American people will wake up long before ten years to what is happening to their country. The "Greatest Generation" is still in power, that is why the world is so fucked up. The baby boomers need no convincing, but are too old to continue the fight. The X generation has fallen into a television induced trance and can not be shaken out of it. They want to believe in Jesus, but they know deep down that it is just another fairy tale, just like the millions they have seen on t.v. over their lifetimes. I believe it will skip a generation, and that it is up to the now 18, 19, 20, 21 year old’s generation to pick up where the baby bomers left off in trying to reform our government.

      After all, it is their world, they have the most to gain by revolution. And unfortunately they have the most to loose if they do not take radical action before it is too late.

  • How much is Exxon giving?

  • Chavez better watch it visiting the U.S. Bush & Co would love to gun him down.