Home > Video: “Arrest Bush” Rally 30 Photos

Video: “Arrest Bush” Rally 30 Photos

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 21 January 2009
1 comment

Demos-Actions Governments USA

These are 30 photos from the “Arrest Bush” rally and march in Washington, D.C., held on Jan. 19, 2009. For background, see: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/38908 and http://shoebush.org/ and http://arrestbush2009.com/ and
http://www.codepink4peace.org/. Check out related video on the rally and march to the White House, at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRvTLUls2NY&feature=channel_page.

Forum posts

  • ONE WONDERS what course of action would work to whose favor.

    Considering the abysmal state of USA government, now featuring a broken Congress, a wrecked Executive Branch, and a defective Justice Department, one wonders if the liberals would press for a full-out general mass arrest of Bush Administration brass with show trials and endless hearings and so forth.

    WATERGATE and the embedded idea that Nixon degenerated into a monster ensured Democratic victories in 1974 and 1976; but after one term of Carter, the Republican Party emerged from the doghouse. There is precedent for political trials and enough background to suggest that the appetite for Bushie blood will eventually backfire.

    LIKE CLINTON AND REAGAN, Bush’s second term was aggravated by considerable legislative opposition and highlighted by (in this case faux) scandal. Bush was also outmaneuvered by guerilla blame campaigns in the popular media, with echo chambers in opposition camps, which successfully blamed him for Hurricane Katrina, berated him on Iraq regardless of success on the ground, and exposed operational secrets such as terrorist eavesdropping methods for political gain.

    LATIN AMERICA still practices the form of politics espoused in this article; that the new government not only replaces the old but also jails them or kills them. Banana Republic isn’t just a store in the mall. But we don’t want this for the USA.