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Video: Cynthia McKinney on “Stolen Elections”

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 11 September 2008

Elections-Elected USA

Video: Cynthia McKinney on “Stolen Elections”

At a press conference, on Sept. 10, 2008, Cynthia McKinney, candidate for president on the Greeen Pary ticket, brought up the matter of “stolen elecions.” She referred to the film, “American Blackout,” and the fact that over one million blacks were “not counted” in the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Ms. Mckinney claimed that the electoral system currently lacks “integrity” and that the Democratic-dominated Congress has chosen not to do anything about it. The press conference was called by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and was held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.