Home > Video: Inflated 20 Ft. “Bushoccio” Gets Booted by Protesters

Video: Inflated 20 Ft. “Bushoccio” Gets Booted by Protesters

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 20 January 2009

Demos-Actions Governments USA

On Jan. 19, 2009, a huge, inflated doll figure, about 20 feet tall, of President George W. Bush, was set up in DuPont Circle, in Washington, D.C., by antiwar activists. It was dressed in the outfit that Dubya wore when he did his stupid “Mission Accomplished” stunt a few years back. The figure was used as shoe and boot target practice by the protesters. Like Pinocchio of the Italian fairy tale, the Bush character, “Bushoccio,” had a very, very long nose. A recent study indicated that the Bush-Cheney Gang had concocted 935 lies to justify its invasion and occupation of Iraq. For background, see: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/38908 and http://shoebush.org/ and http://arrestbush2009.com/ and
http://www.codepink4peace.org/. Check out related video on the rally and march to the White House, at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRvTLUls2NY&feature=channel_page.