Home > Vote Flipping in Webb Allen Senate Race in Virginia

Vote Flipping in Webb Allen Senate Race in Virginia

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 8 November 2006

Elections-Elected Digital-Technology USA

My wife just called me from our polling place.

We are in Northern VA, a blue enclave in a red state. This morning, as I posted earlier, I had difficulties in casting my vote on the machine.

Well, she just visited the same polling place after work, and informs me that her vote for Jim Webb was flipped to Felix Allen TWICE.

She never hit the VOTE screen until her vote finally registered for Webb, but is this what we’re up against? (FYI, she laughs at my conspiracy theories, and calls DU my "wingnut website, so this isn’t tinfoil talking.


Forum posts

  • Even Diebold cannot overcome a landslide. The PEOPLE of the US have spoken. Mr. bush - you NO LONGER have a man-date....besides Jeff Gannon.

    • Don’t worry....The Dems will either do nothing or Bushco will launch another 9/11 or both! If the new Dems are just different puppets of the Zionists, nothing will change. If they are true patriots and go after Bushco, he will launch the next phase....He has to justify his absurd policies.