Home > Vote Fraud Qs lead to: Did Kerry actually win the Primaries?

Vote Fraud Qs lead to: Did Kerry actually win the Primaries?

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 17 November 2004

Elections-Elected USA

With the emergence of a flood of computer ’glitches’ and questionable results
in the Nov 2 election, vote fraud is not just a conspiracy theory, but
something all responsible Americans know we must investigate and
correct. To suggest that all of the glitches and statistical
impossibilities, which always favored Bush, are mere coincidence is
idiotic. One would have to be a blind fool to look the other way and
hope for the best, especially after the first four years of BushCo.

The mainstream media, in choosing not to cover this story, has exposed
themselves to be mere shills of the status quo. The Ohio recount is
going to happen, but the $$ media refuses to even mention it- why?
Shouldn’t reporters be investigating the voter suppression stories? Republicans created confusion and long lines in cities like Cleveland, that voted +90% for Kerry, why is this okay?

When did actively denying thousands of Americans the right to vote become acceptable? For most of us it is not acceptable, but if you believe the $$ media, you’d think
this was a minor aberation- something to fix next time around. 
Vote suppression is not a minor aberation- it is the death of our
democracy- if we allow them to get away with it.

We know Bush and Co lied to start a war, 100,000 innocents are dead -
vote fraud is not beyond them. This is no surprise to anyone
that’s been paying attention, what may have surprised some is the how
easily Kerry conceded. It doesn’t really make much sense- after months
of telling us that Bush was ’taking us over a cliff’ and making us less
safer, Kerry gave up before all the votes had been counted. If
Kerry really believed that Bush was a horrible President, then wouldn’t
he fight a little harder before giving up and letting Bush take us over
that cliff?

I hereby call out Kerry and ALL of the Democrats regarding the voting
’irregularities’ : Your silence is betrayal !!! These ’leaders’ lied to us... what,
you think that’s a little harsh- look at their statements.

Howard Dean:
" I ask you to put paperless e-voting machines on the shelf until 2006
or until they are reliable and will allow recounts. In a democracy you
always count the votes no matter who wins. To abandon that principle is
to abandon America."

Hillary Clinton, Oct 15 Rally: Kerry will win, "as long as every vote is counted and we have no problems ensuring an honest and accurate election."

Al Gore at the Dem Convention: "Let’s make sure that this time every vote is counted."

John Kerry to the NAACP
: "We’re not only going to make sure every vote counts, we’re going to make sure that every single vote is counted."

John Edwards Election night
: "John Kerry and I made a promise to the American people that with this
election, every vote would count and every vote would be counted."

John Kerry to the Black Caucus: "Well, we are here to let them know that
we fight tooth and nail to make sure that this time, every
vote is counted
and every vote counts."

Well guys, what the hell happened to you? Where are you Hillary
(and Bill), Al, Howard and the two Johns? Why didn’t you ’fight tooth
and nail’ until ’every vote was counted’ ? Millions of Americans were
sold on the Anybody But Bush platform, believing that they had to back
Kerry because he was ’electable’, so they hopped on board the ABB train
and believed Kerry when he promised to make sure every vote was
counted. He didn’t even try! With the evidence of vote fraud mounting,
Kerry gave up and told us to back the anti-christ.

Does anyone ever question why the Republicans are like attack dogs that
scream and shout until they get their way (ie the shutdown of the Palm
Beach recount in 2000) while the Democratic ’leaders’ are like puppies
with tails between their legs. Ok, I guess we lost to the village
idiot, let’s all get in line behind him, time to unite with Bush and
support of more war crimes and atrocities abroad. To these ’leaders’ I
say: F*** you. I will never support a President whose policies
shamelessly kill thousands of innocent women and children. You are
selling us out, and I hope to God that Americans start thinking for
themselves and stop following sellouts like the current crop of
Democratic ’leaders’.

Why don’t these Democrats care about the needless killing like we do?
Why weren’t these supposed leaders standing up and fighting for us
before the election. Many of us knew about the potential for fraud via
electronic voting machines and tabulators before the election, why
didn’t they do anything about it? Here is a petition
calling on "John Kerry, John Edwards, and the Democratic Party to draft
a comprehensive plan of action to ensure that every vote is counted in
2004." The petition recieved only 33 signatures before the election,
not for lack of validity, but lack of publicity. Kerry and
Edwards never did draft a plan, they never did a damn thing to ensure
every vote was counted.

Thankfully, it’s not up to them. David Cobb and Michael Badnarik are fighting for us, scraping together $150,000 for the Ohio recount- and what’s kerry doing... sitting on $51 million!
This money was donated to him by Americans expecting him to fight for
change. He didn’t even spend it during the campaign, now he’s refusing
to help pay for the recount. What an ass.

Wake up Democrats! What more does Kerry need to do before you’ll
realize he’s a phony- they’re all phonies, mere cogs in the machine.
Kerry didn’t really want to win because he doesn’t really care- he’s a
freakin’ Boner! But Edwards, he’s a good fella, right? Nope- not
boner, but Bilderberger.

The Bush-Kerry Skull and Bones connection got some publicity before the
election, but the media always portrayed it as a harmless frat. You
don’t have to buy into conspiracy theories, just think for yourself....
why are all of these ’leaders’ silent when there is so much evidence
indicating possible vote fraud and intentional vote suppression? They don’t have to claim outright
fraud, but they could speak up and say it’s worth investigating, yet
they haven’t. Doesn’t the fact that Kerry refused to ask or pay for the
Ohio recount make it appear that he doesn’t want to win? Give me one
rational explanation for that one.

After seeing Kerry’s full campaign, and his ’committment’ to fighting
for us, do you really think he was the best candidate the Democrats had
as an alternative to Bush? Was Dean any better, think about this
statement by Howard: "whoever won the first primary was going to win
the whole thing because of the way the primaries were compressed." Huh?
Why is acceptable to say that a few thousand people in Iowa determined
the Democratic candidate? So Dean is ok with the fact that a bunch of
midwesterners huddled around their tv sets in the middle of winter,
bombarded by propaganda at a time when its too cold to gather in public
spaces and talk about the issues, decided the Democratic nominee? I
guess Dean is not much of a fighter either.

During the primaries you may have noticed there were 6 ’electable’
candidates and 3 ’unelectables’, Sharpton, Braun and Kucinich. I
suggest that Sharpton and Braun were stooges, tossed in to create the
’unelectable’ category to which Kucinich could be added. If
Sharpton and Braun weren’t there, the $$ media would have looked rather
silly claiming these 6 white guys are electable, but this other white
guy is not. Perhaps a lot of people would have asked why Kucinich
was not electable and taken a closer look. But with a field of nine
candidates, it was easy to dilute the conversation to sound bites, and
ridicule Kucinich as a crazy peacenik, then ask America, which of these
’electable’ candidates do you prefer? Don’t even bother to mention
Kucinich and his nutty concept of ’making war archaic’ or else you’ll
be laughed at... you don’t want to be laughed at do you?

With the vote fraud proven
in the Nov election, why should we accept the primary results as fact?
If there were a new democratic primary, I’ll bet kerry would receive
less than 10% of the votes, we should not accept this fool to run the
country when he’s so eager to get behind bush, again.

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