Home > We all need to ACT and Live Democracy for IT TO HAPPEN!!

We all need to ACT and Live Democracy for IT TO HAPPEN!!

by Open-Publishing - Friday 4 November 2005

Movement Democracy

** D E M O C R A C Y Information Update 2 **

People SAY they want Democracy - To Live in a Greater State of Free Expression. For this is the basis of democracy and that is to allow expression to be open and sharable, thus promoting a greater level of interaction and communication, hopefully with the outcome of ending up in a better place for all then when we started.

But even today we do not even have a shade of TRUE democracy anywhere for we were ALL raised and brought up in Oligarchic FINANCIAL, INDUSTRY, RELIGIOUS, and GOVERNMENT and EDUCATIONAL systems, all of these have Heirarchical structures of power over information, interaction, and potentiality depending on who the citizen is, his/her birth parents, income levels, and most of all psycho linguistic programming inducing the behavoir responses in the mind control matrix in which we all live. So how do we exit and evolve to being able to live in world with greater potential for all, a greater level of health and security, and responsible and mindful social systems that actually serve not just the few but also the many with the goal of evolving mankind into a more socially atune and communication oriented trust based social being capable of creating on higher levels that are only possible in more secure worlds. So how do you evolve past Oligarchy?

Oligarchy can best be viewed as a lack of concern for others except when useful to personal gain and establishment of OWNERSHIP POWER over others. This is then a definition of PSYCHOLOGICAL DOMINATION of information, social intercourse and of course physical expression and emotional behavior mappings.

So Oligarchy is then more of a mind control and physical control model of interacting with other beings and the earth then it is a form of RESPONSIBLE and LOGICAL behaviors. It is not that.

As such we can and should view our social structures, our value models, and our information exchanges with great concern. For these establish the SOCIAL PERCEPTIONS through which all Oligarchy operates. It needs an information filter system and INFORMATION MODIFIABLE LOOP to obtain the level of control and social domination required to ENFORCE THE ILLEGAL OWNERSHIP AND SLAVE ORIENTED MIND AND BODY DOMINATION NEEDED to support it, in its quest well for nothing other than the ability to DOMINATE OTHERS, by SUBVERTING the potential for mental, spiritual, and psychological development with a doctrine of self slavery through ECONOMIC PRESSURE of survival and SECURITY.

It is quite easy to stop any CHANGE by simply controling the MINDS of citizens by controling their access to resources, education, and experiences, THUS KEEPING them in a lower state of operational potential and CREATING an atmosphere of FEAR and UNCERTANTIY to assure the dominated minds adhere to the FALSE PSUEDO SUPPORT STRUCTURES and ACCEPT the PLUG and PLAY view of HUMAN existance as a mere FUNCTIONAL ELEMENT in somebody elses GRAND ARROGANT VIEW OF THEMSELVES SEPERATE and ABOVE OTHERS with the POWER over LIFE and OVER DEATH. This is at Heart the Creed of the True Dominant Oligarchy philosophy of life and purpose. It is devoid of value on a level of reality, only in the perceptions of power.

With this in mind our establishment of a government means that we as perosnal human beings have NOT ACCEPTED THE CONCEPT that to LIVE as a SOCIAL PEER in a DEMOCRATIC system we would need to participate EQUALLY in SOME EDUCATIONAL PROCESS, DISCUSSION AND IDEA GERNATION PROCESS, and FINALLY A VOTING and GROUP approval PROCESS. So what is needed more than a LEADER to THINK FOR YOU and THUS RULE YOU.

If you WISH TO BE FREE YOU NEED a responsible model of MASS EDUCATION, communication, interaction, and sharing TO TAKE PERSONAL responsibility for being a member of a DIRECT DEMOCRACTIC form of PEOPLE ORIENTED IDEA and RESPONSIBLE for POSITIVE change ORIENTED SOCIETY. Thats way beyond a government and is the responsible evolutionary step that should be persued if any form of resource sharing above threats, inuendos, and force is ever to take root on earth. We need to change the INTERACTION MODEL and THE EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MODEL.

So the key points to keep in mind and think about how they pertain to your personal goals of human experience, self expression, and participation with others in support of your life, their life, and our future potentials. With this simple GOAL we can create a structure of social communication and education, to manifest the behaviors that come from AWARE MINDS that are able to deal with resolution through education, planning, shared implementations and maintenance, and on going inovation. This to be accomplished will be possible when we use our communication systems of language to promote facts and reality and expect a discussion of issues with respect and scientific rigor to assure clearity of decisions and success of our life support requirements and our social and personal desires.

To engage in change you must engage in a changed mind that acts on its thoughts and that engagement will become dominant change if you share it openly with others to enlighten, encourange and to send a network message of hope to our fellow beings.


Informed Decisions by Educated People in Open Honest Communication is the GOAL. That
is not JUST democracy. It is the essence of positive life model for human kind. Because Oligarchy is not a life positive model.

peace, love, education, social participation and joy to all - VIIBee

Forum posts

  • You have several pertinent thoughts to share in your message, though it looks like you were an unfortunate "victim" of the education system, having not graduated with a command of written english. That can be a handicap when you’re trying to make people listen to you via this medium. I agree wholeheartedly with the call for personal responsibility. Instead of complaining about the lack of leadership in our governments, perhaps its time to become the leader instead of waiting for one to show up......someone to take care of us. Perhaps its also time for you to learn how to write english properly so your message will be more widely understood. Its a viewpoint worth sharing, though, and I thank you for doing so.

    • Do you like to HURT the disabled LIKE BUSH DOES. Does it give your pleasure to KNOCK DOWN on the blind?
      I wish I could meet you and I would have plenty to EXPRESS! As a seeing person I bet you like to put down others?
      Does it give you JOY, you idiot!

      Well I see that you are focused AGAIN as I said before not on the ACTUAL process of COMMUNICATION of IDEAS. I know that is a strech for someone like you. You more interested in the LAB PROCEEDURE SHEET labeled steps TO FOLLOW 1 to 10. Your kind likes to follow directions, rules, leaders, money motives etc... These all describe your tiny mind and other tiny insignificant vision that you have. It is tiny because it is NOT YOURS and YOUR TRUE or AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION is not being expressed thus your comments and mental focus is on some elses structure rather than on their content. This indicates an Oligarchic stance and acceptance that self humilitartion and personal degradation are the center pieces of your FORM oritented mentality where your lack of ACCEPTANCE to CREATE and DISCOVER and acknowledge your own expriences your rather IDOALIZE and PROTETHLIZE others IDEAS for them. This is esstential to being a functional mind control slave in a system which prides itself in degradation and domination as its too greatest mind control techniques.

      From this we have developed the notions of conflct, and disonance so the COMMUNCATION and GOVERNANACE process can be PROSTITUTED like a 12 year old girl on crack. For Damn good money. The true reason that the Oligarchic system is structured with Military, Propaganda, Money, Drugs, and Prostitution as it’s key features of mind, body, and child indoctrination slavery.

      It is evendent in your response since you lacked to FOCUS on the content and decidec to FOCUS on the form which is very good, although not written for book-type print but for EMPHASIS on PARAMETERIC IMPRINT control semantics which is a major reason I focused on a language in my undergraduate work especially semantics and structure. I also have work on a Masters level and have a number of other credentials, non of which should concern you. You are like all MINDLESS FOLLOWERS with NO ORIGINAL THOUGHTS of your own.

      You only ENFORCE the semantic rules of others which IMPRINTED them with FEAR on you THAT is why you came not to DISCUSS the content but you decided to FOCUS on the STRUCTURE, because responding to the content IS TO PAINFUL and HARSH for your psyche.

      Over time you have left your own feeelings and allowed others to program their HUMAN RESPONSES into you so you ARE A REACTIONARY extension of their will as the above response indicates. In science and in the interest of human progress and evolution it has become clear to me that it is FAR more important to pay attention to WHAT the CONTENT is trying to SAY or EXPRESS then it is the FORM. For Form is tought but CONTENT comes from the semantic connections and interpretations of reality in the creators mind and the focus of a discussion, comment, or suggesstion gives a clear indication that your AREA of COMFORT is not the ideas but YOU NEED to learn to focus on CONTENTand the types of IDEAS you would like to see. What is your opinion about things? If you do not have one why are you commenting on mine? What is your purpose here? Are you a paid mind control agent provectour?

      Content and FOCUS on your own IDEAS and how you think things should GO- that is MORE important then exterinal UNIFORM structure, for that can tell little about the HIDDEN GUNS in my boots - CAN it? External Judgments of Structure can tell you little, only intercourse and communications can do that?

      Intention comes from your current level of awareness and your fears. If you want to change then you need to change your awareness and your fears. - 7b

      Perhaps you could stop being discriminating against BLIND PEOPLE - jerk!

  • While you aspire to change the world into some kind of Utopian/Communal/Communist society, the unfortunate fact remains that we would not have the medical knowledge, the ability to feed the world, and to live in peace (that of course is in relative terms to human history - individuals are far more likely to survive to middle age now than in earlier times) without individuals who are willing to risk, to lead, to inspire, and for others to fulfill subordinate roles. We can’t all drive the bus. Why do you think these systems evolved? Because in order for humans to live in close proximity to each other, to cease being nomadic, they had to develop a set of guidelines to establish CIVILIZATION.
    I do think that we need to learn how to listen to our fellow citizens, to lend a helping hand rather than assuming the govt will do it. And there is no question that something has to be done about corporate greed, and saving our planet. But I am sick and tired of the self-centered complaining that some they think that got a raw deal. Life is not fair and most people get knocked flat at different times in their lives. But it just goes to show how inadequate our schools are in teaching about the world, both ancient and modern, the real stuff that informs just how bad things can be. If you get a chance just go to a public school and listen for a while. Many students are totally wrapped up in themselves, are disruptive and rude, and the teachers have little recourse. This serves as a perfect example of the society you propose, one in which every individual’s personal agenda is paramount...which means chaos.
    In America, we consider people to live in poverty who live in apartments with electricity, heating, bathrooms, air conditioning, kitchen, windows, available mass transportation, free medical care, child care, TVs, expensive shoes, vido games, cell phones, government subsidies, school libraries, food stamps, and abundant non-profit groups to fill in the gaps. It aint great, but compared to how the rest of the world lives it looks pretty good, which is exactly why people from all over the earth sacrifice everything to get to America. It has taken me 20 + years to develop my jobs (4) working for decent and honorable people, I have to pay my own health insurance, I walk to public transportation, I volunteer, I speak up, I am grateful for every day.... and I don’t whine! You make a lot of good points, but tearing down the basic structure that gives us the wherewithal to express ourselves is just self-destructive.

    • Go ahead. Live like them, in their roach infested apartments. With their crack head neighbors (thanks to the CIA).

      And the corporate profit mind controlled leaders DO NOT risk anything. They use others to take the real risks using mind control propaganda of nation state good and the paranoid pathological view of other human beings as the enemy. This is obvious in both the meter, style, and content of your inbred boo-boo brain cell. This one functioning brain cell is infested with racism and obvious character that has never actually experienced suffering, because anyone that has had a near death experience, seen someone shot and died, and lived with parents that were in the Holocast like I have could ever even conceive of a thought that I would consider even close to the reality that these events imprint on to the psyche and the trauma that they cause those on both a personal level and social level. For poverty is not just food, water, shelter, and clothing, it is mostly AS YOU OBVIOUSLY do not care about anyone but your small minded self is really about the psychological and the mental heatlth of the person in the environment in which they must live. From it is from their psyche and its effect on their families and especially their self image and those of their children. No POVERTY as you ignorantly describe it as APARTMENT living is not just about the electricity that you get to PAY for using your slave trading corporate share croping job that you get to transport yourself on the multicultural slave ship of the dirty, dangerous and disgusting subway of drug users, criminals, and others who are all herded together like disposable cattle, purchasing coroprate junk food, CIA invented crack, alchohol, and of course stylized music, clothing, and mind control culture of corporate CRAP feeding the prison industrial complex or the military industrial complex. AND YES THAT IS POVERTY. Streeeeeeeetch and use your one brain cell.... Go and try...... You can do it....

      Yes they are poor because the whire rich people have 10 million dollar birthday parties paid for by military contracts of tax payers most of which are the parents of the very children that get to DEFEND the RICH investors from other poor people just trying to live on their own land in IRAQ. And your mind control brainwashing is pretty complete. You like to banter about words that you have not personal, family or direct experiece with. So why don’t you go back to your donut?

      These systems evolved because the inbred unedcated G*D myth people thought they found g*d when they wrote their first set of lies about following their G*D. You see people that evolve things that have the historical record that this system of things has are obviously self deluded, sociopathic and mostly self involved with their own paranoid fantasies of granduer at the cost of other races, cultures, religions and systems of social interaction and education. Thats why you have a job at a desk filling out a report to your leaders commander military run establishment, because you as a good mind controlled indoctronee have too little self confidence and vision to see anything but what some else has prepared for you to FOLLOW. SO go FOLLOW it like a good slave.

      peace out and to my brothers and sisters that have a brain and can actually process information for themselves FREE MORE MINDS!

      ps. If you can’t learn to think for yourself maybe you could learn how to think first? But thats a maybe from what I read.???
      A big one. Say something ORIGINAL Or JUST SHUT up as your "great champion" of mind control has often said! you know the one.

      Oh and as far as medical knowledge goes most of it was created by educated people that could read and process information, but I fear you treading into an area that is a bit beyond your current grasp of reality.... It is obvious as most of it was DONE before we HAD MAJOR CORPORATIONS. Think about that. They still with all the DONATIONS and BREAST cancer campains can help as much as chinese medicince both much older and more effective then western medical symtomatic-only treatment medicine. And oh by the way many of the antibiotics and so called vacinnes where in some form or another STOLEN from eastern medicine anyway, but to know that you would have had to read more than learn the buttons on the remote control for your TV...
      ... I could go on and if you can learn to use GOOGLE and the internet maybe you too could learn to have BRAIN OF YOUR OWN.

      HEIRARCHY IS NOT A STRENGTH — IT IS A FUNCTION OF SOCIAL CONTROL and EXPLOITATION on a political level. It is unneeded and is IN FACT if you really think about it an EXTENSION of someones ignorance, not of a responsible use of information or an effective social education for an evolution of REALITY. Think about that...in the light of the enemy and the other mind control boogie men you believe in...