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"Whoever takes up the sword, will - at the end - perish by the sword": A play with fire

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 2 September 2008
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USA US election 2008

On the big Politshow Denver Democrats in the U.S. was unanimously Barack Obama became the first African-American presidential candidate. This ended the dispute, whether with the first woman or black the first time in accordance with the spirit of the race for the seemingly most powerful post in the world wanted to go. The New York Times dampened on 28 August the more expensive erkauften jubilation with the words, the goal is "to bring a lofty candidacy to ground level", an exuberant candidacy back on the floor.

Campaign strategists wonder how the still predominantly white voters with their latent racism and the Star Allüren Obamas in the election around. Until recently, this pale Senator, the media, as the U.S.-Mack Indians against Russia, his adopted Zbigniew Brzezinski, suddenly the charismatic heroic figure inflated. Ordinary people love it, stars to value, and the extras on the party tried with all the effort that stimulate. But trust is a star to the cart, which is only too clear in his own wallet feels from the dirt to draw?

For that such concerns are not happening the election murky, provides "America Votes, the umbrella organisation of 48 organisations for electoral support and votes Fang. "America Votes" had been preparing for election 2006 2.15 million U.S. dollars Superspekulant George Soros, the Democrats and U.S. $ 854,000 from Peter B. Lewis, one of the largest automobile insurers. 2007 were 1.25 million of the Service Employees International Union, the U.S. counterpart of the services union Verdi, and a million dollars from the Alliance for Democracy America. Overall, America Votes 2007 over seven million and 2008 U.S. $ 10 million U.S. dollars already spent. It remains unclear exactly where this money flow. Until now only the Vorgeplänkel the actual opinion Make The start will begin but also in the U.S. more expensive, if they stick to the sobering experience of the electorate breaks.

There are primarily economic experience, more and more Americans force the belt to pull close, although the plants are always pointed, they manufacture and sell what they need. This contradiction is rooted in the money system, especially in the unnecessary debt of the State in high finance. Only the interest on these will lead to calculations that the 2013 Americans already 65% income tax would have to pay if they are the same as today deserve. With such problems is the financial elite at the annual meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Your topic "Maintaining stability in a changing financial system" (stability in a changing financial system is maintained) expresses the general concern, that the money system, as it currently exists, can hardly hold. How can it but "maintained"? Answers heard from what the media of the meeting reported. It would be the "master teacher, I know what" intellectuals only the usual empty, business-straw threshing.

From the history we know that the "system" of high finance, if it is to its end, always the only way could save that it is Aufschuldungs new territories conquered - and it always came back to his end, which is always at the end the "long waves" of the world economy, the Kondratieff cycles. That happened most recently in two world wars and a Cold War. It was always Stupid, which were prepared to sacrifice their blood, and then the U.S. Army missing the rest worried. With seemingly peaceful but hardly less bloody means - the (pseudo) democratic and (quasi) terrorist People’s Liberation movements - they had during the Cold War, the so-called Third World and was subject to much concern in Mackinders "eurasisches nuclear country" responsible for. Now is that enough to support their Verschuldungsorgien to the value of their papers no longer enough. Now the rest of the world, before the owners of high finance to aufspielen ruled the world and human society and the number of people permitted to regulate their ideas selbstherrlich. For this purpose, it does not matter who the White House sits on the throne, because everyone who ever sat there, were the latest since the beginning of the 19th Century, Wall Street and the City decide for themselves. So why even the whole Wahlkrampf?

This makes the "sharp critique" understandable, Joe Biden, Obamas candidate for the post of Vice-President, the party in Denver with almost the same words of Bush criticized Russia practiced. Because it involves an election campaign went, he threw the Republicans, they would have admitted that "Russia, India and China as great powers have emerged". "For several days," Biden sounded "we can the consequences of this neglect observed by Russia free and democratic Georgia challenged. We will demand that Russia is responsible for his actions. And we will help the Georgian people to help in reconstruction". So - after Reuters from Denver - "Obamas clever politician, the United States in a new direction and the Iraq war will herausführen". His allegation refers to the official Defence Policy Guidance of the U.S. (Verteidigungspoltik guidelines, DPG) by 1992, in which it stated: "Our task is to prevent us on the territory of the former Soviet Union, or wherever again creates a new rival , Such a threat as the former Soviet Union could. This is the main ü berlegung the new regional defence doctrine is based. It requires us to any hostile power from contaminating a region want to dominate, their resources for their Status of a world power would help. Eligible regions such as Western Europe, East Asia, the territory of the former Soviet Union and Southwest Asia ". Because it says what they say, by trying to influence the appropriate nachsowjetische based on Russia economically. That was implemented under the Noise Yeltsin ball with the appropriate consequences for the Russian population. Criminals "oligarchs", as Berezovsky and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, had the task of Russian raw materials, especially oil and natural gas, to the high finance to sell.

At the request because of the cracks in their system churning high finance "condemned the foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States and Britain the actions of one of the G8 participants" in their declaration, adopted on 27 August evening by the U.S. State Department was published: "The recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by Russia violated the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia and is in contradiction to the commitments of Russia supported resolutions of the UN Security Council". From the west with help of Georgia prepared to attack South Ossetia and the massacres took place there is, of course, so little talk, as the same "breach of international law" in the recognition of Kosovo in February 2008 by the same figures. This, the German Chancellor, as a late "Fräulein" from the GDR, still a going on 26 and declared August in Tallin, it was "absolutely unacceptable" that Moscow the secession of the Georgian republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia acknowledge and announced consequences for the European-Russian relations, because it would "not simple, more so ’." That went to their foreign ministers in the way, still on 23 August in the Rheinische Post asked: "There must be (...) no new Cold War."

Merkel and their attendant circles in the CDU are with this "remarkable undiplomatischen" action against the interests of Germany and also Europe, because "we must certainly not against Russia define, but with Russia", had even the longtime chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Horst Teltschik (CDU) is still in the Wirtschaftswoche, 25.08.2008. "The heraufdräuende political crisis, the economy could ungelegen", it noted in the magazine under the title "The new ice age", and probably not need extra shows to be quite as Russia could help to market its raw materials only against ruble for sale. Dealing with the Russian objections to the separation of Kosovo, the attack on South Ossetia and the contract for stationing U.S. missiles in Poland are clearly not only against Russia but also enable Europe back to the battlefield of the "last battle" of high finance to Preservation of their money system will be. Stupid Volunteers are not only in Georgia, Ukraine and the Baltic States and Poland are promoted. Mrs Merkel, by Forbes as "the most powerful woman in the world" gebauchpinselt, and German troops.

On war intentions Several facts. The well-planned attack was only Georgia failed, because the Israeli and U.S. high-tech drones failed the exit from the Roki tunnel through the Caucasus - as planned - to blow. Only thus could Georgia Russian tanks fast enough to hintern in South Ossetia to create a fait accompli, and after a U.S. model puppets government approved them. Furthermore, apparently the Georgian Defence Minister Khazasvili, actually Israeli citizen, with about 1,000 Israeli military advisers and several hundred U.S. military advisers to Georgia has been delegated to how U.S. Vice President Cheney on 27, according Focus.online August said, "the young Georgian democracy" in their "peace mission for the small countries". And then there’s the form of relief efforts for the West Georgia:

"Warships usually bring no relief. It is gunboat diplomacy" said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on 27 August to the last point. The White House called the insinuation "absurd". "I can assure you that it is solely for humanitarian supplies to Georgia, and to nothing else," said a U.S. government spokesman on the same day on the ranch of U.S. President. But who wants a U.S. government after all the experiences since the bombing of the battle ship Maine in Havana harbor as a pretext for the US-Spanish war of 1898, the Tonking affair and after all the illusions of its own people on the economic situation still believe ?

A war ship is nearly 70 tonnes of additional payload include, but are transported by a single aircraft type Lockheed C-5 up to 131 tons - and that much faster. The U.S. destroyer McFaul is usually with 50 Tomahawk missiles equipped, the ground targets with nuclear warheads. The Coast Guard Cutter Dallas had until 11 August advertising with the USS Dallas photograph, a nuclear submarine of the Los-Angeles-class, for covert operations had been rebuilt. Maybe tummelt to Dallas in the wake of such a submarine at the port of the Russian Black Sea fleet for such "covert operations".

George Friedman, the strategic analyst of Stratfor, allows in some very taken no articles to be uncertain if he (without reference to the aforementioned DPG) warns: "I believe Russia is trying a new reality on the former USSR territory to create . On the mainland United States can hardly oppose this attempt. You can Russia but at sea blockade. The Baltic Sea, the Japanese and the Black Sea - the U.S. can do it. The price for Georgia is higher than Russia can [...] If the assessment of U.S. options are wrong. " The reverse could also be the case. In any case, Russia is now at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation reinsured and support. And what nation is likely to remain if they are not a puppet government, the United States in this case want to support? A new sound, not on debt based monetary system, or World War II, tertium non datur! You will have to decide.

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