Home > Why Do Americans Hate Muslims?

Why Do Americans Hate Muslims?

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 26 May 2005

Wars and conflicts International Prison Religions-Beliefs USA


Why Do Americans Hate Muslims?
Reem Al-Faisal, Arab News
May 26, 2005

A few weeks ago an American I met at a friends house asked a much repeated query, “Why do you the Muslims hate the Americans?” To which I answered in the same way as all the preceding instances in which this question was posed to me: “We don’t hate the Americans, we might disagree with a certain US policy and dislike recent American actions in the Muslim world but we surely don’t hate the American people.”

The American who interrogated me was clearly not convinced with my answer and secretly I wasn’t either. The truth is that at present the Muslims hate America and now, they hate not only its policymakers but most of the American people since they have proven recently without a shadow of doubt that they agree with their elite by voting back into office, by a comfortable majority, the Bush administration inspite of it’s obvious record of lies and abuse of power. The Americans can never claim from now on that they didn’t know that there where no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They can’t claim that they didn’t know torture wasn’t widespread in American prisons, from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib, and the thousands of other secret detention centers. They surely can’t claim not to know of this entire episode in which thousands have lost their lives and much more have seen their homes and lands destroyed as a result of the American military and its leaders who don’t hesitate in using the massive destructive power of the US on defenseless civilians.

My American friend was right, we do hate them now, but he never asked himself the question “Why?” Why should a people living on the other side of the planet feel any sort of emotion toward the Americans, be it hate or love? Does anyone ever ask if the Muslims hate the Chileans or love the Chinese or dislike the Uruguayans? No, we are forever asked to express some sort of intense emotion toward the Americans. So, I have to admit finally, after decades of relations with the US, that they have convinced us that we should feel something and that our feelings have been boiled down today to pure hate. And why not? What have we as a people seen from the US in the past half century but an absence of respect for Muslim life, culture or religion, contempt and disregard for our rights and finally murder and torture from Afghanistan to Iraq.

The US has further driven us to dislike America with its blind support for a colonialist power such as Israel, in fact the only one left in the region. Whenever we have tried in the past to help alleviate the plight of the Palestinians we only got vetoed by the US at the UN Security Council followed by the free flow of arms and money to kill our fellow compatriots from Palestine to Lebanon. And whenever we Arabs try to get arms to defend ourselves against one of the strongest armies in the world, which has never hesitated in using its destructive power with impunity against us, we are blocked by America from acquiring the means by which we could defend ourselves.

We have watched America attack us, destroy us, impose embargoes against our nations and then conquer our lands, imprison our people and generally deal with us as though we are savage animals whereby every single law be it international or even American is totally disregarded when it concerns the rights of Arab and Muslim individuals. Then they ask us why we hate them? Tell me why do you hate us? What terrible crime have the Muslims committed against you in the past to deserve your interminable enmity? What have we done to see you rampage through our lands destroying and killing, then claiming obscenely that it was worth it for the sake of liberty and democracy?

Is it worth it for the million and a half Iraqis murdered in the embargo or the thousands of Afghans killed by your ever so “smart” bombs? Or should we ask the Iraqis of today, whom you’ve killed by the thousands? Was all this death and destruction worth it for them? Did you ever bother to ask their opinion before you played God with the lives and destinies of this nation?

Finally, you take aim at our religion by humiliating our beliefs. You abuse our book, use our convictions to torture us and degrade us, disregarding your own laws and religion which is as noble as ours and to which torture and humiliation is anathema.

What were you thinking when you threw the Qur’an in the toilet or when you used religion as a means of torture? I fail to see the efficacy of such actions in the so-called war on terror. These methods only point to a deep sickness in your society to which it will take decades for us and the rest of the world to understand its cause and to measure its destructive results. No, the question which someday will have to be answered is why, why do you the Americans hate us the Muslims so much?

Forum posts

  • i am not a Muslim, but i wear white clothers and cover my hair ... i have not been able to get employed ... i have been spit upon and yelled at ... "rag head" ... etc.

    americans do hate that is for sure, but they hate so many things and so many people it is hard to put your finger on what exactly it is ... they always have their "token" person of each of the hated groups ... but the hate for all the unknown ones continues besides the excepted person.

    i grew up on military bases in america, and i was always afraid of the young soldiers ... they have always in my experience been full of hate ... the more conservative the more hateful ... to this day i am uncomfortable with the close cut haircut on men. ... bad memory ... if they look like that they are full of hate

    i chose to be the oposite to stay clear of them and work hard not to hate .... doesn’t mean i like everybody, but i will not be blinded by hate.

    the points you make are important for americans to hear ... thanks

  • Lots of Americans hate other Americans! This Administration is fostering hate and division as a nation divided can not be strong enough to rise up against them!

  • Why do Americans Hate Muslims? Because you bastards attacked and killed more than 3000 people in the US in one day and are planning to kill more Americans.

    • We don’t hate Muslims. I don’t

      The problem our government and media always represent you as the bad guy. So someone that spends most of their life watching TV, and movies, American news services, etc tends to believe the lies, so there for hates.

      Where as those Americans that watch little TV and movies, actually travel outside of the borders and intermingle with natives of different countries, read alternative news sources because we have seen the lies first hand, etc. We take each individual as they come along so we don’t believe the lies that are aimed at Muslims, Arabs, French, etc. We also know that a government does not represent it’s people and so don’t base judgement on that neither.

      So many are ignorant and know it not, but have bought a delusion.

    • "Why do Americans Hate Muslims? Because you bastards attacked and killed more than 3000 people in the US in one day and are planning to kill more Americans."

      Note the terrorists never seem to attack Switzerland or Sweden. You never hear about Canadian embassies or Swiss embassies being bombed. Perhaps it is something these countries do, or don’t do (i.e. involvement and support of the criminal behavior of the Israeli government) that causes them to be ignored while we are targeted.

    • Also note the amount of Americans that live abroad that lose their accents (even in allie countries) real quick. Think that might have something to do with our governments polocies around the world???? and how they meddle in EVERYONES business????????? I’ve seen it up close and personal with Bush SR, Clinton, and JR. They do a lot that you know not.

    • If we meddle in EVERYONE’S business then how come all the terrorists are Arabs? How come they aren’t French or English or Korean or Filipino or Latin American? Americans will hate Arabs for a long, long, long time.

    • We have also supported the criminal behavior of Saudi and Egyptian governments, so why didn’t that help us? As for the Israeli government, just face it. Muslims are losers when it comes to the Israelis. They fought better than the muslims and that’s why they’re still there.

    • The ’criminal’governments that have been supported have supplied oil and other natural resources to keep the american consumer happy.

      Israel has a state of the art arsenal supplied by US taxpayers with hundreds of nuclear missiles.

      Back to the original question -Muslims have been demonised by the corporate media to demonise and lessen them as human beings in order to justify the neocons middle east slaughter and robbery. Just as Muhammed Ali in refusing the draft called the Vietnamese, Muslims are the new niggers.

    • In 1955, one of these "false flag" operations was publicly exposed for the world to see. Israeli agents, impersonating Arab terrorists, were caught staging a series of bombings against American installations in Egypt. The long since forgotten scandal became known as "the Lavon Affair".

      Mossad and Zionist are in our government (think of the amount of spies associated with AIPAC that are given government jobs and dual national Senators, congressmen, and cabinet members) are fueling this hate, not to be confused with Israeli’s or Jews because they too are being targeted that don’t go along with the lies, racism, and hate.

    • Well, Tim McVey killed Americans but there was not the same reaction [that is White on White hate]. No one got up and said that other Whites were planning on killing other Whites. No one called for a Homeland Security Department.

      Your logic does not hold justified true belief. You are a True American (tm).

  • The following is a copy of a comment from "The 9/11 Terrorists Were Mostly Saudi. Suicide Bombers In Iraq Are Saudi. And We’re Allies?" article=6126:

    Those wonderful people who tried to terrorize the entire world—and made all the little girlie-Bushies shit their pants—with "IRAQ HAS WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" are the same people who brought us "THE 9/11 TERRORISTS WERE MOSTLY SAUDI" and "OSAMA BIN LADEN DID IT!" The official Government li(n)es have always been insulting to anyone with any hint of being able to think for themselves. The following should strike fear in the hearts of every right-wing radical girlie-Bush for the rest of their lives.........because all the world knows, except for the dumb and dumber Americans, that 9/11 was perpetrated by the present American Government:

    A caveman from the other side of the world penetrated the greatest strategic military and intelligence defenses the world has ever known and slaughtered more than 3,000 people on our own soil with only 20 recruits!


    If that’s true, then we’re all in big trouble, people, and in order to survive, we must get rid of present failed leadership, eliminate the lies and liars-the traitors-among us and help our patriots kill the caveman, and elect wise and brave and truthful patriots to lead us.

    If that’s not true, then we’re all in BIG trouble, people, and in order to survive, we must get rid of present failed leadership, expose and kill the leadership that killed our 3,000 people and eliminate the lies and liars-the traitors-among us, and elect wise and brave and truthful patriots to lead us.

    If a caveman from the other side of the world penetrated the greatest strategic military and intelligence defenses the world has ever known and slaughtered more than 3,000 people on our own soil with only 20 recruits, imagine what a modern foreign military force of 2 million recruits would do: With present failed leadership, a modern foreign military force of 2 million recruits would wipe out our entire American population of 300 million!

    A once revered and honored war leader assured us long ago, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself,” so present failed leadership prioritized, categorized and colorized all our fears for us - but how do we know who and what to fear the most first? Should it be:

    A caveman from the other side of the world who penetrated the greatest strategic military and intelligence defenses the world has ever known and slaughtered more than 3,000 people on our own soil with only 20 recruits?-OR the modern foreign military force of 2 million recruits that would wipe out our entire American population of 300 million?-OR present failed leadership that allowed a caveman from the other side of the world to penetrate the greatest strategic military and intelligence defenses the world has ever known and slaughter more than 3,000 people on our own soil with only 20 recruits.

    Wake up and wise up, people!
    Stop believing lies and liars!
    Stop fearing those who fear us!
    Stop honoring cowards who dishonor us!
    Stop defending leaders who fail to defend us!
    Stop excusing failures of present failed leadership!
    Stop enabling hypocrites who worship only mammon!

    When the sentry at his post falls asleep and his squad or platoon are attacked, then if that sentry survives the attack, the sentry is subject to court martial and a firing squad for falling asleep while on duty. No matter how the story is told, George ’Doh’bya Bush was either asleep at his post on 911 or he aided and abetted the most heinous crime in American History. Either way, this creature should be brought to Justice! There are millions in America who would willingly be a part of the firing squad for the sentry in the White House who either fell asleep at his post or committed the worst kinds of treachery. Then we would go on down the chain of command until someone would be willing to accept responsibility without snickering.


    For all those girlie-Bush Arab-haters out there, be sure to obey the entire Gospel according to Georgie ’Doh’bya Bush, Dickie ’Go Fuck Yourself’ Cheney, Donnie ’Know-It-All Except Abu-Ghraib’ Rumsfeld, Candy ’Me So Yummy Horny’ Rice, Annie ’The Bitch is Back’ Coulter, Rushie ’Pills’ Limbaugh and Billie ’Shut Up!’ O’Reilly - and especially Sinner Matthew, Chapter 5, Verses 7 and 9 included below:

    "CHAPTER 5

    "1 And deceiving the multitudes, he went up into Washington, D.C. : and when he was set, his disciples came unto him :
    "2 And he closed their minds, and taught them, saying,
    "3 "Damned are the poor in spirit : for theirs is the kingdom of hell.
    "4 "Damned are they that mourn : for they shall be disconsolate.
    "5 "Damned are the meek : for they shall inherit nothing.
    "6 "Damned are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for they shall starve.
    "7 "Damned are the merciful : for they shall obtain no mercy.
    "8 "Damned are the pure in heart : for they shall see Satan.
    "9 "Damned are the peacemakers : for they shall be called the children of Satan.""

    While you girlie-Bushies conduct your lives according to the Gospel According to Bush, the liberals and Christians of this Country will abide by the Word of Jesus Christ given in the Sermon on The Mount, and as written in The Holy Bible in the Book of Matthew.

    Y’all have a good day, now; y’heah!

    • Um, wow.

      I wish I could think of something to dispute any of that, but I can’t.

      As an (almost) lifelong fundamentalist, I have to say that I have been
      told from my youth that Muslims are hell-bent (pardon the expression)
      on wiping out all "infidels". We are savages and heretics to them, or at
      least that what I was led to believe. With the advent of the internet and
      instant messaging, however, I was relieved and delighted to find many
      Arab and Muslim people online more than willing to chat, share, and even
      become friends. It’s Bush they can’t stand, and the fact we re-elected him
      leads them to believe we’re happy with what he’s doing. I think we were
      afraid that Kerry, if he were elected, would really screw things up, so at least
      let Bush finish what he started. Probably a bad call, we’ll never know.
      I just hope that the rest of the world knows that there are those of us
      here in the states (I’m in Oklahoma, actually), who are not afraid of everyone
      who wears different clothes, has a different skin color, or reads a different
      "Bible", for lack of a better term. No offense to the Qu’ran. Bush has
      repeatedly catored to those of us who hate, while stopping short of race, at least,
      race as far as Hispanics and African Americans goes. His insistance on
      legislating who we can marry tells me he is in the back pocket of all the
      wrong people. Whenever someone tells me the gays are going to destroy America I chuckle,
      (I’m not gay, by the way, happily married with children), because I can’t for the life of me
      figure out exactly how they’re going to do that. It’s ludicrous.

      Anyway, while I would stop short of hurling names and expletives myself, I do agree with
      the spirit of the above post. We’ve allowed ourselves to be represented by the wrong
      people, and now we’re paying for it.

      I never, ever thought I’d wish Clinton was still in office.

    • Because we know our history.

      If you are Greek, Ruassia, Serb, Romanian, Bulgarian, Armenian and dozens of other nations which had to deal with the spread of Islam, which like AIDS, overpowers and takes over the host until there is nothing left.
      The sheer barbarity that islam allows its followers towards the infidels or even the dhimmi people (the subservient) which they rule over is enough for people of those backgrounds.

      Whether it is the takevover of Constantinople which was THE seat of power of christian churches and is now Istanbul or ANY other race that has had to deal with Islam, the result has almost always resulted in Islam takeover and cruel domination.
      Of course, most islamis apologists tell you about the pretty folk stories in the koran, never about the dhimmi people.

      Ask any nation that has had to deal with Islam and NEVER forget.

      This by the way has nothing to do with 911, which has no real bearing on this discussion apart to show how informed someone is (the famous "they hate us because of our freedoms"). The US uses muslim radicals when it suits them. Osama was an american (democrat Carter) creation to fight a common enemy. He was useful in the nineties in Bosnia and Kosovo because back then the muslims were our friends. Bin Laden and tens of thousands of his men were helping out the american balkan mission while Hillary was collecting korans in Saudi Arabia and even the sham of a 9-11 report clearly shows that the majority of the ’planners’ of 9-11, or scapegoats it thats wahty you believe, where very active in Bosnia.
      The 9-11 terrrorists were useful for the US in Bosnia, not so much in 2001 yet no one like say John Kerry was ever asked about the democrats role with the Bosnian use of thousands of nice and friendly head chopping fanatics.

      Like scientology, masons and mormons, islamists conveniently omit to mention chapters which they dont want. An islamist will tell you that minorities live nicely under islam to which i say Bullshit.

      As well, the massacre, mutilation and rape of hundreds of russian children last year in that school is something that under islam is acceptable. Never towards another believer of course, but acceptable towards a non-believer just as was the creation of jannisaries troops in centuries past, where submitted people would have their male boys regularly kidnapped and turned into soldiers so as to discourage the dhimmi dogs.

      Count Vlad Tepes (on which Dravula was loosely based) who was famous for crucifying his turkish foes learnt that as a child when he was taken prisoner. That charming habit was a popular sport in the ottoman empire.

      You want to convince someone that islam is great for muslims, fine that’s your right. just as drinking lighter fluid and pissing fire is your business and your right but DO NOT try to convince non-islamists that the islamic religion and a muslim society is somehting non-mulsims shouldnt fear.
      That is a LIE.

      If I can say the pope is a dick, I can sure as hell say that muslims are brainwashed sheep and jews believe fairy tales about 100 year old foreskins, 900 year old dudes and all teh other scif-stories.

      You people get way too uptight about religion, which has been holding backmankind.
      You can say its racits, you can say its xenophobe, thats your opinion. Mine is that people who believe in Santa Claus, the bogeyman or L. Ron Hubbard and Xenu and all this BS are twits who cant deal with life and need someone to hold their hand to make them feel safe.

      Whether you are a mason who goes through all those idiotic rites all the way to Mollochor a Raelian, its the same thing: you need to get a life and think for yourself.

      Free your mind.


    • Americans hate Muslims because we are taught to. We need someone to hate and these people are perfect, they dress funny, they aren’t of the right religion, and we want their resources even if we have to take it by force. We feel entitled to them even if we have to nuke them for it. In the mean time, we forget that we can buy their resources which are for sell, and it would probably cost us one tenth as much as the wars we have to create to steal them. The down side of course is that corporations like Halliburton and KBR and Carlyle, etc., would not be able to become fabulously wealthy from our tax dollars being squandered right into their bank accounts off shore where they will not have to account for them or pay any taxes back into the system. What a good deal for Bush’s cronies, what a bad deal for Americans and their pockets.

    • You surely do not know your history as you indicated. Was it Muslims who murdered and stole the lands of the indigenious people of the Americas, murdered 6 million Jews, dropped nuclear bombs on innocent civilians (hiroshima and nagasaki), the Inquisition, the Cursades, the enslavement and murder of African people? and the list goes on with the Iraqi people being the latest victims, where over a 100,000 (from the war) have died.

  • Why do Americans hate Muslims? Now that’s an easy one. Because we have been brainwashed and conditioned to hate as a result of the way Muslims have been portrayed in the Zionist Media for decades. Duh.

  • Bush WAS NOT elected by a "clear majority".
    At least give us a little credit for that.

  • Yes, some Americans hate Muslims. But I don’t, and no one I know does.

    Bush did not win by a comfortable majority. Both his first and second elections certainly had instances where their legality was in question. Many of us don’t even think that Bush really won the first election.

    I’m a liberal. Most of us are literally banging our heads against the wall with each new story about what our government is doing both overseas, and locally. We do not condone the flushing of the Koran, or the war in Iraq. To this day, we haven’t been given a straight answer as to why the war started, anyway.

    Many of us grieve for the violence that Iraqi civilians have experienced. Their blood is on our hands, and we resent our government for making it so. We’re appalled.

    We too are disliked in our own country. We’re labeled traitors for opposing the war and promoting peace. We’re called "unamerican" for questioning our government’s motives. And we are hated for advocating a more tolerant foreign policy.

    Those of us who are not Christian (myself included), feel increasingly marginalized and alienated. Many of us are genuinely frightened about what our government may do next. We watch in horror as our own civil liberties are stripped, one by one.

    My wish is for Muslims around the world to understand that not every American thinks like Bush. Millions of us harbor no animosity to Muslims, and we’re just as angry at the government as they are. My wish is that Muslims can somehow see that not all of us are as crazy as we seem.

    Please - hate our government, hate our foreign policy, but don’t hate us. We don’t hate you.

  • I don’t hate most Muslims, infact my best friend in high school was Muslim.

    What I do hate are Muslims who use their religion as an excuse to kill other people who are not of their religion. What I do hate are the car bombs exploding daily killing innocent Iraqis? What I do hate is the bombing of the twin towers which killed 3000 people of many faiths including Islam. What I do hate are people like Zarqawi who cannot bear to see a stabilized Iraq, stabilized middle east region or peace between the Israelis and Palestinians because then they will have nothing left to fight for and no excuse to reign terror on the innocent.

    Zarqawi and others that follow him better start preparing for changes in the middle east - a new stabilized middle east is coming and Zarqawi will be getting a job at a Baghdad Mcdonalds in the near future. This stability may not happen overnight, but the people want it and it will come.

    Yo Zarqawi, Can I Super Size that?

  • I am an American and i do not hate any one group of people. I do agree that the US GOVERNMENT SUCKS and is responsible for not only much of the misery abroad but for the misery here as well. They tell us we are in a war against terror and that we were attacked by terrorist because the terrorist hate our freedom. Then the government passes the patriot act and other such intrusive policies which deprive its own people of their freedoms and their rights. I fear the government here more than i fear any terrorist group abroad. As far as elections here are concerned, they are a sham. It dose not matter who is elected as president here, nothing will ever change. Those elected do not act on the behalf of the American people as whole, but instead act on behalf of an elite group of American and European families and business concerns. We are all trapped here with this corrupt government running a muck, doing as it pleases, killing in the name of the American people and now taking our rights away a little bit at a time. The sad thing is, that in the end it is all over money. My fellow American people are either too stupid to see the reality of the situation or they are just in denial of it.

  • The reason you hate America and the west is because we are a symbol of what the Muslim world will never be- properous, clean, and democratic.

    Muslim nations define their existence through tyranny, poverty, and self-mutilation. I’m so sick of Muslims’ inferiority complexes.

    We are the United States of America, the most powerful nation that has ever existed in terms of economic, dimplomatic, and military power.

    If we trample on a couple of Muslim brats on route to our goals, then so be it.

    By the way, a lot of this could have been avoided if you folks could reign in the hyper-radical freaks that give people like George Bush the ammunition he needs to fight his "war on terror."

    Remember.... 9/11?