Home > Why abolish the Federal Reserve?

Why abolish the Federal Reserve?

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 19 November 2008
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Economy-budget USA

Why abolish the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional private institution (see U.S. Constitution, Section 8, Clause 5) that drains the wealth of the American people through the inflationary process.

We aim to take the mystery and intimidation out of learning basic economics, so the American people are no longer at the mercy of the Federal Reserve. Every day that passes we are one day closer to economic collapse.

The time to educate is NOW!

Despite silence on the topic by the “mainstream” Presidential candidates (with the exception of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Dennis Kucinich), every day it becomes more and more apparent that the number one issue in our country is the economy and the falling dollar. Who is to blame for this? Who is printing all the money that drives down the value of our dollar? Who controls the interest rates upon which the fate of our banks, credit cards, loans, mortgages, and lives depend? Are these guys elected by the people? How are they held accountable for their actions? Who is gaining from their inflationary policies? How long has this been going on? These are very important questions to ask yourself.

One needn’t be an economist to understand: the Federal Reserve is neither federal, nor do they have any reserves. Our dollars are no longer backed by gold or silver. It is a “fiat” currency, and every economy that has used fiat currency in the past has ultimately collapsed.

We interact with money every day of our lives. Understanding the American financial system is KEY to gaining true freedom and prosperity.


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